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Strange issue

Strange issue
13.03.11 21:59
Dear Friends,

I am facing a strange situation. I shifted to a new apartment near dussseldorf. The apartment has an open park platz and one of the park no. was alloted to me by my vermieter.
In the first weekend after my shifting, I found big scratches on my car. I immediately reported the incident to police, the next day again I found more scratches, I again did a report.

After that I stopped parking on that place and shifted to a new free parking which is few meters away from my house. Nothing happened for few days, so I again started parking in the alloted parking space in hope that nothing will happen.
But after a week again I found two more scratches and now even the tyre was punctured.

I again did a police complaint, but police says that they cant do much in this case. I have no idea why this is happening, The limited interaction which I have with neighbour is very friendly and without any problem.

I cant do much as I am still learning the language, and cant explain my situation easily to neighbours or to the hausmeister.

The vermieter is also not helping and I have a minimum contract of six months.

Do you guys have any experience in dealing with this kind of situation, looking forward to your suggestions.

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Re: Strange issue
14.03.11 14:46 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
what car you park and is that a new car ?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
14.03.11 16:15 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
Its a VW golf, it is six months old.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
14.03.11 17:38 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
The problem is you have come crazy neighbors or someone who hates auslander.In such situation neither police nor a lawyer could help you as there is no proof.The only way is to hire a private detective who puts some cameras and monitors everything and if they captures things on camera then you can go ahead suing those who did it but its going to cost you a lot with the detective and you need to negotiate.I would say better to go ahead with the detective before these crazy people gives you more trouble or don't park there.
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Re: Strange issue
14.03.11 18:09 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
Does police not do anything? I think police is there to catch criminal. Then take camera yourself and see if you can make picture of criminal.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
14.03.11 18:47 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
Yes police cannot do much in such cases and they only make a report and Insurance companies takes care of the damages but its important you inform the police if you want to claim for damages.Please don't expect that the Police will bring some sniffer dogs or put up some surveillance camera for such cases.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
14.03.11 19:59 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
Thanks for the reply.
This is really getting serious.
Today, I paid the bill of 160 Euro for tire and I dont know how much do I have to pay for scretches..
I have no idea why somebody is doing this..
How much will detective cost?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
20.03.11 23:22 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
After discussion with couple of neighbours, it seems to be that next door neighbour is crazy enough to do all these kind of activities, though we have not seen him so far. This weekend it went a limit further, somebody was ringing door bell at 5.30 am on saturday morning, and when I went out no body was thr. In the evening, somebody sprayed oily liquid on the main door.
I informed my vermieter and he too feels that the neighbour is the culprit.

it seems to be a very rare kind of situation and I am not able to understand what to do. I have a minimun rental contract of 6 months.

Looking forward to your suggestions...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
25.03.11 00:35 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
I'm afraid that in this sort of situation there are only two ways out, fight or flight.

If you decide to fight, then the person needs to be caught in fraganti by the police, so all the neighbours need to arrange a meeting with them and persuade them to act. The drawback is, the situation may escalate afterwards.

Try reading this thread as (if what they mention is true) he could be internated in an institution.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
30.03.11 01:09 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
6 months minimum contract is not usual. even in that case there should be apossibilit like "Außerordentliche Kündigung" meaning Breaking the contract in extra-ordinary circumstances. Just consult with a lawyer to find a way to break the house contract. it would not cost u much. But u need to get a nice apartment in short time. hope u find one.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
06.04.11 22:40 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.

Thanks for the reply. I am now thinking to break the contract as I am facing more and more problem everyday...can anybody suggest a good lawyer in dusseldorf area for this.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
12.04.11 23:13 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
Hi Punar,

talk to your Landlord and tell him that you would like to find a replacement tenant. Then go to a few Police stations and ask if you can put a sign of a "room for rent" there.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
13.04.11 20:51 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.

Thanks for your message.
I am not sure if I would like to suggest anybody living near tó this kind of neighbour, actually it seems that the vermieter knew about the problematic neighbour that#s why he insisited on minimum six months contract.

Even the old tenant had a problem.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
13.04.11 21:27 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
I think I have read in newspaper, in case the environtment around apartment can fulfill german living standard, such as:
- very loud neighbour, etc.
Actually you can reduce the payment to your landlord.

why don't you talk with your landlord and then said, if he doesn't offer some solution, you tend to go to lawyer.

Normally, people here will become more cooperative (if it is their fault)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange issue
14.04.11 01:21 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.

as VP said you can exercise your right to reduce the rent, specially if the Vermieter knew about the situation but kept quiet.


http://www.immobilienscout24.de/de/umzug/mietertipps/muster/mietminderung/index.jsp (see checklist)

As the third link says, very serious cases may justify terminating the contract immediately, but due process must be followed.

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