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Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis

Hallo *,

Countdown begins :-)

Its not the question regarding RentenVersicherung countdown, but a step earlier and perhaps necessary :-)

With the beginning of Green Card in Aug 2000, lot of people including Workers in Ausländeramt had no info (the same situation, which we see regarding Zuwanderungsgesetz), which led GCs like myself to false stamp of visa type "AufenthaltsBiwilligung" rather than "Aufenthaltserlaubnis".

This is leading to the exclusion of the period until "Aufenthaltserlaubnis" was stamped(after ca 2 years).

So, upon enquiry at Ausländeramt, I need to prove it.

Could please anybody help? How?

Thanks in Advance,

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Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 14:12 als Antwort auf A. T.
As Detlef posted: See below link


I aggreed with him with the points of the PR:

1. If you have paid 60 months or more to the social contribution, you are eligible to apply for PR

2. If your salary is double than normal wages,i.e (above 84k euro gross annualy) you are eligible to apply for PR.

3. If you are specialist (this is the case to case basis) if and only if you can prove that to Auslaenderbehoerde, you could apply for PR.

The only backup point I have is point 3. That is why lawyer will be the right person to do this.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 14:31 als Antwort auf A. T.
ABW Zeiten are adde to 5 years for NE and you do not need 60 Renten.
That for ABW is sure because of a mail from BMI (Ministerium für Inneren).
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 14:37 als Antwort auf A. T.
Hi DvD,

Is ABW for study purpose also counted for NE if the person is in Job (AufEr) at the time he applies for NE? Could you please post the letter from BMI regarding this issue?

Danke Schoen.


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Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 15:40 als Antwort auf A. T.
Hi Everybody
I had Aufenthaltsbewilligung for nearly 7 years in which i worked also here . I can proof that i paid for more than 4 years my Renten versicherungs beiträge but as a student. Now i have green card since more than one year. Is it possible for me to apply for Niederlassung erlaubnis.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 15:42 als Antwort auf A. T.
Hi All,

A.T.s problem is that he got an Aufenthaltsbewilligung instead of an Arbeitserlaubnis, and (although I'm not 100% sure), times with a Bewilligung will only be counted to half, and only up to 2 years. If you have a combination, for example 2 years bewilligung + 2 years erlaubnis, you would get 2/2 + 2 = 3 years counted.

So A.T., you better contact Detlefs lawyers to arrange with your ABH to change your AB period into an AE, "backwards".

The main problem here is that they will basically have to recognize that they made an error, and they could remain in that position until a Judge orders them to convert it back.

So, in order to prove it, print this:

and then have them look at §1

"§ 1 Erteilung und Verlängerung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis"

They clearly speak about an AE, and not an AB. This should be enough.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 16:05 als Antwort auf A. T.
Alvarez I think it is something else.
For NE ABW time should be counted completely:
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Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 16:50 als Antwort auf A. T.
Alvarez that what you are saying goes when you count 3 or 4 years Frist for Vorrangprüfung.
Meaning after 3 years with work or 4 without you can get job even if there are germans available.
For those 3 or 4 years is ABW only partionaly added. For NE completely (if BMI is right;)).
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 17:11 als Antwort auf A. T.
Hallo *,

First many thanks to everybody who tried to contribute to my question/problem. As, always, thanks to Mr. Detlef for this wonderful effort in solving our common problems.

Its a quite impressive knowledge of Ausländerrecht(Gesetz) gained by some of my GC collegues!!!

You are right to pick the point in my post and thanks to the link, which I wanted to have in Law.
Yes, this was a failure, due to incomplete info at Ausländeramt during 2000.

But, DvD has even contributed to a link, which even many Students may find useful, who had ABW.

Now, if even, they deny Aalvarez link, there is a email from BMI (If then Else :-) )

But, I hope, this would solve the person related to this CountDown, which is going to start next year.

I hope, this time, If I am granted NE, it would not be like ABW :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 17:50 als Antwort auf A. T.
you know what - when i asked the possibility of getting NE for foreigners (who came here before 31.12.04) with 5 years in Germany (study + job), the guys in info4alien said NO. when they were shown the letter from the BMI regarding the consideration of ABW for NE, the guys of info4alien addressed it as a PARTIAL ANSWER.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 18:16 als Antwort auf A. T.
-- addressed it as a PARTIAL ANSWER.

address them as PARTIAL IDIOTS.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 18:24 als Antwort auf A. T.
can you imagine that a soldier says to general:
your command I address as a PARTIAL COMMAND and I will not obey.

same goes here because BMA is to Beamter what general is to soldier.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Visum Title Problem:AufenthaltsErlaubnis
13.12.04 18:29 als Antwort auf A. T.
DvD: nice logic. emoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

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