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Changing Job in Probezeit???

Changing Job in Probezeit???
11/27/05 5:06 PM
Hi there,

i appreciate the people who share in this forum useful info. I am looking for some advice on my problem and hope that somebody here can give me someful advice to my problem.

i have started since 3 months a new job (Software Engineer-Java) where i have, as its usual in DE 6 month probezeit(probabation period). The company is not as bad, but job involves much travel, and due to this job i had to relocate to Bayern whereas i and my family wanted to stay in Hessen because we were living there since last 5 years before this job and we liked that area much as compared to Bayern.

Now i want to find a job in Hessen again, and relocate there. But i am thinking if being in probezeit currently can effect my searching of job? or if the companies where i apply would ignore my Bewerbung (application for job) for the reason that i am in probezeit in my current company?

A bit history of mine. During past i worked e.g. continuously 3 years for one company, 2 yrs for another and 2 years for another, so i havent been a quick job changer in the past.

what do you guys suggest me? should i first complete 6 months probezeit and then find another job? i have unlimited visa (NE) so there is no legal problem for me.

Is there anybody who changed his/her job during probezeit? if yes, how was the experience?

thanks much for any responses and have a nice weekend!

-warm regards,
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Re: Changing Job in Probezeit???
11/27/05 7:25 PM as a reply to mubi hussan.

changing the job after the probezeit is kinda tricky because you got a longer Kündigung period after your Probezeit, normally, during the Probezeit it's kinda 1 to 2 weeks.

I too changed job during my Probezeit once, there were no pbm with the company hiring me and neither with the company where I was, just tell the company where you want to get hired (but this only during interview and in case asked) that the family issue is the one leading you to switch job. It was the case for me too, because for some1 who likes to take time with his kids, seeing them only on week-ends were too painful.

And in fact, you don't need to specify in your Bewerbung that you're on Probezeit. They can see that thru your job history but then, answer when you're asked.

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Re: Changing Job in Probezeit???
11/27/05 9:42 PM as a reply to mubi hussan.
thanks much for usefull advice and sharing ur experience in this regard. this will certainely give me a bit more confident.

einen schoenen anfang in die neue Arbeitswoche!

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