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Moving to germany?

Moving to germany?
24/11/07 17:12

I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina (married, 2 kids), I am programmer with about 12 years professional programming experience (C/C++, Java, Php). Political situation is worsening here and there are good chances that war will erupt once again. I think one war experience is more than enough for me, so I was thinking to move out of this country. What are chances for me to get work/job visa (as a programmer, I prefer c++) in Germany (including my family of course)?
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Re: Moving to germany?
25/11/07 22:09 en respuesta a Amir Cicak.
Yes, you will get a job. But not sure about the work visa. Try applying for jobs and then maybe the company can sponsor your visa. But it will be a long process

For jobs you can try in following websites

Good luck.
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Re: Moving to germany?
26/11/07 9:28 en respuesta a Amir Cicak.
fluency in german is a +point although it will not gives u 100% garentee.
hm if there will be war in future then why dont u try for Asylum.I dont know how it works but if u want then soemhow u will also find info..
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Re: Moving to germany?
26/11/07 10:54 en respuesta a Amir Cicak.
Thank you for quick responses.

You say I can get the job but not visa, can I temporary work there until I get work visa? If it is long process, do I need to wait for that process in my country? I say this because here its matter of months or maybe even weeks before war erupts. Are there any other options?

I am not sure for asylum I really do not know much about visas, etc. I did not travel a lot. My german is weak, but english is good enough. You know many people from Bosnia will probably want asylum in Germany, so I think German goverment will probably restrict that, because there can be thousands of requests. Maybe because I am qualified fot IT jobs I could pass, but where do I start from? Do I send request here to German embassy or ...?
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Re: Moving to germany?
26/11/07 11:21 en respuesta a Amir Cicak.
You can not get a job if you do not have a visa.
I do not believe that any company will give you contract without checking can you work here.

Also I do not think that it will be war again.

Everything is just politics but there will not be a war.

To think about Asylum you can only if there is any good reason for it and now with all international influences in Bosnia you do not have any chance (and of course there is no chance that there will be war).
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Re: Moving to germany?
26/11/07 11:51 en respuesta a Amir Cicak.
There are good chances for war here (do you watch Bosnian TV?), and international presence/influence will not change anything (as usually when Balkan is in question). Anyway thats matter of opinion. Do you know how much usually it takes for company in Germany to enable work visa from moment they start to work on it?
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Re: Moving to germany?
26/11/07 12:29 en respuesta a Amir Cicak.
Hi Borgdrone7

let´s start from the beginning.

If you are a programmer and have experiences, in my opinion, your chances to get a job here are very good. Is all matters of your availability (visa I mean), salary expectations and as always, luck.

But please don´t be desperate. I think your chances are good... in fact, send please an email address where I can write you please.


The guy is asking for help, he has TWO kids and the possibility of war in around... this is not a joke.

Maybe our situation is a little bit different now but please don´t forget that all of us started here like Borgdrone7, maybe without war, but we are all (or almost all) foreigners here.

If anybody of you have a better idea, please don´t hesitate to tell him (like I´ll do via Email)

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Re: Moving to germany?
26/11/07 17:36 en respuesta a Amir Cicak.
Thank you YO1 for trying to help, here is my e-mail (replace with @ and with .):

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Re: Moving to germany?
27/11/07 11:54 en respuesta a Amir Cicak.
I just want to ask..
R u intrested to come to germany or r u commited to come to germany .
If u r intrested then it will be impossible for u.but if u r commited then somehow u will manage it(evenif its tough).
anyhow my wishes r with u:-)
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Re: Moving to germany?
27/11/07 20:37 en respuesta a Amir Cicak.
It's nice to see Trust7 postings again after couple of months. Hope you guys still remember me!!!!

Moving to Germany is very good idea with family. But do not go as Asylum! Try to contact some hiring companies, they may sponsor your visa.

Germany is very peaceful place to live with family. Do not worry about language, you can learn as most of the people do not know German language. Try from the websites sent by Raj.

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Re: Moving to germany?
28/11/07 1:27 en respuesta a Amir Cicak.

Political situation here will make me "commited" or "interested" it depends, I am all ears. Thanks for support and wishes emoticon


Thank you, thats good news. I will try with sites Raj sent.
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