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Well, now I search one

Well, now I search one
14.09.05 00:56
Yeah, was feeling it coming since a couple of days and it did came.
I had a small quite rude talk with my boss last week and I was feeling a firing on the way these last days and it came this evening.
So if some1 knows of a company looking for a Java Developer with a 5 years+ experience, just hook me up.
In case needed, my actual CV can be found at http://webtests.free.fr/docs/cv_format_de_dwa.doc
Just to remind that I got NE and thus need to hasle for working, and I can go for freelance or contract and will be available starting 15.10.2005 or before if necessary.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 03:57 als Antwort auf NoBody.
I meant, I need no hassle to start working.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 10:19 als Antwort auf NoBody.

Can you send me a Email at fiveohg at yahoo dot de . Are u willing to rellocate

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 10:26 als Antwort auf NoBody.
"Are you willing to relocate?", yes, but it depends a bit on how far, as many things started here.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 11:32 als Antwort auf NoBody.

Besides, making non-formal contacts, I would suggest you to try the famous "Search Engines" like jobpilot.de or meinestadt.de or monster.de etc.

Also, if you have "Arbeitsrechtschutz" and you can proof that you have fired based on "Racism" or personal basis, you may take the legal option in that case. Sometime, its the last option to survive, but it works too :-)

The idee is based on my personal experience and may vary according to your situation!!!

Please do register at Arbeitsamt "sofort", because, there is new rules regarding this.

Also, check, whether you may get something for your "Wohnungrent", which is too compensated(I read about that). Or ich-ag etc.

Wish you best of luck to come out of this situation soon.
But, atleaset now, you dont have to worry that you will be asked to leave now.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 12:05 als Antwort auf NoBody.
NoBody my advice is to search for job now.
Next few months are best time in year. And BTW looks like situation is really good lately. Lots of job offers. In januar will certainly be less offers.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 12:44 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Don't let it get you down.With your qualification,Experience plus
being a member of NE-Club; I'm sure you'll find yourself another one real quick.Cheers!!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 12:45 als Antwort auf NoBody.

Sorry to hear that buddy. As you said that you already have Arbeitsrechtschutz, I would suggest you to take your employer to court. The best part of taking your employer to court is that you will be receiving your full salary during the whole duration of legal process. This gives you enough time to look for a job and for someone like you, who along with technical expertise, speaks French-English-German fluenty jobs are cheaper a dozen :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 13:06 als Antwort auf NoBody.
As far as I understud there is nothing to go to court for. Do not do it if you do not have good cards. You will only loose time and nervs. You will get ~75% of your Gehalt as Arb-losgeld and that is more than enough. You can find something quick.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 13:14 als Antwort auf NoBody.

"As far as I understud there is nothing to go to court for."

There is always something to go to court for. A good lawyer can find grounds for dismissal between racial discrimination to sexual harassment.

"You will get ~75% of your Gehalt as Arb-losgeld and that is more than enough."

Only 60% of your Gehalt.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 14:12 als Antwort auf NoBody.
It's clear the NoBody had differences with his boss, that's all.

"A good lawyer can find grounds for dismissal between racial discrimination to sexual harassment."

Trying to use the fact that we are foreigner to use (dirty) tricks to get just money (or what else?) is a bad precedence for all us.

Please NoBody, don't follow that advice (unless it be the case).
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 14:13 als Antwort auf NoBody.
67% with children.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 14:38 als Antwort auf NoBody.
In Germany , I thought it's not so easy to get fired like in the US.
Does anyone know the conditions on which the employer can get you
kicked out legally ?

Well, I know :-
.1)Throwing physical punches is one of them.
.2)Company Bankruptcy.
What else ?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 14:48 als Antwort auf NoBody.

"Trying to use the fact that we are foreigner to use (dirty) tricks to get just money (or what else?) is a bad precedence for all us."

Nonsense!! I never said going for dirty tricks. Keep in mind that, it is wrongful to terminate an employee because of : Race, color, religion, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, disability, political preference and sexual orientation.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 15:00 als Antwort auf NoBody.

You are the only one here talking about racism, color, religion...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 15:47 als Antwort auf NoBody.
I think this would be an interesting opening, do check it out.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 15:52 als Antwort auf NoBody.

hey, cool down man ...

NoBody did not mention any of these ("Race, color, religion, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, disability, political preference and sexual orientation" ) as a reason for loosing his job.

In fact he didn't even mention what argument he had with his boss.

Why do you jump to conclusions ??

Having a legal insurance doesn't mean that you have to go to court for every little issue.

All he has asked for is, some help for finding a new job.


Sorry to hear about this. But I am sure you will find a better job. I will let you know if I come across anything ...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
14.09.05 18:17 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Check www.unilog-avinci.de.
They had Java jobs on different locations and they are pretty good (I worked for them before - left because office was 80km from home and I was lazy to travel)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
15.09.05 00:08 als Antwort auf NoBody.

In Germany , I thought it's not so easy to get fired like in the US. Does anyone know the conditions on which the employer can get you
kicked out legally ?

Well, I know :-
.1)Throwing physical punches is one of them.
.2)Company Bankruptcy.
What else ?

Onye, haven't you seen anyone in your circle who got laid off? Don't you read news?

Yes, in fact, it's not so easy to get fired (or more formally, laid off) in Germany, because there are unions. But. There is always a BUT!

It's difficult to get laid off, if the company has agreed with union. If not, then company can have anything they want. It's a matter of fact, whether there is an agreement with union or not.

And also, what you know is very trivial. According to your way of thinking, if a person has to be get laid off, then all companies would have been bankrupt, which is an overkill in liberal economies. It's very normal that companies lay off people. No matter where you are. Even in Norway.

If economy is going bad, if the cost of a worker increased, then companies must cut down the costs. One of the radical ways for that is lay off people.

If you have a shop, if you can't sell anything, what you will do? You will reduce your costs, to survive. You'll use less electricity in your shop, you'll use less water, you just have to do it, to make profit. This is rule of money!

I'm talking about economic situation of private companies in Germany for a long time and it surprises me a lot that still no one is commenting on that:

Hewlett Packard



These companies will lay off people. Will they be bankrupt? Of course not!

Wake up! King is naked!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
15.09.05 00:40 als Antwort auf NoBody.
hello nobody,
itz quite a pitty situation i admit i am new to germany and really have no good suggestions for you but what i believe is the almighty would definetly get you out of the trouble in the near future, i wud sincerely pray for you.

keep smiling!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
15.09.05 13:19 als Antwort auf NoBody.

Thanks for your reply.You responded just the way I thought but a little bit insensitive.The Post was to elicit other information in this context to exhustively explore this situation.
It is just a twist from sympathy and offering of advice/other opportunities.(I'm sure NoBody will get out of his situation real quick).

>>Onye, haven't you seen anyone in your circle who got laid off? Don't you read news?

.1) I can see yours is quite narrow minded.This forum I believe is design for useful information sharing.Thus a form of larger circle of people with common interest--Integration/as the case maybe.
Ofcourse not all has friends(German or not) in same occupation that is well grounded with this society.

.2) Remember not everyone can read and understand Deutsch newspapers as you would read other papers you're affilated to that mirrors this society as the Deutsch newspapers does.
Please, if you know any ; written in English this would be useful;I'm sure to alot.
Secondly,the news on TV not everyone like you can understand it all.Some still require a bit time to catch-up.

>>And also, what you know is very trivial. According to your way of thinking,
>>if a person has to be get laid off, then all companies would have been bankrupt,
>> which is an overkill in liberal economies.

I can feel you but you sometimes have to read between and beyond the lines and be less
myopic inorder not to miss the point.Hope I'm not being abrasive as you.;-)

>> It's difficult to get laid off, if the company has agreed with union.
>> If not, then company can have anything they want.
>> It's a matter of fact, whether there is an agreement with union or not.

Points like this is useful to know.. That was the reason behind the question . ;-)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
16.09.05 02:04 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Dear Onye,

Thanks for your reply.You responded just the way I thought but a little bit insensitive. The Post was to elicit other information in this context to exhustively explore this situation. It is just a twist from sympathy and offering of advice/other opportunities.(I'm sure NoBody will get out of his situation real quick).

I am not insensitive. I feel of course very sorry for what NoBody had. I had experienced layoffs in my ex-company. I have seen that 10 people kicked out of my department in one day. I have seen 70 people laid off from my company in one day. I know how it can be and very well.

I don't know whether you experienced something like that before.

.1) I can see yours is quite narrow minded.This forum I believe is design for useful information sharing.Thus a form of larger circle of people with common interest--Integration/as the case maybe. Ofcourse not all has friends(German or not) in same occupation that is well grounded with this society.

Yes, I am sharing the information (read my previous posts, if possible) and commenting on the messages, like I did to yours. Thus, you cannot call me narrow-minded.

.2) Remember not everyone can read and understand Deutsch newspapers as you would read other papers you're affilated to that mirrors this society as the Deutsch newspapers does. Please, if you know any ; written in English this would be useful;I'm sure to alot. Secondly,the news on TV not everyone like you can understand it all.Some still require a bit time to catch-up.

Since this forum is mostly intended for Greencard people, living in Germany, although most of them don't know German, they have at least a very basic German understanding, they know a situation a little bit. To figure out the economical situation, I have given layoff news. I had written the post very quickly, no found time to search English ones. You can do that for English; as I did for German ones, spending my time for it.

I can feel you but you sometimes have to read between and beyond the lines and be less
myopic inorder not to miss the point.

Myopic? Come on. I am showing the economic situation with explicit examples, giving information about union-private entertainment relationships and how come can you call me myopic? If you are not, then give us more info other than 2 trivial items.

Hope I'm not being abrasive as you.

If I am so, sorry for that. Not my intention.

Points like this is useful to know.. That was the reason behind the question .

Good to know that.

With a small way of thinking, it should be clear that laying off is not only because of bankruptcy. Life can't be like black-white like that. "The company must be bankrupt, if a person is laid off", that sounds weird. Otherwise all the companies in the world would have been bankrupt!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
16.09.05 13:35 als Antwort auf NoBody.
I quite understand we are living in DEUTSCHland.
I know a lot of people from non-English speaking countries that understand and speak English effortlessly.

I am not insensitive. I feel of course very sorry for what NoBody had.
I had experienced layoffs in my ex-company. I have seen that 10 people
kicked out of my department in one day. I have seen 70 people laid off
from my company in one day. I know how it can be and very well.
I don't know whether you experienced something like that before.

If you read that post/message again carefully and i hope you can comprehend
it. You will realize that you're still missing the point. :-o

Yes, I am sharing the information (read my previous posts, if possible)
and commenting on the messages, like I did to yours.
Thus, you cannot call me narrow-minded.

It's ok ! you don't have to be dogmatic in your self defence. ;-)

Since this forum is mostly intended for Greencard people,
living in Germany, although most of them don't know German,
they have at least a very basic German understanding,
they know a situation a little bit. To figure out the economical situation,
I have given layoff news. I had written the post very quickly,
no found time to search English ones. You can do that for English;
as I did for German ones, spending my time for it.

Most may not be good in Deutsch like you but certainly not the case in English. ;-)

Myopic? Come on. I am showing the economic situation with explicit examples,
giving information about union-private entertainment relationships and
how come can you call me myopic?If you are not,
then give us more info other than 2 trivial items.

I find this connotion quite interesting "union-private entertainment relationships" ;-)

If I am so, sorry for that. Not my intention.

Apology accepted !

With a small way of thinking,
it should be clear that laying off is not only because of bankruptcy.
Life can't be like black-white like that.
"The company must be bankrupt, if a person is laid off",
that sounds weird. Otherwise all the companies in the world would have been bankrupt!

The word "bankruptcy" was a figure of speech (metaphor).Those that understood the
context in which it was used would be able to grasp it's intended meaning.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
16.09.05 13:42 als Antwort auf NoBody.
@klenze17 @onye

hey you both, stop this pseudo intellectual bullshit.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
16.09.05 14:13 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Connotation not connotion; I thought this might help - klenze20. ;-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
16.09.05 16:37 als Antwort auf NoBody.
yes Ashkay is right, "onye" emoticon. Stop to direct a discussion to personal debate using "myopic" and "narrow-minded" "metaphors". If you are willing to go on, give me your email address, we can discuss your dogmas as long as you want ;)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Well, now I search one
16.09.05 17:18 als Antwort auf NoBody.
@AshKay thanks for your input.


I hope you've learnt your lesson. ;-)

0 (0 Stimmen)

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