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Received German Citizenship

Received German Citizenship Deb Gupta 11/5/10 6:32 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship trust7 11/5/10 9:06 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship robbie apuuli 11/8/10 4:12 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship Deb Gupta 11/8/10 11:10 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship robbie apuuli 11/9/10 11:55 AM
Re: Received German Citizenship Masum Ahmed 11/9/10 1:11 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship Faisal Khan 11/9/10 1:40 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship FADI HAMOUD 1/13/11 9:43 AM
Re: Received German Citizenship trust7 1/13/11 1:46 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship arj org 1/14/11 11:57 AM
Re: Received German Citizenship sridhar kadiyala 1/14/11 2:54 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship arj org 1/16/11 4:05 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship Moh Sh 1/17/11 10:38 AM
Re: Received German Citizenship sridhar kadiyala 1/17/11 8:45 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship sridhar kadiyala 1/17/11 8:48 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship Anonymous 1/20/11 12:16 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship srikanth shetty 9/8/11 8:45 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship Vikas Mishra 9/9/11 4:06 PM
RE: Re: Received German Citizenship Ravi Shankar 5/12/13 5:48 PM
RE: Re: Received German Citizenship sandeep kumar 5/12/13 10:48 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship Vikas Mishra 9/12/11 7:38 PM
Re: Received German Citizenship Rajesh Krishnadoss 9/13/11 2:24 PM
RE: Re: Received German Citizenship m musaddaq 2/8/13 12:07 PM
RE: Re: Received German Citizenship Abdul Mannan Mohammed 2/11/13 3:15 PM
RE: Re: Received German Citizenship m musaddaq 2/25/13 11:27 PM
Received German Citizenship
11/5/10 6:32 PM

I am from Dusseldorf. I applied for German citizenship on 31st Aug and yesterday received confirmation that the citizenship application has been approved. The Urkunde would be handed over to me on 10th Dec through a formal ceremony with the "Oberburgermeister". Now important experience.

1.In my case I had to change job during the citizenship process as I lost my previous job. Try to avoid it if possible.

2. Its also important how much you earn. Higher the earning the better is the chance.

3. Current status ie NEs have a better chance than BE.

4. City from where u apply. Dusseldorf , Frankfurt,Munich are generally quiet fast.

Hope this is useful to all of u in the forum.


0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
11/5/10 9:06 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.


And thanks for the info :-)

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
11/8/10 4:12 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
I have § 9 II AufenthG/Daueraufenthalt-EG issued in Mar/2006. And since Aug/2006 am working for an international organization in Holland.

Is it still possible to apply for german citizenship although am living and working across the border? If so, how may I proceed?
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
11/8/10 11:10 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
I suggest u talk to the behorde describing your situation. Normally if u are paying taxes in Germany then u are eligible. However you may give it a try.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
11/9/10 11:55 AM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
It is a tax-free organization that I work for. We also do have quite a number of germans working for the same organization.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
11/9/10 1:11 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.

I have also applied last month. Till now no formal letter received.
One of my friend also applied & within 1 week he received a latter stating that his application has been send to the heigher level in Darmstadt. within 2 weeks he recieved another letter to send some more papers & also his contact persons name & address.
For my case no letter yet. I applied from Frankfurt. My friend apply from outside frnakfurt but within Hessen.
Don't know whether to asked them the status of my application. I have Dauer-EG
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
11/9/10 1:40 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.

Usually within one month you should receive the letter. I would say ask Standesamt may be they have not forwarded your application yet or the person working with your application in Darmstadt is sick/on holidays. It could be anything but at the moment you can only ask Standesamt where you submitted your application.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
1/13/11 9:43 AM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
Hi Detlef

happy new year at the outset
kindly provide your contact details i.e. mobile etc, so i want to seek your consultancy on my case.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
1/13/11 1:46 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.

you will find my contact details at the bottom of this page and here...


0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
1/14/11 11:57 AM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
I don't have NE but next year will be my 7th year that I hold the residency, and I have already past the integration and German courses. Do you think if I can apply for citizenship or only I can apply with NE?
Thanx for help
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
1/14/11 2:54 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
you need an NE.

below is the extract from the citizenship requirements document.

Sie besitzen zum Zeitpunkt der Einbürgerung ein unbefristetes Aufenthaltsrecht oder eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis.

Ein unbefristetes Aufenthaltsrecht haben z. B.:
Personen mit einer Niederlassungserlaubnis oder einer Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EG,
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
1/16/11 4:05 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
But here says also with a residency it works as well
am I write? or making mistake in translation?
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
1/17/11 10:38 AM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
It is not required to have NE for citizenship application.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
1/17/11 8:45 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
sorry..i meant you dont need NE..i couldnt edit my previous post..
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
1/17/11 8:48 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
Der Besitz einer befristeten Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Zeitpunkt der Einbürgerung genügt nur, wenn sie zu einem Zweck erteilt wurde, der grundsätzlich zu einem dauerhaften Aufenthalt in Deutschland führen kann. Das gilt z. B. nicht bei einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis, die für ein Studium oder für einen vorübergehenden Aufenthalt aus humanitären Gründen erteilt wurde. Nicht ausreichend ist es, wenn Sie zum Zeitpunkt der Einbürgerung nur eine Aufenthaltsgestattung oder Duldung haben.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
1/20/11 12:16 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
Hi ikkyg,

Can you give me your contact details in D'dorf? or an email id?

I am also from D'dorf and have few questions to you.

my email id is vebalu@yahoo.com

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
9/8/11 8:45 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.

I feel mine also similar case like yours.

i have applied for einbürgerung 3 months back from frankfurt and till now just received only a letter stating in process.
Can I know how many months it took for you to get it done the einbürgerung process.

best regards,
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Received German Citizenship
9/9/11 4:06 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
@srikanthshetty @Fruhling @ikkyg

i also applied 2 months ago in Hessen, in the first week they sent me later stating application received and after 1 month sent another letter to tranfer 255 euros to their account within 3 months time and wait for their news as security check will take some time..........i transferred the money immediately and since then no news :-(

did u also paid the fees? as far as I understood...once they ask you to pay means....its a good sign or?
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Re: Received German Citizenship
9/12/11 7:38 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
any info please?
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Re: Received German Citizenship
9/13/11 2:24 PM as a reply to Deb Gupta.
patience mishra... 6 months is the max time frame in hessen. when you have waited 8 yrs, 6 months is peanuts.
0 (0 Votes)

RE: Re: Received German Citizenship
2/8/13 12:07 PM as a reply to Rajesh Krishnadoss.

does any one know if student time will be considered Full in Rhineland-Palatinate (Koblenz) ?

in Aug 2013 i will be living in Germany for 7 year, May i apply for German Citizenship by having 1 year Full time Job contract.

Atif Musaddaq
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RE: Re: Received German Citizenship
2/11/13 3:15 PM as a reply to m musaddaq.
Hello Atif,

If you are going to apply for German citizenship you need Permanent Job contract. Other things counts later.

Best regards,
0 (0 Votes)

RE: Re: Received German Citizenship
2/25/13 11:27 PM as a reply to Abdul Mannan Mohammed.
Hi,  Mohamm

I have a Full time Job but the contract is only limitied for 1 year (31.03.2014). It should be unlimited contract ?

Atif Musaddaq
0 (0 Votes)

RE: Re: Received German Citizenship
5/12/13 5:48 PM as a reply to Vikas Mishra.
  •  I applied on Jan 19th 2010  after having lived in Germany since April 2001 on a work permit
  • I didnt recieve any letter till the end of Feb 2010 informing me that my application letter is being processed and I will be notified in case anything is required. Really slow.
  • I went for a Holiday to Greece in the first week of March 2010. Stayed for 4 days in Greece
  • 2nd week of March 2010 checked my postbox and I had a letter from KVR.
  • KVR letter informed me that i could come and collect my Urkunde . I needed to bring along the Original Passport that I hold ,  latest payslip and some bank transfer proof of some 235 or 265 Euros 
  • I went a couple of days later.
so overall in less than 2 months time from the date of Application, I was holding a German Passport.
0 (0 Votes)

RE: Re: Received German Citizenship
5/12/13 10:48 PM as a reply to Ravi Shankar.
Could you please let me know where you applied for citizenship ?

Also how did the surrender of Indian passport worked.It is said that we should give the Indian passport to the German authority and they will take care of surrendering it.Does that mean later Indian embassy will send us back the cancelled passport or they keep it with them.

Or is it pssoible that when one gets the letter of citizenship one can apply for surrender at Indian embassy and get the surrender certificate which can be given to get the Urkunde.I think in this case one can still keep the old Indian cancelled passport with us instead of giving it away.
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