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Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer

Hi everybody.

Today is not a good day for me to write. I´m incredibly pis..d off.

I went to the Auslanderamt this morning and this is not a recomfortable experience in my city.

I´m decided to went out from my country for people and experiences like this one. I was never been discriminated or bad treated here, but if you suffer mistreating in the key places, is thinkable to run out from here. But subject for other message, maybe not today. A chinese proverb says "A man is owner of his silence and slave of his words" So, better I shut my mouth, but today I started to update my resume in Carrerbuilders and other robots.

The "pollaid" Beamter in my city remembered me Germany is a Federal country. The laws make a general frame but each Bundesland decide how to regulate the law. He told me the "bsbsbsbsbsbs" (I asked him to repeat it three times and he did it in a german language as close as Bayrisch as possible) would be treated here in the Bundesrat from Bayern in 5th November and after that, we, the Greencarders, we will know our situation.

Can please, anybody tell me what the f..k is he trying to tell me? Is this the VwV we are waiting? What have to discuss here? Do the things in Bayern SO different as in other places in Germany?

Please aynbody answer or I will start thinking I will have to start again studying to ask for a possibility of a GreenCard, as this is the only way to get a message answered.


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Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 15:45 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hello YO,
I am writing this reply just to let you know that I have read your post and share your feelings.. and understand your annoyance..

Unfortunately I dont have answers to your questions.. I dont live in Bayern.. but I dont believe that federal states can be "so" different in terms of Immigration law.. I would say, yes maybe he was talking about VwV.. never heard that 5th November thing..

Sorry for not being so helpful..

Have a nice day..

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 15:57 als Antwort auf YO 1.

I am in bayern , i went to Ausländersamt yesterday, and regarding the Immigraiotn law, he said i should visit him in the end of Jan 2005, so that by then he will have a clear picture of this new law, and nothing else like Nov 5th or something special for bayern is mentioned.

The reason i went to Ausländersamt was to get an individual residence permit for my wife as she is working, but he told its bound to my residence permit that uis till March 2006.

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Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 16:30 als Antwort auf YO 1.

well, I came here to post a question but it is so related with your post YO1 that I will do it here.

Right now I have some good possibilities to get a new job in Bayern and some of them where a live right now, in Baden-Württemberg (nothing concret but I am optimistic about it).

The point is that the job options in Bayern look better for my carrier (embedded systems) and I would prefer to live in Bayern than here.

BUT, after reading this post (and as I was suspecting) the situation in Bayern for GCs is very fuzzy. (yes, in all Germany too, but in Bayern is all this about blue cards, Stoiber, and so on which looks worse).

I asked in Stuttgart about what is going to happen after our 5 years and the Beamter told me that there are alternatives to stay here and she ask me to go to Arbeitsamt 3 months before my GC expires. She was friendly, but of course, there is nothing for sure (also, she was proud to told me that they are 'independent' about what they can do about it). Also I read here that there are someone in Frankfurt who is applying for PR there without problems. So, a-priori, it seems that in B-W there are better chances to stay here after our 5 years than in Bayern.

Well, I would like to hear your experiences too!


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Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 16:56 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi YO,

Alex simply repeated my words. BW is one of the best places to continue living & working after your GC expires and also "the immigration rules in different areas are different" thing is absolutely right! So stop enjoying "bayerische volksfest & beer" and "bayerische weiss wurst" and keep looking for some nice states in Germany and I know one that is BW.

good luck!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 17:09 als Antwort auf YO 1.
No Alex

I don´t think this is the way to do that.

No, Bayern people are not "Ausländerphobisch"

I don´t think we have to run out of Bayern because here we are not welcomed. I do think we have to know clearly our rights to make them know we are not silly. I think the rules must be clear also for Beamtern and MUST be unique.

I´ll give you a short example. I did receive two years Arbeits/Aufenthals* when I came here as GreenCard. This morning, I asked my "friends" Beamtern how is the procedure to calculate the duration of the first time AE/AE for GC. "Here in Bayern, all GC receive first three years and then, if the references of your boss and your work, salary and so on are correct, you receive the rest two years", said me the boss. "Then OK, but I first received two years, make it inverse, give me now the rest three years" "No" he said, "after the first stage you receive two years more" . So, 2 years + 2 another years I thought. "And the resting 1 year?" I asked "If your boss references about you and....... you´ll get a year more after these two years". But, please tell me, pretty good Bavarian, is it not supposed me, as a GreenCard received 5 years od AE? "Das ist unterschiedlich! - wir entcheiden das!"

So, glaube ich mich entscheide wegfahren!

F..k off man. I won´t beg anything. Give me the time you want to give me or if you don´t want give me nothing. I don´t care anymore

So Alex, if the work is good enought, you can try your luck here, maybe you found a good Dorf to make your papers.

Thanks to Lacrima and Nitin and I promise in the future I´ll spend some money learning to write: the correct title must be "Immigration" and not Immigragion"

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Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 17:24 als Antwort auf YO 1.
those things happend everywhere. not only in Bayern.
I got at once 5 years in HH.
when I went in AB in NRW to do a AE for my wife,
the Beamtin there told me that she gives GC for only one year.

Problem is that Beamter can do what they want.
Allthough law doesn't says so there is litle you can do.
Lawyer can solve something but lots of things not,
because often Beamter has right to do what he chooses.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 18:07 als Antwort auf YO 1.

If this is the case, if Beamter can do what they want, but it seems that nothing is changing, everybody complains, complains and complains again. This does NOT help, me and others.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? Try to answer please.
0 (0 Stimmen)

uhmmmmm. Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 18:11 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi YO,

I think you misunderstood me. I CLEARLY stated that I would prefer to live in Bayern than in B-W. The reason is exacly the opossite that you are suggesting. I find the people in Bayern nicer than here (specially women :-) ).

"I think the rules must be clear also for Beamtern and MUST be unique."

Yes, I would like it too, but that´s not possible. As I told above, they are proud to be 'independent'. We can´t change Germany :-(. Also, our point of view is that is a matter of Beamtern, but they can not do what they want. The one who take the attitude is the Chef (or whatever he/she is called) of the Arbeitsamt. I know that because in Siegen the Beamterin wanted always to help me to stay longer (I was there Arbeitlos for almost 1 year), but she always had to ask to her superior about what she had to do about it.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 18:23 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi YO,

I am now worried hearing all the things about Bayern. Currently I am making my Doktorarbeit in Baden-Würtember (BW). I have a new job offer from a Munich based company starting from February 2005. But knowing your case, I am really thinking of my decision to move to Bayern.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 18:33 als Antwort auf YO 1.
I heard that Stoiber is talking on the tv before summer telling Bayern is culturally and in business manner the "Zentrum" of whole Europe.

So guys, we need to take care of what we do and say about Bayern ;) May be they will send us back to our countries because we do not fit the mentality of "Zentrum" of Europe.

no worries, i have nothing against your comments.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 19:00 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hey boys

Square headed people you will find elsewhere.

I had the bad luck to find them here near my house.

But, this not means that all Bayern is equal. I think people in Munich have a little bit more luck, I´m not in Munich.

Last, really onkel Stoiber told that? Good! Congratulations for all from Munich!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Immigragion law in Bayern? please answer
28.09.04 19:13 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi again YO,

"this not means that all Bayern is equal".

Well, that´s a point that really counts. As I stated above, I asked in Stuttgart, but it does not mean that all B-W will answer in the same way.

Maybe we will need to make a map with "danger and friendly towns in Germany for GCs holders", I was hopping to be lucky enough that it was only a map with "danger and friendly states in Germany for GCs holders" but it seems that we have much work to do ;-)
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