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Unable to make decision where should I stay permanently


I am unable to make decision where should I live permanently? This is the reason I need help from your experience.

I can live Germany or I can go to UK. In the mean time, I have got also confirmation for Canada immi. But I cannot make decision where shoud I go ?

Can someone please share his or her experience who was in Germany but now settle in UK or Canada ? What is the advantage and disadvantage you are seeing in your eyes to settle english speaking country like UK or canada ?
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Re: Unable to make decision where should I stay permanently
11/25/10 11:54 AM as a reply to Mamun Kabir.
I will just start with the disadvantages for each country and others can add to them in their replies

Canada :
1. Cold
2. Previous non-canadian experiences not being recognised

UK :
1. Too crowded
2. Narrow roads and small houses
2. Worst place to bring up children

Germany :
1. Language
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Re: Unable to make decision where should I stay permanently
11/25/10 7:41 PM as a reply to Mamun Kabir.
Canada :
1. Cold
2. Previous non-canadian experiences not being recognised

BUT you can get citizinship very quickly (3years) and go and work in USA

UK :
1. Too crowded
2. Narrow roads and small houses
2. Worst place to bring up children? why emoticon?

BUT language is not a problem

Germany :
1. Language
2. one of the countries that demand relatively very long periods of residence before citizenship (7-8 years if not more). NO IMMIGRATION COUNTRY
3. Job chances depend on your citizenship, residence and education.

BUT one of the best places in the world to live in (high living standards), in the center of Europe and very nice nature/cities
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Re: Unable to make decision where should I stay permanently
11/25/10 10:28 PM as a reply to Mamun Kabir.
2. Worst place to bring up children? why ?

At least in London, if you do not own a House near a good school, or can't afford to send your children to a private school, there is a pretty good chance that your children will end up in a medium to mediocre school, as the competition for school places is ferocious (People have been known to commit offences in order to get their children into the good schools). On some areas, its considerably dangerous to be a teenager and there are ongoing postcode wars where children get killed just because they walked into the wrong neighbourhood. Although reported crime on average goes down or remans steady, there is a lot of unreported crime and alcohol fueled random beatings.

It really depends on a having certain level of income, and living in the right area.
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Re: Unable to make decision where should I stay permanently
11/29/10 11:23 AM as a reply to Mamun Kabir.
Dear All,

Thanks for comments.

I would like to hear from someone who is now in Canada or uk but was in Germany earlier. I know there are lot of specialist leaving Germany every year. I would like to know their comments which would be more practical and help to make my decision.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Unable to make decision where should I stay permanently
11/29/10 11:45 AM as a reply to Mamun Kabir.
Why would you like to hear? That the grass is greener on the other side. There are lots of immigration going on among the countries you have mentioned. Maybe instead of we puttin out the adv and disv...tell us a summary of what you have found out so far. Then we will comment on your findings.
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