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Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists

Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists,

Together with the management of our company we have decided to conduct a campaign to support the German Green Card Program.

The management of our company will send an appeal to the federal government of Germany. In the appeal the management of our company together with all others involved in the campaign will express their interest in Green Card specialists, attract the Government's attention to the complicated law situation concerning Green Card, and demand a solution of the problem.

The more German companies represented by their management will be involved in the campaign, the more chances we have the problem will be solved positively for the Green Card workers. It would be very kind of you if you could send us your company addresses and your employers' phone numbers.
Using that information our management will contact your employers to formulate a common opinion about the future of the Green Card specialists.

All your information you can send to green.card@gmx.de

Thank you in advance for your participation.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
18.06.04 01:42 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
Does this post mean, new immigration law is actually no use for GCs ?

I cant find anywhere the new draft of the immigration law but I am afraid it is not much use for current GCs ?


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
18.06.04 02:07 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
Ok.. I have found a draft which is supposed
to be the new draft of the immigration law.. and it has some comparisons with old draft of the law..


but the bad news is, I can not see anything positive for the current GCs in this text. 5 year waiting time for PR which was available before, is still available and Hochqualifizierte guys who can get PR immediately are the guys who earn 80k or above.. I am sure most of the GCs are under this limit.. please correct me if my interpretation of the draft is incorrect..


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
18.06.04 12:04 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
Hi Cucumber,

Am sure that there are many Companies that have GC's. But if you look Deutschland as whole, numbers of GC's are just peanuts in number, so i dont think the goverment would actually have any statement exclusively for GC's.

If company's interest raises, then it is upto the local arbeitsamt to issue workpermit which will be the current case and from then on it will be like a normal workpermit.

So Now the Question, Currently there is no rule/law wich states that GC's have to leave the country after the five year term.So As far as i know Local arbeitsamt will issue the owrk permit based on the relation with the company. If they think that the position can be filled by a german, they would actually invite them and they will be interviewed, but NTL if you have good rapo with the company they can always reject the new guy and finally you will end up with a workpermit and your Visa Extended and so on this story continues every year..
So what is that you representing a company going to appeal for ?.
Please let us know.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
18.06.04 12:43 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
"But if you look Deutschland as whole, numbers of GC's are just peanuts in number, so i dont think the goverment would actually have any statement exclusively for GC's.", they already did it once, so a second time can come.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
18.06.04 13:27 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
Dear GC Holders,

I think we don't need to worry about our case (As till now we have been called Hochqualifiziert).
It's logical that first they write a general law for the long term need, then the local authorities make it applicable for different exisiting cases (one of them: GCs). if you look at your workpermit you will see that we are considered as Hochqualifiziert then maybe refering to this we can get PR immediately after comming the new law. or maybe they will write a "Verordnung" for the "IT-Fachkräfte" who came to Germany before 2005. and at the worst case we can get PR after 5 years working and paying the pension.
All of these are open and we have to wait to see the text of the law and consult with some experienced lawyers.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
18.06.04 20:09 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
Hi guys,
You can find the the latest version of the draft here


I'm not sure if it's somehow different from the one posted by Lacrima but at least the date is from yesterday. Lacrima could please pin point where is that paragraph stating the 80k limit (my german is pretty doggy therefore I have some difficulties browsing the whole document). Thanks
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
18.06.04 20:51 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
Here is the text from the new law where highly qualified person is described :

(2) Hoch qualifiziert nach Absatz 1 sind insbesondere
1. Wissenschaftler mit besonderen fachlichen
2. Lehrpersonen in herausgehobener Funktion oder
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter in herausgehobener
Funktion oder
3. Spezialisten und leitende Angestellte mit besonderer
Berufserfahrung, die ein Gehalt in Höhe
von mindestens dem Doppelten der Beitragsbemessungsgrenze
der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung

Here is the english translation of that text
(2) Highly qualified persons in accordance with sub-section 1 are, in
1. scientists with special technical knowledge,
2. teaching personnel in prominent positions or scientific personnel in prominent
positions, or
3. specialists and executive personnel with special professional experience who
receive a salary corresponding to at least twice the earnings ceiling of the
statutory health insurance scheme.

You can read the third option as 80 K salary (there is some calculation to find it out but it is around 80K) and I am afraid current GCs fit none of the above three.. (Unless you have a 80K salary ofcourse..)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
18.06.04 21:07 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
Ahh.. forgot to mention.. if you have a million bucks to invest in Germany.. your PR is also given after 3 years.. Money also talks here.. which means more or less that you can buy yourself a PR for million bucks.. it is rather expensive though..

Here is text from the law :
Die Voraussetzungen des Satzes 1 Nr. 1 und 2
sind in der Regel gegeben, wenn mindestens
eine Million Euro investiert und zehn Arbeitsplätze
geschaffen werden.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
19.06.04 00:36 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
"Hi Cucumber,
So what is that you representing a company going to appeal for ?.
Please let us know.

lol don't listen to him man. it's just a russian GC, who suddenly found in himself extensive management skills *lol* emoticon emoticon emoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
24.06.04 20:17 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
So here is the end of the dream!!

80K ? They must be joking! Now I dont know a single human GC who earns that much. I work in the IT field since 2002 here! And I wont say "no" if they ask whether I want 80K ;-)

Fred (fredjeffry at hotmail dot com)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
25.06.04 00:03 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.
Hi all,
What is the exact amount anyway?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Dear colleagues, working in Germany as IT Green Card specialists
25.06.04 00:18 als Antwort auf Dmitry Noname.

you can believe what lacrima told earlier. Coz you need around 3825 €uro brutto to get into pvt medi insurance. that comes to around 45K per annum and the double is 80K which is a dream sum to an Informatiker like me!

fredjeffry at hotmail dot com
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