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EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt

EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt
9/29/05 5:15 PM
Hi friends,
EG holders, did anyone of you manage to get the selbständigkeit erlaubnis in addition to your EG?

"Selbstäandige Erwerbstätigkeit erlaubt. Beschäftigung uneingeschränkt erlaubt"

Would be glad to have your feedbacks.
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Re: EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt
9/29/05 8:07 PM as a reply to GnR GnR.
I got Eg. There is whole story on forum.

BTW Eg or Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet is allways with selbstst.
Be or Beschäftigung erlaubt is not.
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Re: EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt
9/29/05 8:07 PM as a reply to GnR GnR.
I really don't get your question right, can you explain a little further? because with an EG, you already got the right to be Selbständig.

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Re: EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt
9/29/05 8:13 PM as a reply to GnR GnR.
Hey NoBody, found job?
Will you work in October?
Did you sue your firma?

At the moment I do not know what job will I do in October. Maybe I'll know tomorow.
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Re: EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt
9/29/05 8:39 PM as a reply to GnR GnR.
hi DVD, Noboby and others,

Based on the discussion with the Ausländerbehörde the following interpretation of the Aufenthalstitel has be reached.
1) Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet .... ( with some extra sentences).This means that one can work in any profession, need not be IT specific.But one cannot be selbständig.

2) ''Erwerbstätigkeit Gestattet zu ausübung einer selbständigen tätigkeit''
This would mean that one can also be selbständig in any profession. However the aufenhaltserlaubnis is still Limited till you reach 5 years of stay, and then you get the Niederlassungserlaubnis.

3) Niederlassungserlaubnis ( everything is allowed). I guess both you , DVD and Nobody have this one.
My question is point 1. Have you ( EG holders) got any other sentences attached to your EG, or only Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet printed on your aufenhalstitel??
Thanks for your info
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Re: EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt
9/29/05 9:08 PM as a reply to GnR GnR.
"Hey NoBody, found job?", still looking for, made a couple of interviews, have another one tomorrow morning, will normally get an answer from my previous interviews next week, they have to think because I asked "too much" for a job in Berlin :-) but things are on the right track.
I had had 2 days ago a proposal in which the people are already ready to work with me but that will need me to become Freelancer and that's a whole other story, so still checking, but I will keep you informed if I sign a contract.

"Will you work in October?", just as I said, I hope to, getting the ALG is not really my wish but I will if I have to. I've even apply for Wohngeld today, just in case the future doesn't turn right.

The funny thing is that I'm having some "proposals" from my home country with job paying netto 7 times what I earn here brutto :-) I'm just waiting to get more concrete proposals before I decide, but if it goes like that, I will register myself as Freelancer and go working down there for a couple of years, coming back every once in a while not to loose my NE.

"Did you sue your firma?", you bet I did :-) We sent the case on court last week (on September 22nd) and we are waiting for the Gütetermine now, it's a case we can't loose, so I will keep you informed.

"Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet", means you can do whatever you want that can bring you money (except selling cracks :-)) so even being Selbständig is allowed, you can even open you own company if you want.

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Re: EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt
9/29/05 9:13 PM as a reply to GnR GnR.
Thanks for your reply.
Basing on your message, if Erwerbstätigkeit Gestattet = Selbsttandigkeit erlaubt,then referring to the first day when i received my green card, on the aufenhalttitel is printed '' Unselbständige Erwerbstätigkeit Nur gemäss § 1 IT-AV''
So there is definitely a difference in the defination of ''Erwerbstätigkeit'' itself.

My interpretation is,
1)Erwerbstätigkeit Gestattet zu ausübung einer Selbständigen tätigkeit.

2)Erwerbstätigkeit Gestättet zu ausübung einer
Unselbständigen tätigkeit.

The common factor between these two is only that you can work in any profession, and it need not be only IT centric.

Your's and other feedbacks will be appreciated.
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Re: EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt
9/30/05 5:27 PM as a reply to GnR GnR.
GnR no need to talk much.
You just ran onto Beamter that has no clue. That's nothing new. Trust us (that is why this Forum is called Trust7):
Erwerbstätigkeit =
Bescheftigung(unselbstständige) +
selbstständige Tätigkeit
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Re: EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt
9/30/05 8:02 PM as a reply to GnR GnR.
Dear DVD
Thanks for your response.
Yes,i do trust ' trust 7' and Detlef and rest of you.
If you were able to view properly, then you could have seen that am a member of trust 7 since 11/2003 lol. OK back to the matter.
My point was simple,I am still not clear whats written on the following part of this document from the Merkblatt 7 Bundesagentur für Arbeit,


refer to Page 5, section 1.2, wichtige begriffe
Erwerbstätigkeit ist die selbständige Tätigkeit und die nichtselbständige Beschäftigung.
So my inference is the following. Although you got erwerbstätigkeit gestattet,and theoritically clear about the definations ;) but once you decide to incorporate a GmbH, and walk into the real world, i mean gesellschafter verträge, then the Handelskammer bestätigung to the business plan, Notariat clearance and registration, and of course finally Handelsregister then,its essential to know whether this Erwerbstätigkeit Gestattet is enough for you to operate optimally.Thats why i Asked, whether its only 'erwerbstätig Gestattet ' OR is there any other sentence attached to ' erwerbstätigkeit Gestattet' on your aufenthalserlaubnis as written in my previous post.

Would be glad to receive your's and others feedback.
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Re: EG with Selbständigkeit erlaubt
9/30/05 8:41 PM as a reply to GnR GnR.
You already have feedback.
"Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet" is enough to open GmbH or AG or KG or KGmbH or what ever.
You can allwys run onto some Beamter that thinks different but that will easily be solved with lawyer.
It is tot sicher.

Of course if he writes "Eg, selbstst. Tät. nicht gestattet" then you can not open Firma.
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