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DObar dan Balkanci

DObar dan Balkanci
15.10.04 17:03
Pozdrav svima,

Mene zanima da li i koliko se nase diplome sa ovih balkanskih prostora priznaju u D s obzirom da svi koji ste zavrsili fakultete(tehnicke) na balkanu znate msa kolikom koicinom matematika nas zatrpaju
kako se mi ( mislim balkanci ) sa svojim znanjem mozemo uklopiti u tehnicke tokove gore
Licno mislim da ovoliko matematike na faxu imaju jos samo u rusiji
pa mene zanima dali to ima neke koristi
da li je moguce verificirati nase diplome i koji je nacin ako je moguće da se to uradi
Ja imam neke , doduše nepouzdane informacije da i nije sve tako gadno i da mi sa ovim svojim znanjem se uglavnom u vecini slucajeva dobro snalazimo ....da li sam u pravu ????

Pozdrav ako imate slicnih iskustava volio bi da ih cujem ako imate vremena da tipkate
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DObar dan Balkanci
15.10.04 17:17 als Antwort auf Elvir Kuric.
Mada ima masu zemalja kojima njemci ne priznaju
fakseve, hrvatski su mahom priznati i to bez problema.
Npr ja iman Dipl.Ing. iz Zg i to je priznato u potpunosti tj ko Uni.

Pri pisanju doktorata je malo kompliciranjie.
Tu ne igra samo zemlja vec i faks, ali moj prolazi.
Za ostale zemlje neznan.

a da predes na engleski
malo je glupo ovo
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DObar dan Balkanci
16.10.04 18:10 als Antwort auf Elvir Kuric.
Thanks for your help.I am interesting about this topic because I am going to ask for GC. I am in Saraevo now.
I am Electrical Engineer/Department of Telecommunication and I am very suspicious about my university, because I got a lot of theoretical knowledge and I do not know what are my chances there.

What I have to do first when I come to Germany? Have you some advice for me, I would like to hear about your experience there.
Of course I know it is not easy, and i I am not stupid to expect some special position or something similar.
What dou you think about this?

Regards , Amadeus
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DObar dan Balkanci
16.10.04 18:16 als Antwort auf Elvir Kuric.
and I almost forgot
Thanks DvD for your answer .....
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DObar dan Balkanci
18.10.04 13:37 als Antwort auf Elvir Kuric.
First try to find job over usual web sites.
Wenn you find it, you have done hardest part of the job.
During job search it would be perfect to work,
and learn german. Without german and experience you have no chance.

Even if you come in De to search job, without german and
experience you will not find anything
0 (0 Stimmen)

18.10.04 18:18 als Antwort auf Elvir Kuric.
I don't find it correct to use the language that other will not understand.
As I like to read other comments, probably someone would like to be able to catch what is going on on this tread.

Anyway have a luck searching for a job here, you'll need some.


0 (0 Stimmen)

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