Our forum is the right place for exchanging infos, searching for help or helping others. Meanwhile there are many thousand posts, so please use our 'Search' function if you are looking for a special topic. 

Because the forum is used more often for unauthorized advertising, we have decided to close it for new posts.

Who still wants to browse the old posts can do this with pleasure.



Help needed!

I need your help to keep the forum running!

Hi GCs, hi *,

as you probably have seen, I have some troubles at the moment. Troubles with people like 'Cool Dude', who are using our forum to discuss their personal views, political ones, philosophical ones and so on.

They do not understand, that this forum is for GCs and their problems and questions, and also for meeting each other and have fun together. It is also for the press to see what is important for the GCs and what has to be improved. So our forum is also an instrument to get the necessary intention by the Germans.

If I would let everybody discuss about everything and if everbody could start a political topic just to explain why nation X is good and nation Y is bad, our forum would go down.

I do not know why people like 'Cool Dude' do not get my message or why he does not talk to me? I do not know if he is right or wrong, because I did not read his messages completely, they are to long and I have other things to do.

So I ask you to help me to keep this forum running, with tips and answers to questions, with changing mail addresses in order to meet other GCs, with help if somebody needs help.

Leave politics to the politians, they get paid for it. We don't!

Have a nice weekend
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I need your help to keep the forum running!
23.07.04 17:58 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Hi Detlef
sag mal , hast du keine Ban ? zu mindest loggst du bestimmt die IP zugriffe also, falls der Forum an sich keinen Bann machen kann, dann kannst Du bestimmt im System bannen zu mindest C-Class NETZ für einpaar Stunden oder Tage...

hab jetzt keine Ahnung worum es ging, jedoch für Friedensstörer existieren Waffen emoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I need your help to keep the forum running!
23.07.04 18:08 als Antwort auf trust 7.
if you check the URL http://www.publicproxyservers.com
you will definitely understand that it does not make sense to block C class networks emoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I need your help to keep the forum running!
23.07.04 18:16 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Hi again,

sure I can delete or block the user, but I do not like this. I did it only very few times in the last years.

What I am asking for is, that you do not reply to every foolish message, or try to react like Sudaca :-)

And do not be surprised, if someone does not appear anymore here.

It is just that I need some positive feedback from time to time, otherwise I loose my energy to do all this.

I am just human

Have a nice weekend
0 (0 Stimmen)

23.07.04 18:58 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Hi one more time,


This is not my message! Somebody tried to use hellfeld_ as login, but here ends the fun :-(

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I need your help to keep the forum running!
23.07.04 19:22 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Dear Detlef,

The amount of efforts you have taken to make such a good community is beyond any praise.

This forum is very important and good things do not die because of some bad things.
I am sure after all this people will be more sensible.
This forum is for the cause of Gcs or i would say all those people who want to do something different in life and want something back from it.

Its a give and take world.No one will pay any one if he is not getting any thing in return.

We should refrain from emotional outbursts (of Cool dude types).

You are the moderator of this forum and nearly all accept you as the one.Thats the reason most of us are here.

You have all the right to stop,discard any one who is not behaving in your party which most of us are enjoying and sincerely appreciate.

Keep it up and god bless.

Have hope.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I need your help to keep the forum running!
23.07.04 19:33 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Hi 'havehope' :-)

thanks a lot for your support!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: New Forum Rules!
23.07.04 19:40 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Hi Detlef,
Please don't close this forum.
I am also a GC and have been a silent regular follower of this forum for some time now. I have never participated or opened any discussions before. For one, I don't have any authentic knowledge of German laws and so didn't want to missguide anyone by mistake. Second, what ever problems or questions I had, most of them are already discussed here in details.

Now these past two days discussions have brought a little bad taste but I think all of us are quite mature and should not pay heed to these -ve talks.
I hope every one will get along once more and those nice purposfull and helpfull threads will take the front stage again.

I was happy to be a silent reader but I was forced to write it in your Forum's support. I hope it will stay to help us GCs as well as the ones in our native countries looking for info.

Regards and have a nice weekend.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I need your help to keep the forum running!
23.07.04 19:40 als Antwort auf trust 7.
:-) when I saw the underscore at the end of the nick and read the content of the post, I was like "hum, thiss doesn't sound like Detlef" :-) and there are some little things one does that put a mark on his posts and there's one Detlef always does, most on Friday, even if it's friday morning, :-) I won't tell what if not people will use it too, but those who know him know what I mean :-)

Have a nice week-end.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I need your help to keep the forum running!
23.07.04 20:34 als Antwort auf trust 7.
I am working one of the Joint co. with German compay, and at Main office in Germany one R D Manger is name is Detlef, I don't know the meaning of Detlef in Germany, is all name with Detlef are nice person! Till now I knew only two Detlef and both are very helpfull.
Detlef Please keep this Forum running, which is helping lot of people around world.
Thanks and good weekend!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I need your help to keep the forum running!
24.07.04 16:37 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Detlef, what can I say. Again, thanks for your love and patience.

I am more than grateful to this country, and mainly because here I met some amazing people. At the end of the day, it is the people and the love they give what makes oneself at home. I had the chance of meeting you and your wife, Detlef, and share your hospitality and your friendship, your hope calls exactly on all the right moments, your support always and ever.

It is true, sometimes is disgusting to see how many people is ready for insulting, and yet more people ready to get hooked in pointless discussions. If anything, I am really amazed on the lack of perspective that we as a group have: how easily we get hooked on eternal discussions that scratch the superficial, that emphasize exactly the things we don't have in common, instead of concentrating on what is important.

We should be here discussing and exchanging what we DO have in common, and what is more important: what we could have in the future in common, what we could build together. And use our difference -and be thankful of the differences- to make this country a more open and fascinating place.

I am a small, fat guy, that enjoys a big deal every good meal; in that sense, I am always fascinated when I go to the UK and find that Curry is the king of food there. The same with Doner in Berlin. Why can we just concentrate on this kind of success stories? Why the thread on food recipes can only gather some posts and a hate thread can generate thousands of infuriated responses.

Detlef is one of the main examples I always keep in mind to remember this country is really worth it. We should be grateful of him being around.

The rest, we would be better off ignoring it.


Diego aka Sudaca
0 (0 Stimmen)

hellfeld Please Help.
10.08.04 17:26 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Dear Hellfeld,

I have some problems and I want to know what my rights are.

It is long a story but to cut it short, I am GC holder, I lost my job for one and half years but I got one not long ago. Before then I received a letter from Immigation that I should go since I don't have a job. I took a laywer and he sent the case to the court and by the time the court had decided finally, that I have no a case, I got this new job.

I had the workpermit only for the immigration to write to AB that they should withdraw it which they did by saying that I don't have permit to stay. Before then, the laywer had written to the Immigration to give us the Visa and he did not receive any reply from them until my boss informed me about the letter from the AB. At the moment my lawyer, has sent the case to court. In this case what should I do. The company is also waiting for me. AS you know they can not wait forever. I have a wife and two children to care for I need quick help.

Any suggestions and how do you look at this case?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: hellfeld, please help!
10.08.04 21:11 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Hi Koloz,

because you already took a lawyer, there is not much which I can advice you. But there is one suggestion. Ask your new employer to call the officer at the 'Ausländerbehörde' who is in charge of your case. He should ask him politely, if there is any chance to find a solution, because his company needs your professional experience.

At least we are all humans and if your future boss is a good communicator, it could help a lot.

Good luck

P.S.: 1 message is enough ;-
0 (0 Stimmen)

12.08.04 15:13 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Dear Detlef,

The court says the Immigration is right. They are now saying that they still want us to go. This is rather unfortunate. After I had stayed here for six years. They said I should go together with family and come back in one and half months. we do not have money to live on. What can you say? The job is also important for me.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Suggestions to Koloz
12.08.04 15:47 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Hi Koloz,

that's so badly bureaucratic! I feel sorry for you, but I do not know how to help :-(

Maybe you should ask the ZAV Greencard team for help, here is the link:


Good luck
0 (0 Stimmen)

How to remove my offer from "for sale" folder.
19.08.04 12:34 als Antwort auf trust 7.

Tag! i want to remove/delete/update my offer from "for sale".
Wie ? hope i you let me know.

0 (0 Stimmen)

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