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Harz IV

Harz IV
7/5/05 8:47 PM
Can someone explain about Harz IV.
What is that and did GC has right under it?!
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Re: Harz IV
7/6/05 12:49 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
With Hartz IV Arbeitsloshilfe is history.
If you arbeitet more than 1 y in D you get short time Arbeitslosgeld and after it long long time Arbeitsloshilfe. Both is quite big, ALG ~60% and ALH ~50% salary.
With Hartz IV there is no ALH so one can only get Sozialhilhe which is less than 350 euro, and if you get it you can never get NE or CS.
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Re: Harz IV
7/6/05 1:29 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
But Once you have NE and then you loose job, it doesn't matter right ? Is it possible to stay in Germany as long as you want?


: What's the status of your NE?
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Re: Harz IV
7/6/05 5:31 PM as a reply to Johnny English.

I will aply for NE in November.
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Re: Harz IV
7/6/05 6:19 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
"if you get it you can never get NE or CS"

Hmm.. not exactly.. if you are in a situation where you need Social Benefit (Sozialhilfe) before NE, you are supposed to leave Germany anyway. Because someone with limited Residence Permit (in theory) does not have right to get Social Benefit.(There are exceptions for asylumseekers etc..)

For Citizenship, at the time of the application and the naturalization, the person in question should not be getting any state help and should be able to finance herself/himself.

I have one small request from the forum-posters though. For me personally, it is really disturbing to read sentences like "if you arbeitet". I really do understand that it is difficult to translate all the technical words from German to English but if we write it in such a mixed way with english pronouns conjugated with german verbs etc.. it becomes really difficult/disturbing to follow what has been written.
No offence please.. just a remark to express a point which I found disturbing.


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Re: Harz IV
7/6/05 8:00 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
I get it:
I am difficult/disturbing.

Thanks lacrimo

now I see what was wrong:
it should be:
if you arbeiteSt

Thanks again
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Re: Harz IV
7/6/05 9:16 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
"Because someone with limited Residence Permit (in theory) does not have right to get Social Benefit.(There are exceptions for asylumseekers etc..)"

i am GC and was getting it once without problems. it helped really a lot that i didn't have a passport ;)

on original question: if you do not have serious health problems it will cover your rent + heating + bring you 345 + max. 160 EUR. if you do not have a job, applying for it will be very very useful as employment offices usually start to help foreigners in their job search only when those foreigners apply for Alg II (what was named Harz IV here) or for Sozialhilfe
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Re: Harz IV
7/7/05 3:32 AM as a reply to Johnny English.
hm...seems no good...
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Re: Harz IV
7/7/05 11:42 AM as a reply to Johnny English.
Hi All,

If NE is approved & security check(which takes 3-6 months)is in process, in this time period a person looses his job will he get NE or not?

Awaiting for your replies...

Thanks in advance
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Re: Harz IV
7/7/05 12:28 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
If ABH does not finds out, he will get it.
If ABH finds out, hardly.
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Re: Harz IV
7/7/05 9:43 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
If that's the case with Harzt IV, then the insurance has to be adjusted as well. not base on percentage but base on flat rate :-).

Can someone actuall cancel this insurance, said that I don't want to get any money if I lost the job? I mean in my case I will go home right away.
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Re: Harz IV
7/7/05 11:41 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
"Can someone actuall cancel this insurance"

yes. you must become self-employed. otherwise - no way
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