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Visa Questions

Re: BE or EG ?

BE or EG ?
13.03.07 14:32
Hello all,
Today i have extended my visa and this time i got the work permit something new(BE or EG don't know) compared to last time. I would like to know more details about the work permit which is written in my passport. Here is the written sentence.
"Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis berechtigt zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit."
Here is the old one
"Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis ist nur gültig zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung als XXX an XZY gem § 5 Nr 2 BerschV."

1. Could anyone pls explain me what are the advantages i have from the new work permit ?.
2. Is this BE or EG ?.

By the way here are my status. I have studied 3 yrs and working since 2.5 yrs.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: BE or EG ?
14.03.07 17:37 als Antwort auf Viswanathan Venkatachalam.
Never heard about a statement like the one you got but in my understanding it has a meaning of BE since you have no restrictions on 'Erwerbstätigkeit' directly mentioned. You probably fulfilled the §9 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 - four years of staying in Germany with your education time counted in half: 2.5 + 3/2 = 4 plus your visa was extended. I was under impression that usually you are supposed to claim BE and place a written request but in this case the clerk might have granted BE for you without your request. Things like that happen sometimes - my friend got NE after receiving 2 years contract extension after 4 years of work since the clerk decided that my friend will come for that in a year anyway so he suggested that my friend places a request for NE right after 4 years instead of getting a 2 years visa extension - not a common behavior but may happen.
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Re: BE or EG ?
14.03.07 18:26 als Antwort auf Viswanathan Venkatachalam.
Thanks for ur input. Actually beamterin was asked me to filled up a separate form this time(antrag des arbeitserlaubnis). In that i and my arbeitgeber were filled up with necessary details and given back to ABH. Then beamterin was told me that she has to send this form to arbeitsamt. After 2 weeks ABH got letter from arbeitsamt and then ABH called me to get the work permit which i have right now.
Yes it was confused me too whether this states BE or EG.
Any more thoughts would be appreciated.

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Re: BE or EG ?
14.03.07 19:31 als Antwort auf Viswanathan Venkatachalam.
It is EG but it is not a huge difference if you dont plan to start your own business. With EG you can also start your own business or work as freelancer. That is the only difference to BE.


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Re: BE or EG ?
15.03.07 10:35 als Antwort auf Viswanathan Venkatachalam.
Thanks lacrima,

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