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Visa Questions

Tourist or Dependent - Newly married

Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
8/9/11 12:01 AM
Hi Friends,

I will be in India for a month for my marriage. I have 2 weeks after marriage in India before I get back to Germany. I'm on a NE with a German company in an unending contract. My spouse has resigned her job in India last month.

My queries are:

1) Can I apply for my wife's Tourist visa when in India telling that it is for an European honey moon with all relevant proofs of ticket etc. Please note that I already have an invitation letter from the amt here.

2) Will the tourist visa be rejected, if Yes, will it impact the dependent visa processing?

3) If the tourist visa is approved, will it impact dependent visa when she applies for it after going back to India?

Please provide tips or share experiences as I'm not clear how to proceed.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/6/12 4:35 PM as a reply to G S.
Hello desingermany,

I am currently facing the same problem,
as I would be getting married in August 2012.

I would be more than glad to hear your experience and suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/7/12 1:19 PM as a reply to G S.
I would say you should give it a try - the toursit Visa..!

The best thing would be to right away apply for the Long term depenedent Visa if you really plan to
apply for Long term visa later.

I had the same plans as u in 2010 but my Wife's tourist visa has got rejected then. Chennei consulate...!!
Allthough my friend had got it from the Mumbai Consulate..!! during the sae period. (No difference in documents or else..JUST the CONSULATE....)
As issuing a tourist Visa is an authority of the Indian Consulates in India..they can do as they will..and
every consulate has its own way of dealing with a Visa application.

Rejection of the Tourist Visa DOESN't have an effect on the dependent Visa process.Nor the acceptance.

All u need is all the right papers. And make sure u get your marriage certificate translated to German from the Goethe Zentrum in India.And also into English, if the certificate has been issued in a regional

Good Luck!
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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/7/12 2:53 PM as a reply to G S.
From what I know two visa process cannot go in parallel i.e. if your dependent visa application is in progress you cant apply for tourist visa...and if you have a tourist visa already and you apply for dependent visa, they normally cancel your tourist visa...

I dont know how will it work if you apply tourist for other schenegen countries....

This is not a legal advise..
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Spouse Visa Time frame
5/7/12 6:52 PM as a reply to G S.
Hey All,

I hope some body will answer my questions.

I have been living in Germany since Sep2011. I work in Bremen. . Recently I got married in India. Now I want my wife to join with me. She applied for her family reunion spouse visa in the first week of April. She is a Post graduate and she doesnt have a German certificate.

Could anybody tell what is the minimum time it took for visa approval? as well as the Maximum time also.

I have a friend who applied for his wife's visa some 7months ago and still he is awaited for the VISA due to the verification of marriage certificate and other document checking. Now My question is ""is the marriage certificate verification is a mandatory process.???If yes why we were not informed of the same at the time of filing the application????"" which would save almost 3months of time..

I heard from some other Indian colleagues that their spouse visas were granted in a period of 1month after the application with out any verification process in the year 2011

Needs some opinion... hope somebody share their experiences.
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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/7/12 7:50 PM as a reply to G S.

Maybe your Wife might not need a Language Certificate, but this depends on the Consulate.
I have heard of both the cases from my friends.So firstly you should apply without a certificate.

Normally as they say 8-12 weeks.but it depends..

Maybe after your wife applies in India, you could callup/visit the Bremen Ausländerbehorde to
check if they have received the documents from India. You could also ask them on how long could it
take and if they would need any further documents from you..(i would say it would be nice if you make a visit).

Verification of the marriage certificate is on the Ausländerbehorde, maybe they are satisfed
with the German translated and marriage certicate in Orginal.

In mycase my wife she had got her Visa without the verifcaition of marriage certificate, but when we went for Anmeldung at the Rathaus, they asked us to go to the Standesamt.
The Standesamt had then send the certifcate for verification.(but this depends...)

Good Luck.
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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/8/12 9:24 AM as a reply to G S.
Hi Predator,

"I have a friend who applied for his wife's visa some 7months ago and still he is awaited for the VISA due to the verification of marriage certificate and other document checking"

Out of these 7 months, how many months back did the verification process actually start, i.e., how many months back did your friend submit the documents? Did the Embassy or ABH give any reason why it is taking so long? Most of the people in this forum have had their verification done in max 3 months.

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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/9/12 2:16 PM as a reply to G S.

The verification Started in January and now they recieved the original Marriage certificate with a stamp of Embassy along with a letter saying: they will still have to wait for 6 more weeks to know the decision. Is nt it strange? He is making very decent money here in the field of research which is above 45k per annum.

Why the things are getting delayed????They started verification after 3 months of application....they took more than 3months for verification and now asking for 2 more months just to know the decision?????what is happening no Idea....

With all these bitter experience of my friend I am worried how long it would take for my wife to get Visa. There is no news frm the embassy if we have to go for verification? Is it a better idea to approach the local ABH here in Bremen to know the status? or I just have to wait until further info from thm?

Comments plz....
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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/9/12 2:57 PM as a reply to G S.
I have been living in Germany since Sep2011. I work in Bremen. . Recently I got married in India.

I see a problem in your spouse visa application.
Since you haven't completed 2 years of residence in Germany and got married after you acquired the German residence permit -- there is a waiting period of 2 yr ears before you bring your wife here.
This implies you have to wait until Aug2013 to bring you wife here.

rule says
seit zwei Jahren eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis und diese ist nicht mit einer Nebenbestimmung nach § 8 Abs. 2 AufenthG versehen oder die spätere Erteilung einer Niederlassungserlaubnis ist nicht ausgeschlossen

if married before acquiring German residence permit

eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis besitzt, die Ehe bei deren Erteilung bereits bestand und die Dauer seines Aufenthalts im Bundesgebiet voraussichtlich über ein Jahr betragen wird

Its only my opinion and my interpretation of the law.
Experts any comments or corrections on my interpretation???
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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/9/12 3:51 PM as a reply to G S.
Hi Predator,

My wife's verification process is also underway. A few things to be careful about -
Never wait for Embassy/Consulate to get back to you. In my case, German consulate in Dubai has till date never called or emailed me about any status, even after my visa was approved and ABH requireed my marriage certificate verification for my wife's visa. But this is based on experience of German consulate in Dubai, maybe German consulate/embassy in India communicates more.

I had asked my employer in Germany to ask local ABH office about the status 3 weeks after submitting our application, and the ABH informed my employer that marriage certificate verification is required. After that I just went with as many documents as possible to the consulate to start the process.

Why the verification took more than 3 months in your friends case is strange, but again it could be the reason that your friend was already in Germany when he married.

The reason for Embassy asking your friend to wait for 6 weeks is because of the processing required in Germany by ABH. However, again if your friend's employer has a good relation with ABH, they can query the status and let you know. If all documents are in place, ABH should not take more than 2 weeks.

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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/15/12 2:40 PM as a reply to G S.

Thanks for the info and I know I am late to respond.

Here we go...

I enquired with local ABH through our company HR, they said that they have recieved the documents of my wife's visa.

Now my question is....
Do you have any idea that how long it is going to take from now on...and what is the procedure that they follow?

thanks in advance for your info...

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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/15/12 6:01 PM as a reply to G S.

Now comes the tricky part. The ABH may or may not require A1 certificate and marriage certificate verification. Asking them about this may result in them asking for it, not asking them may result in delay in starting marriage certificate verification process due to no communication on this from the Embassy.

In my case, my future company's HR had made a general inquiry about my and my wife's visa status to which ABH gave information that my visa was approved but my wife's visa required additional checks.

I believe the German Embassy in India does not entertain any query before 12 weeks, so your best bet would be to query the ABH again in 2 weeks time about general visa status.

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Re: Tourist or Dependent - Newly married
5/16/12 9:44 PM as a reply to G S.

If we go there and ask them the status is nt it like we giving an idea of marriage certificate verification?

My HR people said we will recieve some information in a week. I am now tensed what information would I get. Is it for verification of documents? or approval letter?

any idea?
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