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Visa Questions

Rentenauskunft - Daueraufenthalt EG

Rentenauskunft - Daueraufenthalt EG
1/28/07 1:26 AM
Hello to everyone,

I have been searching this forum and info4alien and couldn't find anyone with similar problem so I have put my question on both. Every help or advice is highly appreciate.

I live and work in Germany for little bit more than 5 years and I have got my NE one month ago. I have also applied for a Daueraufenthalt-EG and have already send a proof to the ABH, that I have made payments to the pension fund for a past 60 months (Rentnerversicherung). In my case it was 'gesetzliche Rentnerversicherung - TKK'.

Now I got a letter from ABH with a strange request, that my payments to the pension fund, probably won't be enough (whatever that means) and that I should send them a proof of additional payments to the private pension funds.

As I have already said, I have made 60 payments (61 to be exact), I haven't been unemployed and my salary was always >40kEUR brutto per year.

If it matters I live in Stuttgart (ABH is on Amt für öffentliche Ordnung Stuttgart) and until now I really didn't have any problems with them. They were always very friendly, although they didn't always know every detail about immigration laws (ok that was in period when the law was still new).

I don't plan to leave Germany so I don't really need this 'Daueraufenthalt EG' but who knows what future brings and is 'nice to have'. Especially if I am entitled to it.

Why does ABH say that that my payments are not enough?
Does someone have a similar experience?
What should I do (I didn't pay any additional pension fund, except this obligatory one)?

To make everything more clear, here is the exact text from ABH letter:

Bitte fordern Sie bei Ihrem Rentnerversicherungsträger eine Rentenauskunft an und übersenden Sie uns davon eine Kopie. Für uns muss ersichtlich sein, mit wie viel Rente Sie später einmal rechnen können

So, up to here is clear what ABH needs but:

Da die gesetzlichen Rentenzahlungen später sicher nicht ausreichend sein werden, benötigen wir noch Nachweise über privat abgeschlossene Zusatzversorgungen (z.B private Rentenversicherung, Kapitallebensversicherung, Riester-Sparplan o-ä.).

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Rentenauskunft - Daueraufenthalt EG
1/28/07 3:03 PM as a reply to Daniel Pirs.
Could it be that you a have a certain age (>50) and they maybe would like to see some papers proving that you'll get a sort of pension from another country(countries) where you worked before ?
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Re: Rentenauskunft - Daueraufenthalt EG
1/28/07 9:05 PM as a reply to Daniel Pirs.
Nope. I'm 31.
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Re: Rentenauskunft - Daueraufenthalt EG
1/31/07 4:17 PM as a reply to Daniel Pirs.

I have called the German Pension fund (Deutsche Rentnerversicherung) and was told two things:

1. I cannot get the pension info (Rentenauskunft), because, although I have already made more then 60 payments to them, they don't have the information about it. My employer first sends the final social security payments statement (Sozialversicherung Meldebescheinigung) to my medical insurance and they forward it to the pension fund. Last year it happend in april, so I will have to wait for it until then. I will try to speed up my employer, but because it is a large company I don't think that I will be succesfull.

2. Pension fund contact person has also told me that I can send them a proof of my education, both, university and high school (Gymnasium), because education time can be also accounted for a pension fund (although I am not a German citizen and I have finished all of my education in foreign country).

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Re: Rentenauskunft - Daueraufenthalt EG
1/31/07 5:11 PM as a reply to Daniel Pirs.
Hi Daniel,
I would be glad, if you could also report back here, whether the ABH accepts your application without the proof of any private pension.

For 60 Months proof of pension payment. Cant you use your payslips for that purpose ? Payslips usually mention the payment to State-Pension-Program and should be accepted as a proof IMHO.


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Re: Rentenauskunft - Daueraufenthalt EG
1/31/07 6:13 PM as a reply to Daniel Pirs.
Hi Lacrima,

don't worry I have read your message on info4alien (I suppose you are the same 'lacrima').

I have already sent my paychecks to ABH, but they cannot calculate the pension form them.
I didn't ask the Penson fund if they can do it from paychecks, but it's a good idea. I'll ask them.

However it won't be fast, because I have to collect the proof of my education for a pension reckognition also and that will take some time.

But I'll keep you informed.

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Re: Rentenauskunft - Daueraufenthalt EG
1/31/07 6:22 PM as a reply to Daniel Pirs.

don't worry I have read your message on info4alien (I suppose you are the same 'lacrima')

Yes.. I am the same one.. ;)
Thanks in advance for the feedback..


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Re: Rentenauskunft - Daueraufenthalt EG
2/5/07 1:47 PM as a reply to Daniel Pirs.
I think that the ABH is telling you that if you have only the "gesetzliche Rentnerversicherung" this could not be enough (Da die gesetzlichen Rentenzahlungen später sicher nicht ausreichend sein werden) for your retirement and they ask for additional funds like Riester-Sparplan or other private fund that perhaps you pay.
Beste Grüße,
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