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Visa Questions

Career for doctors

Career for doctors
23.12.06 12:22
Hello Friends,
I have been working as engineer for a company in bayern for 2 years on work permit visa. I am going to marry and sponsor my wife here. She is doctor (gynecologist).

Could she be able to practice here in Germany as doctor?
Is work permit law after first year, same for all professions? also for doctors?
I talked to some concern offices in Bayern and there response seems to be very discouraging.

Some one have information about perusing career for doctor wife?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Career for doctors
16.08.08 15:38 als Antwort auf nasir rahim.
Can anyone give a light on this matter? How an indian doctor can do further practice in germany?
any site or link if anyone know?
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Re: Career for doctors
17.08.08 11:57 als Antwort auf nasir rahim.
Sorry guys, I dont like to disppoint you. It seems that nobody has practical experience. Let me share with you what I know ( But please verify by yourself as I dont have this experience personally )

I know a Russian woman did MBBS in Germany although she did MBBS in her country. There is a biggest constrain is language. As we know, how tough it could be till that level. I know she did DSH ( this was not easy jounny for her). you know, this is a matter for Leben/tot thats why nobody would like to take this risk. I know, there are lot of vacant positions but this cannot be filled by foreigner (definitely language is the big reason). We know language for an engineer and langage for a MBBS are not same.

However, still there is a way. That lady did DSH first then she convinced her teacher to accept some credit from her old MBBS.She completed her MBBS by this time but I dont have any updte now.So, there is a way but definately not the easy journey.

I think, verify with the medical university if they accept MBBS from other countries or not. If they do then another higher diploma ( which is done after MBBS )could be a good solution.
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Re: Career for doctors
17.08.08 12:38 als Antwort auf nasir rahim.
I am also not %100 sure but heard from some friends that they have to attend some kind of medical orientation course and exam in Berlin in order to have their medical diploma recognized in Germany.
(What I heard was, what required is excellent language skills and plus passing the medical exams which are partially oral exams in German..)

This is called in German "arzt approbation".. you may search the google with these keywords.. and try to see if smt useful comes up..


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Re: Career for doctors
14.03.09 06:20 als Antwort auf nasir rahim.
ok,i'm 100% sure of what i'm gonna write.This guy studied medicine in africa and practiced there for about 3yrs.his girlfriend is a german.he married her and then moved over to germany.he then did the language exam(which is of course a must),then applied at the uni for the staatsexamen(state examination) coz he was told he had to do it again. after passing the exam,it becomes easy.u can then apply for work in a hospital.

another friend of mine who did his medical studies in india actually got a place at a hospital here in germany to do his specialisation without doing the staatsexamen. i was completely surprised but he got the place and is now doing internal medicine.
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Re: Career for doctors
16.03.09 12:06 als Antwort auf nasir rahim.
If this indian is friend of urs then can u ask him what was the actuall process.and how he got himself to practice in germany?

My friend is now doing job in Singapur,I guess doctor job Singapur is more recognised than India internationally,is there any way for him to get chance here ?
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Re: Career for doctors
16.07.09 19:54 als Antwort auf nasir rahim.
I am a doctor from Bangladesh,living in Munich for nearly 4 yrs.After finishing Deutsch course (mittelstufe)I applied for the permission to work as a doctor.Regierung von Oberbayern will give me the permission to work here when I find a employer.Now the processing is going on with a hospital.

I would love to help any foreign doctor with informations. my emai- jubidalaila@yahoo.com

Best Regards
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please do help me!!
27.09.09 02:48 als Antwort auf nasir rahim.
hay guys
I would like to introduse myself 1st.I am a student of medical university, Russia. Actually i am a citizen of india and after my higher secondry education i came here for my medical studies in general medicine (M.B.B.S), So as i am a student of final year now,i am searching a university,hospital; for my post graduate studies,residency and good feture. So actually i am interested doing my post grduate,residency education in Master of surgery of Orthopedics and Trauma subject or in opthalmology, radiology in medium of ENGLISH instruction (ofcorse if possible) orelse in german, So i want all detail information about the residency education in germany. So i request to send me those all. As i am having few quiestions like Can i get admissinon in this university for post graduation or lets call residency, as above noticed subject? What will be the medium of instruction?( as i am starte to learn german language) What will be criteria of admission? What kind of document university, hospital needs? What are the tution fees ( is it true i heard that residency is absolutly free, though i get paid descently)? What about student life? Are there any yet indian students enrolled? What about dermatory and living expance? Please tell me about the climet? Can i enroll by my self in residency corse, please will just send me some emails or related websites of hospital where they allows non EU student? How and all i have to being ready if i deside to continue the study in this university? which and all exams exact i have to give, as i directed that i have to pass the german language exam ( is that toffel DAF exam? if not then please specify me) and what about state medical exam?? please have in mind that i am a russian medical diploma holder, but citizen of india. is there any your personal conact no then please leave for me because i realy need to talk to you, i am really looking forword for this...!
I am eagarly waiting for your reply so please do send me the answer. please asnwer me on dranand_21@rediffmail.com chill
Thanking of you,
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