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German justice system

German justice system
7/9/08 4:14 AM
I don’t know if You guys have been following this topic, but most of the racist attackers are let off easily by paying a few hundred euros as penalty (http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,3376272,00.html) and this is not an exception but very common, but if a similar attack happens on a German by an immigrant then the attackers are handed out long prison terms (http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,3469434,00.html )

This is the German justice system which we should get use to…..
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Re: German justice system
7/9/08 10:13 AM as a reply to Striker Me.
That's the main reason motivates me to get German Passport. emoticon
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Re: German justice system
7/9/08 12:18 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
This has nothing to blame the system.

If a foreigner wants to live here for work or asylum its only to get a better life and in return if they want to be criminals then why should the government keep them here.

If a local does a crime the government does not have any option but to keep him here but with a foreigner they can at least deport him.
In India also if an Indian does a crime it does not become a headline but if a foreigner does the same it becomes the headline and this is same everywhere.
One should accept that Germany is the country for Germans and if a foreigner even gets a German passport he will be always treated as a foreigner.
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Re: German justice system
7/9/08 2:23 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
>> One should accept that Germany is the country for Germans and if a foreigner even gets a German passport he will be always treated as a foreigner.

If you know your rights no one can discriminate you and one has to be forceful in using their rights. But the rules in place works equally if you know them in the first place.
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