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Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months

Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Striker Me 12/6/04 2:17 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months NoBody 12/6/04 4:53 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Striker Me 12/6/04 5:17 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months NoBody 12/6/04 5:23 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months M T 12/6/04 5:33 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Baskaran Kumarsamy 12/6/04 5:41 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Nitin Reddy koluvolu 12/6/04 7:23 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Baskaran Kumarsamy 12/6/04 9:04 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months NoBody 12/6/04 10:26 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Baskaran Kumarsamy 12/7/04 1:50 AM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Baskaran Kumarsamy 12/14/04 5:09 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Denis von Domikulic 12/14/04 5:28 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Baskaran Kumarsamy 12/14/04 6:12 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Nitin Reddy koluvolu 12/14/04 8:34 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months NoBody 12/15/04 12:25 AM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Baskaran Kumarsamy 12/15/04 12:30 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Baskaran Kumarsamy 12/25/04 12:54 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Asian the Great 12/27/04 4:19 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Prasad Patil 1/6/05 8:56 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Baskaran Kumarsamy 1/7/05 11:17 AM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months Prasad Patil 1/7/05 12:51 PM
Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months chandrasekar krishnamurthy 1/7/05 1:34 PM
Hello Everyone.

I am aware that a GC holder should not spend more than 6 months at a stretch out of Germany, otherwise the GC expires.

Does the same thing hold true for the wife of a GC ? Are there any exceptions ? like health not permitting travel etc.

Thanks for sharing any info,
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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/6/04 4:53 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
AFAIK it's not something specific to GC but for every person who is not from the EU and who's living in Germany either with a Aufenthaltserlaubniss or a Niederlassungserlaubniss.

So this applies also for the wife of a GC.

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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/6/04 5:17 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Thanks NoBody.

Would You know if there are any exceptions to this rule ? Like pregnancy etc. ?

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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/6/04 5:23 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Not that I know of, but I will try to search and will keep you updated. Unless some1 got an answer already.

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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/6/04 5:33 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
As far as I know there is no exceptions like that.
I enquired this in the German counsulate of my home country.They told if your wife stays outside Germany more than six months, then the visa is automatically invalid.
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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/6/04 5:41 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Hi all,

My situaltion is also similar to this. I had GC in 2002 till 2007. In May 2004, i have moved to UK under HSMP and presently working now. But my wife also another GC still working in Germany. We both have independent GC. I am still under Rathaus records.

I am planning to come to Germany for Christmas. Will it be problem to enter into GErmany.

Also i had no stamp on german visa while leaving from Germany. How they will come to know that i have left germany in May 2004!!. Or else please suggest what can i do now?

Many thanks in advance.
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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/6/04 7:23 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
How they will come to know that i have left germany in May 2004!!. Or else please suggest what can i do now?

I thought each time you arrive in or depart from Germany the security persons scan your passports so how can you tell that they don't have your travel data.
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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/6/04 9:04 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Hi Nitin,

No scanning was done from my passport when i left Germnay. But it looks strange for me that resident permit will expire after 6 months of stay outside. If it so why auslanderamt or rathaus not sending any letter to my house.

where ít is written that visa will expire after 6 months of stay outside.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/6/04 10:26 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
"Why auslanderamt or rathaus not sending any letter to my house where ít is written that visa will expire after 6 months of stay outside", because as they say in French "Nul n'est cense ignorer la loi", meaning, no one is supposed not to know the law.

When you go on a case, and that someone says to you "it is written in §XZ", you can't say you didin't knew because you are supposed to know it. That's the way it is.

And regarding the scanning of your document, it may not have been done but you are not paying taxes here and this is one of the simplest and fast way to know you've been out of Germany. How do I know that? Let me tell you a story.

A friend of mine came in Germany on GC but couldn't find a job as he wasn't speaking German nor English so he decided to go in France where he succeeded to get a work, with a residence permit of 1 year renewable.
He lost his job and wanted to come over here to ask for his remaining 3 years (which are way better than 1) so he came back here and asked me to get an appointment for him at the Ausländeramt, which I did in his name, giving all the details.
They gave us an appointment 1 week after and I went with him, you know what happened? Police were waiting for him because he has been "living illegally" as his residence in Germany "ceased", and the woman said that she had a week to check and had seen that he didn't paid a single tax for 2 years, meaning he didn't worked here and thus, should have been either living in Germany and in this case, couldn't work, meaning go out (we all know that after a scertain time without working and without unemployements benefits, you have to go out) or he has been all the time out of Germany.

he got saved becasue he still had one month on his French visa so the police had not right to kick him out, but he went back to France on the same day.

Let me tell you that they never scanned his passport because he went in France in bus but still...

May this story teach you.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/7/04 1:50 AM as a reply to Striker Me.
Hi Nobody,

Thanks lot for sharing your friend's story. But my case is not like your friend's case. My wife still works there and still she pays all the taxes. It is not a must that both should work. In fact i met auslanderamt before coming to Uk for changing my visa into my new passport and i told them only my wife alone works at present and they were very cool and never asked me to apply as dependent. May be our auslanderamt is really friendly.I am not going to ask any thing from AA or Arbeitssamt when i come now. Just i am coming to germany for visiting my wife. I wonder, they may expect me to apply tourist visa to visit germany each time.

Any way let me tell you people after reaching Germany for christmas....if anything fish happened!!.

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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/14/04 5:09 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Hi all,

Today i have spoke to German consulate in LOndon regarding out of Germany for more than 6 months and consecutive visa expiry. They told me that it is correct. They told me to deregister from Rathus and then apply for Visit visa!!. It is a painful task to apply for visit visa.

Hi Nobody,

whether your friend didn't face any problem while entering Germany and ONLY after he approached Auslanderbehorde faced the problem. Am i right. I was very sad that i couldnt meet my wife this christmas holiday. -emoticon(

Do any one have similar experience.or suggestions are most welcome.


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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/14/04 5:28 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
You can arange with ABH a period longer than 6 months, but only if you ask before you go out, not after you get back in De after >6 months.
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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/14/04 6:12 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Hi all,

When i have left from Germany there are no stamps on my passport, i wonder how they maintain the records for 6 months!!!. I still receive tax card from Rathus.

If i know this rule, i would have entered once from UK before 6 months. Atleast now i came to know about this rule through TRUST 7. Special thanks to Detlef for maintaining this site.

I still expect reply from Nobody that how his friend entered after 6 months?


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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/14/04 8:34 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
I still expect reply from Nobody that how his friend entered after 6 months?

I think his friend had work permit in France so he could travel freely in EU countries. that is how he managed to step in Germany.
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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/15/04 12:25 AM as a reply to Striker Me.
nreddy is right, he had still some months on his french visa so he could travel in the Schengen countries without problem.

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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/15/04 12:30 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Hi Guys,

I am very much confused now that whether to come to germany or to apply for visit visa before coming. or Shall i take a chance in the worst case i may return back to UK. There is no stamping or no one scanned my passport for the date i left Germany.

Also i came to know one of the GC's wife entered Germany after 6 months without any problem!!!!...

What you guys suggest?


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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/25/04 12:54 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Happy Christmas and New Year to All.

Baskey from Germany
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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
12/27/04 4:19 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
I guess the non working dependent GC's (wife) can go out and join anytime because they do not scan the passport when you go out or come inside., As long as you have the aufenthalstitel in the passport, they just look at it and throw it you back in the airport. But for working GCs they can find out based on tax payment.
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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
1/6/05 8:56 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Hi All,

I have the same problem, my wife left Germany as she was pregnant then in April 2004 and now she is travelling back.

So i spoke to the guys in Dusseldorf Rathus they told me that just my kid needs the VISA and not my wife.

Please let me know anybody has come across similar situation.

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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
1/7/05 11:17 AM as a reply to Striker Me.
HI patel,

I have not faced any problem after 8 months of stay outside but again i have travelled within Europe.

But as per the law One must reapply for residence permit after 6 months of stay outside, which i have confirmed from German consulate in London.

Hope this helps you.

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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
1/7/05 12:51 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Thanks for prompt reply..

My wife is dependant and i am working here from past a year.

So even then does she need to apply for fresh dependant GC as she was out of the country for pregnancy reason and had not permanantly left the country.

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Re: Wife's stay out of Germany for more than 6 months
1/7/05 1:34 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Hi Nitin,
I too have the same case. My wife left Germany on July 28th for getting our child delivered and she will be back on the 20th of Jan. I enquired in the German consulate and they informed me that there is no excuse for staying more than 6 months,
and its not 6 months but exactly 180 days.
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