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Visa Questions

Simple poll

Simple poll dd rr 12.03.08 13:57
Re: Simple poll Ali Shaik 12.03.08 15:15
Re: Simple poll subir subir 12.03.08 15:23
Re: Simple poll Max max 12.03.08 15:47
Re: Simple poll unknown user 12.03.08 17:46
Re: Simple poll Akshay Khanna 13.03.08 12:30
Re: Simple poll Max max 13.03.08 20:07
Re: Simple poll subir subir 14.03.08 00:06
Re: Simple poll Akshay Khanna 14.03.08 12:20
Re: Simple poll trust7 14.03.08 12:34
Re: Simple poll Max max 14.03.08 13:39
Re: Simple poll Rajesh Krishnadoss 14.03.08 14:09
Re: Simple poll Savio Noronha 14.03.08 14:34
Re: Simple poll subir subir 14.03.08 16:51
Re: Simple poll prasadp kumar 14.03.08 18:14
Re: Simple poll subir subir 14.03.08 20:22
Re: Simple poll Max max 15.03.08 01:31
Re: Simple poll subir subir 15.03.08 16:17
Re: Simple poll Struts Spring 15.03.08 23:15
Re: Simple poll dd rr 16.03.08 10:37
Re: Simple poll subir subir 16.03.08 15:30
Re: Simple poll Struts Spring 16.03.08 16:32
Re: Simple poll Max max 17.03.08 11:02
Re: Simple poll Akshay Khanna 17.03.08 13:44
Re: Simple poll Ramu K 17.03.08 14:10
Re: Simple poll subir subir 17.03.08 14:27
Re: Simple poll Akshay Khanna 17.03.08 14:37
Re: Simple poll Max max 17.03.08 15:16
Re: Simple poll Ramu K 17.03.08 15:55
Re: Simple poll pre thi 17.03.08 16:46
Re: Simple poll Struts Spring 17.03.08 22:12
Re: Simple poll Akshay Khanna 18.03.08 12:20
Re: Simple poll Ramu K 18.03.08 12:50
Re: Simple poll Ramu K 18.03.08 12:53
Re: Simple poll prasadp kumar 18.03.08 13:21
Re: Simple poll Max max 18.03.08 13:28
Re: Simple poll prasadp kumar 18.03.08 13:49
Re: Simple poll Max max 18.03.08 14:03
Re: Simple poll Struts Spring 18.03.08 14:19
Re: Simple poll Ramu K 18.03.08 14:31
Re: Simple poll Max max 18.03.08 14:33
Re: Simple poll trust7 18.03.08 14:43
Re: Simple poll Ali Shaik 18.03.08 21:47
Re: Simple poll Pankaj Daga 19.03.08 02:00
Re: Simple poll Savio Noronha 19.03.08 13:17
Simple poll
12.03.08 13:57
Hi, since i think the majority of this forum comes from India, i would like to ask you this.
Which one you will choose:
1. Waiting for German Citizenship then secured indian OCI, and go to England.
2. Waiting for German Citizenship, secured OCI then stay in Germany.
3. Apply for England HSMP and leave Germany (without securing citizenship).
4. Stay as NE and work as usual.
5. Go back to home country.

Which one will you choose?
Of course i don't expect only Indian, but indian offers OCI which other countries may not have the same.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
12.03.08 15:15 als Antwort auf dd rr.
I prefer point 2.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
12.03.08 15:23 als Antwort auf dd rr.
why England is on your top agenda, there are better places than england. Germany is better than england.

Why would someone opt for citizenship and stay in Germany, its better to stay in Germany on NE.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
12.03.08 15:47 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Well u cant gernalise and make a one single opinion that is supported by all.

Everyone is having some sets of criteria that leads to make their decision.

1 For some money is the big issue.
2 For some peaceful life is more important.
3 Some people cant be stay appart for long from their friend and parents.
4 Some people dont want to intregrate in german society.
5 Some people think Uk is better than germany. and bla bla bla..

So First what are ur criteria and then make ur decision.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
12.03.08 17:46 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Germany do not have dual citizenship concept anymore. Eligible for grant of OCI as long as their home countries allow dual citizenship in some form or the other under their local laws.

You can check it here,
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
13.03.08 12:30 als Antwort auf dd rr.

1. Waiting for German Citizenship then secured indian OCI, and go to England.

I would opt for German Citizenship no matter where I would want to work or live tomorrow. However, For the families with kids England has a very nice education system best suited for Indians.

2. Waiting for German Citizenship, secured OCI then stay in Germany.

Actually why not? I have more faith in german political and social system than the system of India or England.

3. Apply for England HSMP and leave Germany (without securing citizenship).

Most stupid thing anyone can do. You have to stay another 5 years in UK to secure permannent status.

4. Stay as NE and work as usual.

NE is nothing more than an unlimited residence/work permit. I would rather be an active part of society and have a voice in Germany.

5. Go back to home country.

Why the f**k did you come here in the first place? Just to return back to your poor neighbourhood with pocket full of Euros to show off and cure your frustration? If that what life is all about for you?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
13.03.08 20:07 als Antwort auf dd rr.
for ur 5th point..
There is something "FAMILY n FRIENDS" in home country that some people always miss and for whom they r more important than money.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
14.03.08 00:06 als Antwort auf dd rr.

well said, and with balanced wiew.
although india is growing economically at fast pace, BUT unfortunate that its not a peaceful place to live and system is corrupt. Also as pointed by deathnic we are always pulled back by our loved ones.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
14.03.08 12:20 als Antwort auf dd rr.
@subir79, deathinc

If your "FAMILY n FRIENDS" and "loved ones" were more important than money and career, you wouldn't be here in the first place.

When you are bored of Europe and have saved some money (I mean enough to live comfortably in India) then all of a sudden you start missing luxuries like servants in house, driver, gardner, 24 hours maid for your children etc.

Then, you go back claiming your love for "FAMILY n FRIENDS" and "loved ones". Which in fact is totally nonsense, your "loved ones" now "loved once" are more happy to see you stay in abroad so that they can boast in society and visit you time to time. The day you go back for good your are reduced to nothing.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
14.03.08 12:34 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Dear Akshay,

meanwhile I am missing your comments when you do not post a message for a while ;-)

I realy appreciate you as an active t7 member! Because of this I hope you do not resent it when I ask you.. why are you so cynical sometimes? Don't you believe in love?

Viele Grüße aus Berlin and a nice weekend to all of you!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
14.03.08 13:39 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Because u cant get every thing in ur hands ,U have to sacrifies something to get something.

Some people do this sacrifies for their future to go out but they always miss their familie and when the time come, when their aims (and criterias) are achived by having enough money.

They go back in india again to live with their familie.

But it dosent mean that the other who choose to live here dosen't love their family.

btw how u can say that india is not a peaceful state to live.I dont know where u live but except some regions its quite peaceful.And if what u have written is influenced with ur personal experiance then dont gernalise it here.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
14.03.08 14:09 als Antwort auf dd rr.

>>And if what u have written is influenced with ur personal experiance then dont gernalise it here.

I dont hear anyone complain when Germans generalise and say Indians are very good in IT, which is not always the case.

sometimes brickbats instead of bunch of roses makes us stay on ground instead of flying in the air.

So dont get offended and try to defend each and every critisicm you get about your country

>>but except some regions its quite peaceful

Do you read the newspapers regularly ?? Which state in india doesnt have problems?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
14.03.08 14:34 als Antwort auf dd rr.
I wonder what is the objective of this thread
To lift India or Degrade India.

Sometimes i feel you guys go off the topic.
That too talking about the negatives of other countries esp India.

have a nice weekend.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
14.03.08 16:51 als Antwort auf dd rr.

I am not aware if you have some experience of living and working in india and is not a mere tourist who visit india becuase they think it huge and very different and clourful and difeerent people. From the time I am working here in Germany, I have been to india for 3-6 months of projects at several occasions ( other than my private vacations, to meet my family and loved ones). Since i know how the system works, i get easily adapted to it, BUT i observe and expereince that my German colleagues not looking very comfortable beucase in office and outside office, nothing works what they used to. They really enjoy their stay for few days but look desperate to return to Germany. I can see that even they dont feel comfortable driving/walking on the roads, not able to sleep peacefully becuase there are no norms of noice pollution and some other minor things, its business as usaual for me. So, for most its a perfect place to spend cheap vacations and meet surprises, but not a plcae to live and work. Nothing works with law, there is corruption everywhere. Only money and power speaks.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
14.03.08 18:14 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Most of us work here to make their career,save some money,take care of dear ones and after few years return to India.In India with money one can live luxuries life with servants, driver, gardner etc which is a dream here.Those Family and Friends who boast in society of you being abroad are really not good Family and Friends,if you only have such dear ones then i feel sorry for you.
Always remember even if you live here for 50yrs with German citizenship still you will always be a Auslander.Also if your kids get educated here or England they will never learn the cultural values which we learn living in India.

Its true that the system is corrupt but everyone takes advantage of that.I beleive you are from India and not from Darfur,Afganisthan or Iraq.What you exactly mean by India is not a peaceful place?If it's not peaceful how you got good education and come over here for work,how your parents could live in India?If you got some experience living in Berlin then you would have never said this.

Don't want to go off the topic.I would say get NE,HSMP,OCI or Citizenship whatever makes you and your dear ones happy.But never forget your roots and the place where you come from.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
14.03.08 20:22 als Antwort auf dd rr.

other than making money for your car, servant and gardner etc, please make sure that you also do saving to bribe . Make sure that you break the law and still escape though bribe. If someone hit you on the road make sure that you are much more powerful than the culprit and have good connections, else legal system not going to work.

Do you think only war can disturb you?


Look at these as* h**le politicians, breeding many countries within single India. I am lucky that I am not a immigrant to Mumbai, and enjoying my freedom and work.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
15.03.08 01:31 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Do u want to make india to have a europian standerd so that ur german collegeue will enjoy life there? sorry if that is the defination of peace according to u then i dont have to say too much on ur childish thoughts.

Well subir79 what u r looking for is a heaven with full of saints.
Crimes r going on everywhere .Corruption is everywhere and in germany also.
I agree that in india its more.but india is also much bigger.

But that point dosent disqualify india as peaceful state.

>>Always remember even if you live here for 50yrs with German citizenship still you will always be a Auslander.Also if your kids get educated here or England they will never learn the cultural values which we learn living in India.
Well im not agree with u also.

Its all depends on ur believes in ur mind,if u believe like that,then this certainly gonna happen to u and u cant change it, nobody cant change it coz u dont want to change ur belives..U go the point??
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
15.03.08 16:17 als Antwort auf dd rr.

>>Do u want to make india to have a europian standerd so that ur german collegeue will enjoy life there?>>

Sure!! not only germans, but I would like to see people from across the globe together with over one billion my countrymen woking together and living in prosperity.

>>Crimes r going on everywhere .Corruption is everywhere and in germany also>>

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
15.03.08 23:15 als Antwort auf dd rr.

This thread has turned into something else as reason started. You are obsolutly right, india is very corrupt and there is no peace there.


Could you please stop entertraining these kinda !diotic thoughts? Sorry for any indians feel gets offended due to following comments.


Legend :
"" -> your comments
> -> my comments

"From the time I am working here in Germany, I have been to india for 3-6 months
of projects at several occasions ( other than my private vacations, to meet my family and loved ones)."

> So you travelled as tourist and donot have any realistic idea, how did you come to know about corruption, did your dad / grand parents were involved?

"Since i know how the system works, i get easily adapted to it"

> So were you part of that? or your parents / grand parents?

"BUT i observe and expereince that my German colleagues not looking very comfortable beucase in office and outside office,
nothing works what they used to. They really enjoy their stay for few days but look desperate to return to Germany"

> You are commenting on our country men? that is quite different than your thoughts. So cross-check is needed!

"I can see that even they dont feel comfortable driving/walking on the roads"

> Hence you should never walk/drive in that country, though you've option in that country
to hire flight or helicopter with body guards.

"not able to sleep peacefully becuase there are no norms of noice pollution and some other minor things, its business as usaual for me"

> I guess you are right, my grand parents who are already dead and the people who live in Utopia comment the same way.

"So, for most its a perfect place to spend cheap vacations and meet surprises, but not a plcae to live and work."

> Why do you want to get to cheap vacations, when you think live in Utopia? and why do you want to live and work, when you already live in Utopia or Your Heaven!

"Nothing works with law"

> It's non sense comment, when you could'nt provide an example!

"is corruption everywhere"

> They don't pay 50% of their earnings i guess. You sh!t out over 50% and make such lunatic comments?

"Only money and power speaks"

> Could you please tell me the country where it does not? If not why the he*k did you get in here? just for same reason?

"other than making money for your car, servant and gardner etc, please make sure that you also do saving to bribe"

> Hence you make money to sh!t out over 50% tax in your Utopia?

"Make sure that you break the law and still escape though bribe"

> Could you count, how many time you break or broke?

"If someone hit you on the road make sure that you are much more powerful than the culprit and have good connections, else legal system not going to work"

> Hence you pay insurence in here to do that?

"Do you think only war can disturb you?"

> No, even base ball bats can disturb as well, when you live in Utopia or livin along with my grand parents!

"Look at these as* h**le politicians, breeding many countries within single India. I am lucky that I am not a immigrant to Mumbai,
and enjoying my freedom and work"

> I don't want ro privide any links about politicians. It's goin to be endless, if i start! You could search yourself. There is search
engine called google and yahoo have good lisitngs about your Heaven.

"Sure!! not only germans, but I would like to see people from across the globe together with over one billion my countrymen woking together and living in prosperity."

> But when they don't want it? why should they accept your single view?

> "TWO WRONGS doesnt make ONE RIGHT"

In our country one wrong is wrong as well not accepted.

You have not idea what you are talking about your country and history?
where did you study in india by the way?

Here are my thoughts! I'd been to india many occations and lead team
which works in india and i'm not an indian.

That is the country which has been ripped-off for almost 400 years by
so called in your way "non-corrupted", "well behaved", "rich", "developed"
Utopia and your beloved countries where you are being given chance due to
the history of this country?

How mich more bribe you paid compared to the TAX you pay in here?

How many hours in your country, our politicians could rule with peace? and
without being corrupt?

How many religions live peacefully in your country compared to Germany and
what more percentage you've got? and without being wire tapped?

You say as if we donot have any crime? what do you think of eastern bloc mafia?
or religios extreamism?

How much you know about our (German) history? and what do you think where you
could be if not?

I don't know, but your writings gives your country men (including Indian cow-boys)
to take dare action (sp!t on your FaaC*) i guess, though i find them funny.

At last! could you please name the City / Village you live in? I would invest
sometime to investigate and get you the reality of your Utopia.

I really expect comments from you. I'd three weekes of vacations and have lot energy
to have dog fight as you do and want.

Finally i'm happy that you pay TAX to my country making us rich or atlest to feel rich ;) It's no wonder that you can't repair your country and repair ours and thank you for doint that.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
16.03.08 10:37 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Hello everybody,

when i started this thread, i just want to ask for opinions from everybody about the choice that one possibly takes.
The reason to take indians as example is because the majority of participants are from india. Nothing more and nothing less. I said also that other nationalities feel free to participate.

Here i don't want to put some countries in bad image or anything, nothing at all. I am so sorry that this thread went that way.

So, i know each people has different choice and different reason. It will be good if others also respect it.

So, can we restart the poll? otherwise please close this thread.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
16.03.08 15:30 als Antwort auf dd rr.

>>I really expect comments from you. I'd three weekes of vacations..... and bla bla bla ....<<

Looks like your boss is happy not to see you in office, if he can allow three weeks vacation for you then you are redundant and the best candidate to lay off... Be prepared to return back to your grand parents.

I dont want any response from you, but your motive seem to discourage others not to live and work at place what they consider good for their future.Dont spit your crap any further... you dont deserve any response.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
16.03.08 16:32 als Antwort auf dd rr.


@d!r*y !nda*='subir79'

>>I really expect comme
nts from you. I'd three weekes of vacations..... and bla bla bla ....<<

So as expected, you did it!

>>Looks like your boss is happy not to see you in office, if he can allow three weeks vacation for you then you are redundant and the best candidate to lay off...<<

You said that, exactly same like you! If you'd something better to do with little clean dirty !nda* brain this would'nt have happned. Just look at your own bottm before commenting on others.

>>Be prepared to return back to your grand parents.<<

Oh, scared now! do you expect sorry from me?

>>I dont want any response from you,<<

No wonder you little dirty !nda* dick hea*!

>>but your motive seem to discourage others not to live and work at place what they consider good for their future.<<

What did you do to the guys who wanted to return back to their home country? somthing different and changing your opinion so quick? did not expect so quick though.

>>Dont spit your crap any further... you dont deserve any response.<<

Good! that rest of the indians who think of going back to their country happily and peacefully without getting your dirty nonsense replies.

So, you know who you are! and nothing better than anyone else. You could now stop your bad mouth!


Please execuse in case using some arrogant words, did not wanted to offend anyone in here except make sure that those understand how it feels to offend. But someone started it and i just finished with one answer instead of everone commenting in wrongful manner.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
17.03.08 11:02 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Well its good to see a forigner is defending India ,where as some group of indians outside and NRIs have more problem with India than any other forigner.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
17.03.08 13:44 als Antwort auf dd rr.

You are more than welcome to stay in India if it pleases you that much, furthermore I have an empty Flat in NewDelhi which I can put at your disposal as long as a you want to live in India, no rent asked !!

Just do me a favour and don't teach the Indians about India.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
17.03.08 14:10 als Antwort auf dd rr.

It is really sad to see the comments made by fellow Indians abt India. please be thankfull to the nation which gave you right education, be proud of its diverse culture, rich heritage and not to forget the tag of IT nation with which you are here today. please dont pass on cheap comments and degrade your nation. No country is perfect, if you wanna do something then be part of the society and try changing it instead of just sitting and passing comments on it.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
17.03.08 14:27 als Antwort auf dd rr.

>>Well its good to see a forigner is defending India >>.

We are going global, so dont stop/discourage us to win and work in different countries we think are good for us and we good for them.I think we as indians are no threat to anybody, so dont be afraid do not attempt to mislead.

This thread is to discuss experiences and talk about pros and cons for settling abroad or going back home based on true facts and not being hypocrite about india. So, dont poke your nose as you dont have any experience of india. You yourself is away from your home/country for some reasons.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
17.03.08 14:37 als Antwort auf dd rr.

You are not the only Indian singing songs of diverse culture, rich heritage and glorious past...blah blah... and at the same time thanking God 10 times a day that you don't have to live in gutter.

It is really funny, I have met variety of foreigners here and none of them are as eulogistic about their land as Indians. When all arguments fails we take shelter of great-indian-culture and glorious past :-)

I am not saying India does not have potential...but we are not there just yet !!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
17.03.08 15:16 als Antwort auf dd rr.
>>We are going global, so dont stop/discourage us to win and work in different countries we think are good for us and we good for them.I think we as indians are no threat to anybody, so dont be afraid do not attempt to mislead.>>

Im not missleading anyone and im not discouraging anyone here.Go where ever u want to go Iran ,Iraq,USA...I dont give a F**K.
Its u who is throwing shit on ur homeland and u forget that ur parents are still living in this shit.
btw how u can get respect from others (also forigners) when u dont have respect of ur country.

>>This thread is to discuss experiences and talk about pros and cons for settling abroad or going back home based on true facts and not being hypocrite about india. So, dont poke your nose as you dont have any experience of
You yourself is away from your home/country for some reasons.>>

U better takecare what u talk.Im having 26 years of experiance in India.And lived there peacefully.
Nobody Fire Gun on me,I slept peacefully in night.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
17.03.08 15:55 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Please remember that you too are born in the same country which you are now refering as Gutter, actually its shamefull and really sad.

Abraham Lincoln once said "He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help."
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
17.03.08 16:46 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Akshay lovers-

Dont you guys forget , Hes a rotten curry
Hes a loser to certain extent.

I know him preety well. He would only marry a girl who his parents select.

Wish i could write write a lot about him. I do know lotta about him. let god give him peace
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
17.03.08 22:12 als Antwort auf dd rr.

"You are more than welcome to stay in India if it pleases you that much"

> Oh, so nice of you! Thank you very much, i wish i could but not thinking though.

"furthermore I have an empty Flat in NewDelhi which I can put at your disposal as long as a you want to live in India"

> Once again, thank you very much. But you could make lots of indians happy with that.

"Just do me a favour and don't teach the Indians about India."

> Did i do that? but i don't think so. There was a boy who did'nt like his own mother, i was just playing "SuperNanny" role to get it. But i think i'm not completly sucess though as he still does'nt seems to belive and behave same way as before. In case if it disturb you then sorry for that. You could do me favour as well by just ignoring message from either Mr. "Subir79" or "Instructor".
- Thanks
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 12:20 als Antwort auf dd rr.

....But you could make lots of indians happy with that.

Just with one flat? ;-)

There was a boy who did'nt like his own mother, i was just playing "SuperNanny" role to get it. But i think i'm not completly sucess though as he still does'nt seems to belive and behave same way as before. In case if it disturb you then sorry for that.

No need to be sorry, I misunderstood your point, you are right in teaching someone the value of motherland. But, you just don't understand these motherloving Indians.

These bastards are not going back because they love their motherland, they are only dreaming of a life which they can lead with pocket full of Euros/Dollars. They want to go back just to buy a house/flat in some posh area and enjoy the luxury of cheap labour (servants, drivers, gardner etc.etc.)

....these i***s are happy there, not because they have house/car/money BUT the fact that million of others don't have it and living in slums like insects. They feel too good to live among poor/hungry/suffering population which gives them a feeling of superiority.

None of them is going back to help India suffering with poverty, illiteracy, bad infrastruture, crime against women and lowercast.

Let the Indian Rupee be at par with Euro/Dollar and these f****s would be singing a different tune.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 12:50 als Antwort auf dd rr.

Dont see yourself in mirror and think the rest of the lot are like you. if you are an i...t and etc what ever u have written the rest r not, so take care when u r using them. If u r hopeless and if you are not willing to help the society then its upto you but dont generalise.


please block Mr.Akshay for using hurting the sentiments and feelings of the lot and using abusive language.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 12:53 als Antwort auf dd rr.

ur language and the words used in your posting shows the kind of personality you have, you have no right to generalise.


Please take a harsh action for the kind of abusive language used by Akshay
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 13:21 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Mr. Akshay Kumar or whosoever.
I can understand your problem.You had tough time in India competing for a job with fellow Indians but here you found everything easy and no competition.
Now the things have changed and you find here lot of Indians which makes you frustrated and fear of competition which makes you say bad about your fellow countrymen.
My dear friend try to save as much as you can and enjoy your rest life in India.Things are going to change,in few years you will not find any jobs here even if you then be ready to work for less than what you can earn in India.Already lots of Highly qualified east Europeans are working in IT and other sector for less and more going to come.If you plan your own restaurant or a shop thats also going on loss now as many unemployed youths already doing the same.No one is sure that after u get retired will the government be able to give you pension,all your pension money which you give from salary is gone.
You should know that without a job for few months or years you can live in India but here its impossible.
So instead of shouting on India and Indians I advice you better save some money and plan to get settled in India and count the days till you have a job.
And remember when you call Indians a ba.... your parents are also from the same land.
Does anyone know who this @Akshay is then please post his address here so we can give him some Psychological treatment
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 13:28 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Akshay is not totally wrong except the words he used .

Many do like that and then feel superior in the India.

Now Is this BAD to think? living like a King in india or living like a worker in germany
Or more bad ...Living like a Slave in UAE or in Saudi Arab for the whole life.?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 13:49 als Antwort auf dd rr.
You know most Indians who work here are Highly educated with real talents, but few are imported Husbands who got married to some German girls and came to Germany.What class you define for them?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 14:03 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Better we dont make the transition of Topic and remain in same context.
>>What class you define for them?
For me there is no class.All works equally and im not intrested in making difference between a SAP consultant or a Cook here.

Now My point was even if what Akshay is saying is true for some indians,then also this thinking is not at all bad.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 14:19 als Antwort auf dd rr.

"Just with one flat?"

>> Why not? seen many kids sleep withour roof, probably they might feel at home. or?

"But, you just don't understand these motherloving Indians."

>> I don't agree on that, these kinda characters exists everythere and nothing special to any nationality. I'm sure that you are aware of fatherlovings ;) around!


>> I donot want to comments much on rest of the comments by crossing the open-forum line.
But i think that is everywhere, not better with us either, may be different ways. Even communists
drive around (or own) with very expensive car/flight by lucturing equality, even Environmentlists fly around with multi-seated flight, so what do i comment? We know that there are uneducated people and are part of our society.


"Many do like that and then feel superior in the India."

>> I donot agree upon this as well! as i said, this has nothing to do with
the any single country or country-men. The bigger problem seems to be Human
mentality itself. I did not find any difference somewhere else having travelled around a lot!

"Now Is this BAD to think? living like a King in india or living like a worker in germany
Or more bad ...Living like a Slave in UAE or in Saudi Arab for the whole life.?"

>> Unfortunatly, nothing to comment here!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 14:31 als Antwort auf dd rr.
what ever Akshay is saying is a shit and he shud be kicked out of the forum for using the abusive language.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 14:33 als Antwort auf dd rr.
U see u used the word "Human mentality" and u validate my statement:-)

>>I did not find any difference somewhere else having travelled around a lot!

Ur this statement is influenced by ur own personal experiance whereas here ..........but anyhow I wont pickup any conflict with u as favoured my beloved land:-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 14:43 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Hi all,

cool it!

@ aryan

I did edit some rude words of Akshaj. What you wrote is also not so nice... s***t

@ all

please try to express yourself with polite words and respect different opinions! You are all grown ups, you should manage this.

I am not a full time paid moderator, I am an absolutely no paid moderator ;-

I am very busy with my own businesses I can not control you like a mother or a grandpa and watch you all the time.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
Detlef :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
18.03.08 21:47 als Antwort auf dd rr.
Hello All,

I also agree with @trust7.
we are here to give and take suggestions, not to comments on others.
Every one have different opinions and no one has right to say against other opinions.
sorry to say like this.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
19.03.08 02:00 als Antwort auf dd rr.
This thread is spectacularly hilarious!

Forget about moderating Detlef! Just get a bag of popcorn and enjoy the show! emoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Simple poll
19.03.08 13:17 als Antwort auf dd rr.
... and the message from Xenon123 is a eye opener.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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