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Green card Vs Workpermit

Green card Vs Workpermit
04.02.04 16:35
Hello all GCs,
I am new to this forum and germany. I am working here and i am not sure whether i am having a workpermit or greencard. My brutto is more than 60K and i have my aufenthalstitel and arbeiterlaubnis. My company is also not sure, as i am the first foreigner to work with them. Can anyone help me how to differentiate greencard and work permit ?

Tks, cheers
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Re: Green card Vs Workpermit
04.02.04 16:39 als Antwort auf Desmond Yong.
Just to add the above, my aufenthalstitel is for 4.5 years, until 31st july 2008. It is not for five years!!!

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Re: Green card Vs Workpermit
04.02.04 17:39 als Antwort auf Desmond Yong.

If your passport has the entry for IT-FachCraft or you are working in IT related area, then you can certainly assume that you are a Green cardler.

There is also a possibility of the same being mentioned somewhere in your arbeitserlaubnis about you being the green card employee. You are also well above the IT salary for GC limit, so no issues.

Rest, other people from forum would put more brighter view on this topic i guess. I hope this helps.

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Re: Green card Vs Workpermit
04.02.04 18:39 als Antwort auf Desmond Yong.
Green Card ist just a procedure to allow foreigners to come to Germany to work at IT branch without going through much beurocracy. You can determine whether you are Green card holder are:

1. By your Visa (if stated something like you can only work at ...IT line)
2. Normal working permit; you have to renew your resident permit per year
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Re: Green card Vs Workpermit - finish
05.02.04 13:41 als Antwort auf Desmond Yong.
Hello all GCs,
Thanks very much for the immediate replies.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Green card Vs Workpermit
06.02.04 17:35 als Antwort auf Desmond Yong.
Does any one know what are the legal paper work to be done if a Greencard visa holder wants to work as a Freelancer.
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Re: Green card Vs Workpermit
05.06.04 16:46 als Antwort auf Desmond Yong.
No, you cannot work as freelancer if u have green card.
I have the same problem.
To work as a freelance u must get EU open workpermit.
I don't know how to get this.

?Does any one know what are the legal paper work to be done if a Greencard visa holder wants to work as a Freelancer.
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Re: Green card Vs Workpermit
07.06.04 00:28 als Antwort auf Desmond Yong.
"No, you cannot work as freelancer if u have green card.
I have the same problem."

100% "no" if it is mentioned in your residence permit that you can not work as a freelancer. otherwise it may be possible to start and win a legal dispute, if a local employment office makes a mistake and arguments a refusal wrongly (hint: they should say that they do not have to issue a subsequent work permit accordingly to §6 Abs.3 IT-ArGV at all, therefore due to a situation on a labour market decided not to, then there is no chance; but if they say that GC can not work as a freelancer ... emoticon )

"?Does any one know what are the legal paper work to be done if a Greencard visa holder wants to work as a Freelancer."

As i said it depends whether a work as a freelancer is explicitly prohibited to you by corresponding remarks in your residence permit. if it is (and in most cases it is, excluding i guess only in Rheinland-Pfalz) then you have to change your residence permit firstly on a "business"-type residence permit. this will involve a long process of gathering approving papers from local IHK (industry and commerce chamber), from credit institutes, etc., and will result in your inability to work as a normal employee once your residence permit is changed.
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Re: Green card Vs Workpermit
03.07.04 19:06 als Antwort auf Desmond Yong.

Just want to know one specific rule in Germany.

I am planning to move to sweden and already have the residence permit for sweden. I applied for the same in Swedish Consulate in Germany.

If I terminate the lease agreement in germany do I loose the residence permit in germany.

Can anyone of you please clarify or can let me know from where I will get the answer.

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Re: Green card Vs Workpermit
03.07.04 21:04 als Antwort auf Desmond Yong.

If you do not want to loose your residence permit in Germany because you intend to leave Germany temporarily for a period longer than 6 month you must get a permission from the Ausländerbehörde.


Gesetz über die Einreise und den Aufenthalt von Ausländern im Bundesgebiet (Ausländergesetz - AuslG)
Vom 9. Juli 1990 (BGBl. I S. 1354) zuletzt geändert durch Gesetz vom 09.01.2002
(BGBl. I S. 361 - Terrorismusbekämpfungsgesetz)

§ 44 Beendigung der Rechtmäßigkeit des Aufenthalts, Fortgeltung von Beschränkungen

(1) Die Aufenthaltsgenehmigung erlischt außer in den Fällen des Ablaufs ihrer Geltungsdauer, des Widerrufs und des Eintritts einer auflösenden Bedingung, wenn der Ausländer

1. ausgewiesen wird,
2. aus einem seiner Natur nach nicht vorübergehenden Grunde ausreist,
3. ausgereist und nicht innerhalb von sechs Monaten oder einer von der Ausländerbehörde bestimmten längeren Frist wieder eingereist ist;

ein für mehrere Einreisen oder mit einer Geltungsdauer von mehr als drei Monaten erteiltes Visum erlischt nicht nach den Nummern 2 und 3.

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