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My way to EG

My way to EG
27.11.06 16:51
I got NE EG last week and I got it the hard way cos I was first to ask EG in my town. Luckily I am in NRW.

It all started few months ago. I got NE in Januar so I first asked some Beamtin on phone if they issue EG. She said clearly no, it is only for those married for EU citizens. I did not argue, I just asked her boss and he said the same.

But than he said just a minute I will take a look. After he read Erlass, he said, it COULD be possible. Just drop by and we will check it.

I droped by with my wife which asked NE and EG at the same time. I had NE and needed only EG on it.

When we finally got in office after waiting few hours, Beamtin seem to know quite a lot about it. She said it goes but you should speak german really good and also know german laws. She wanted to test how good my wife speaks german so she asked a few questions. In between answers my wife and I exchanged few words and than Beamtin said she wants to test her german without my interuptions and she showed me the doors. I fealt like being back in school.
After 15 minutes of testing, my wife got out still not knowing if it was succesfull or not.
After another hour of waitting they informed us that they will consider it and we wil be informed per post.

After maybe 3-4 weeks we got mail saying we got it.

We got there first Monday, waited from 8 til 1 when we finally got inside. We gave all needed documents but after waitting another 10 minutes we were told that they have technical problems because they never issued NE-EG before so they do not know how to print it with there software.
on Tuesday wife went there alone and she got NE-EG for both of us.
First she tried to charge 300€. After talking to boss she charged it 2x85€.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: My way to EG
27.11.06 18:26 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.

Congrats ! and that was very good that you got it finally.

In my case, i called the respective officer and he asked me to come down with the listed papers.
I am also from NRW from the

1. work contract
2. Letter from the Employer
3. 3 months gehlatsabrechnung
4. Rental contract and also a letter from the
etc.. the usual papers that we use to get NE.

He also informed me that it is all new for them and he would need to test my Skills in German and the Political, Economic and the whole system here.

1. My Doubt is What kind of questions would be asked?.

2. Do i need to fear anything about my existing NE ?.

As we all know that having a D-EG is better as a foreigner and so i am trying for that.

Please advice.

thanks and Regards,

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Re: My way to EG
27.11.06 19:02 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
2. your NE is safe (unless you do not shut somebody down)

1. he can ask you anything. With this testing if you know the german laws they planned to avoid giving NE-EG to terorists or Extremisten. So the law basics that you should know are things like:
do not shut someone cos his religion or opinion is different.
But in praxis they can ask you anything. Even the name of some minister in some Bundesland.
I would advice you just to read some basics about german Bundesrat and Bundestag and elections and democrasy generally.

In my case they did not check my law knowledge in any way. I supose it was cos they knew me quite well and they know that I managed to get lots of things as the first one in the town (Arbeitsberechtigung, Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet, NE-EG). What more of law understanding could they ask.
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Re: My way to EG
28.11.06 13:08 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Hi DvD,

( shut somebody down ) Do you mean harm some one ?.

Otherwise i am preparing with all kinds of Documents to support, but the main thing might be my German. I can speak a little bit ofGerman but not so fluent.

Hope i dont feel i am in the Wrong Place, after all these years.

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Re: My way to EG
28.11.06 14:35 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
I don't know if I was clear or if you agree but the only thing you can shut down is computer.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: My way to EG
28.11.06 14:40 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Has Anyone tried Frankfurt am Main for EG? Are u successfull. Thanks.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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