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child's citizenship of NE

child's citizenship of NE
6/25/08 3:14 AM
Hi all,

The following piece of "Gesetz" has been copied from http://www.einbuergerung.de/gesetz.pdf

§ 4
....... (3) Durch die Geburt im Inland erwirbt ein Kind ausländischer Eltern die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit, wenn ein Elternteil
1. seit acht Jahren rechtmäßig seinen gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt
im Inland hat und ....

Back ground info: I am here in Germany since Oct'2000 and holding NE.

Now If I get a child after 8 years of my stay in Germany, then my child will be eligible to claim German citizenship. I hope that I understood it correctly. Is my child has to wait till it's 18 or 23 years to get the real DE passport?

Next thing: I could claim for Kindergeld (KG) with NE status. Am I right?

The last question: Has anyone ever tried for dual citizenship (DE + India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Srilanka or other country out of EU) with the help of following law ?

Hence I found from the link mentioned above :
§ 10 [Anspruch auf Einbürgerung].....
Das (mehr Staatsangehörigkeit) ist anzunehmen, wenn .....
5. dem Ausländer bei Aufgabe der ausländischen Staatsangehörigkeit erhebliche Nachteile insbesondere wirtschaftlicher
oder vermögensrechtlicher Art entstehen würden, die über den Verlust der staatsbürgerlichen Rechte hinausgehen ....

It is highly appreciated your opinion - Is it a worthful try for dual citizenship based on the law mentioned here?

Thanking you in advance.

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Re: child's citizenship of NE
6/25/08 2:28 PM as a reply to Monir Ahammod.
"Now If I get a child after 8 years of my stay in Germany, then my child will be eligible to claim German citizenship", yes.

"I hope that I understood it correctly. Is my child has to wait till it's 18 or 23 years to get the real DE passport?", yes, in the meantime, he will be holding your citizenship but he won't have to wait 'til he is 18 but 'til he is 16.

"I could claim for Kindergeld (KG) with NE status. Am I right?", no, you can claim KG from the time your kid got registered in Germany. If you never did before, just do it and you'll get paid for the months you haven't received it.

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