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Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten

Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
04.10.04 12:25
Als Vorzeigeprojekt des Bundeskanzlers war sie gestartet. Vor vier Jahren, als die IT-Branche noch boomte, schien die Green-Card-Regelung zur rechten Zeit zu kommen. Jetzt läuft das Programm, Computer-Spezialisten aus dem Ausland zu holen, endgültig aus.

Details here:
IT-AAV, IT-ArGV: Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
04.10.04 12:40 als Antwort auf Guvenc Gulce.
Hallo Lacrima,
I have also read this article yesterday,But i didn't understand
it well. What are they really tried to explain in this article ?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
04.10.04 12:50 als Antwort auf Guvenc Gulce.
Hello Shino,
Actually they are not telling anything new.. as we all know, greencard regulation will not be part of any law after end of 2004..

New Immigration law is supposed to replace the greencard regulation.. (and new immigration law does not offer such an easy way to get work-permit in Germany as greencard regulation did..)

This article concludes that this is a clear signal that there is no as big need as it used to be, for foreign experts..

Who is in, is in.. who is not.. will have hard time to get a work-permit with 40K/50K salaries as new immigration law comes into effect.. that is all..


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
04.10.04 13:00 als Antwort auf Guvenc Gulce.
The conclusion of the article was a bit harsh:

The high unemployment ratio in the IT industry bans the work agencies anyhow not to fill the few free places any longer with candidates from the foreign country.

The project ' Green Card ' had actually already run out in the past year. Despite weak economic situation, the government extended the program however till the end of 2004, in order to bridge the period up to the entry into force of the Zuwanderungsgesetzes. From 2005 on is not to be recruited then any longer actively. Instead aimed foreign top management is to come into the country, if free places cannot be occupied by Germans or European Union citizens.

Foreign IT top management is probably needed in the future. "further there the interest in capable people is. The situation surely also again to improve ", describes Kuhn. But when the need is so large again that here and in Europe trained computer scientists are not sufficient, knows nobody. However only its momentary, often painful situation for those Green Card owners, who are without work, as they may exercise an occupation only within the IT field.

Unemployed person a worker from the foreign country, who was busy less than twelve months in Germany, receives unemployment pay and has three months time to find a new work. The new Zumutbarkeitsregelungen applies also to it.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
04.10.04 13:05 als Antwort auf Guvenc Gulce.
Dieses Artikel ist einfach bullshit.
Schwäbische Post? Hat jemand die Zeitung irgendwann mal gelesen? Wurde bestimmt von einem Praktikanten geschrieben. Null Information, einzelne Sätze ohne Zusammenhang. Der Bursche hat noch viel zu lernen.
"102 sind momentan gemeldet - da gibt es noch alle Hände voll zu tun." Sind das 102 Arbeitslose Greencardler gemeint? Von 15.000 sind das 0,0068%. Eine Traumquote.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
04.10.04 13:11 als Antwort auf Guvenc Gulce.
Hallo Lacrima,
Thank you for the detailed explaination reg. this article ! Did u notice the last para.
It says
"Eine arbeitslose Arbeitskraft aus dem Ausland, die weniger als zwölf Monate in Deutschland beschäftigt war, erhält Arbeitslosengeld und hat drei Monate Zeit, eine neue Arbeit zu finden. Die neuen Zumutbarkeitsregelungen gelten auch für sie."

this meant those who were unemployed before completin 12 months have got
Arbeitlosen geld ? Is it Right ? bcos i heard one is supposed to be eligible to get
arbeitlosen geld only if she/hecompletes alleast 12 months.! And What abt the time
given to search a new job ? Is there any special condition for that ? like one shd
complete atleast 1 yr. to get 3 months time to search a new job ?

thank you
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
04.10.04 14:18 als Antwort auf Guvenc Gulce.
No it is not right.
It is completely opposite. After 12 months you get AG.
That shows how god article is. Quite bad.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
04.10.04 14:21 als Antwort auf Guvenc Gulce.
"And What abt the time given to search a new job ? Is there any special condition for that ?"

Of course. Condition is to be very, very, very lucky.
So, do you feel lucky?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
04.10.04 14:57 als Antwort auf Guvenc Gulce.
No Idea DVD whether am lucky enough to for that ? I have to test myself by playing some lotto games before go 4 asking these things in the respective offices !
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kein Bedarf mehr an fremden Experten
04.10.04 15:31 als Antwort auf Guvenc Gulce.
Z.B. speaking Deutsch you would be a lot luckier at AA
0 (0 Stimmen)

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