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Visa Questions

Visa extension or NE

Visa extension or NE
4/10/05 2:09 PM
Hey guys,

I guess there is still a confusion regarding NE for us as our visa is finished exactly at 5 years which is the condition for NE and sometimes they don't consider your first 3 months in Germany. A friend of mine had applied for NE. His visa expires in September but he was told that he could apply only in December because thats where he finishes 5 years. So I guess I am going to apply for normal visa extension. Then once it's 5 years I could do NE. Whats the procedure of normal visa extension? whats happens to the arbeitserlaubnis?

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Re: Visa extension or NE
4/10/05 3:37 PM as a reply to Faisal Muhammed.
first when AB told ur friend that his 5 years finishes in Dec, then it doesnt mean that its really a rule of law, ofcourse thats a bullshit, because he had a "Beschaeftigung" since sept then his 5 years will be over in this month. As always this is a matter of convincing the officer in AB.

its not so easy to get a normal visa extension. there are eased rules for people belonging to specific countries (eu countries e.g.), thats why many got normal extensions(3-5 yrs) when they got BE or EG. so if u belong to some thirdworld /arab country, it will be very difficult. And even if u can convince the AB that there is a serious need of such extension, they wouldnt issue the visa soon, because in such a case they still make Queries to cirminalamt etc etc. and it takes 3-6 months.
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Re: Visa extension or NE
4/10/05 4:50 PM as a reply to Faisal Muhammed.

hmmm..anyway the officer in ABH told me that there is no pblm to extend the Visa...to somewhere after december and so he can apply for NE. I also saw one more post here in the forum who had a similer experience. By the way do we have some law or something to prove that the 3 months Visa should be considered for the 5 years? I guess without something like that it won't be easy to convice ABH


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Re: Visa extension or NE
4/11/05 1:51 PM as a reply to Faisal Muhammed.

I hope, you can convince ABH, that as for Green-Card, you are required to apply for NE before your current visa is expired.

Ich habe eine Green-Card, was muss ich tun?
Die erteilte Aufenthaltserlaubnis gilt fort und behält ihre Gültigkeit bis zum Ablauf der festgelegten Geltungsdauer. Wenn die gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen vorliegen, können Sie bei der Ausländerbehörde vor Ablauf der Aufenthaltserlaubnis einen Antrag auf Verlängerung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis oder ggf. auch auf Erteilung einer Niederlassungserlaubnis stellen.

I would suggest that you go there and ask for the "Antrag for Unbefristete Aufenthalt" for you and your family.

Fill and see what requirements it contains Or, ask the person at the reception.

Now, then you can take a Termin with the Beamter(in) and forward your documents(Antrag).

I hope, they should accept your case now or in May/June.

As it would take time Arbeitsamt internal chek and other checkings by ABH, therefore, dont accept their argument, which makes no sense.

You must fight for your right to get it.

Like, no body comes to you to ask whether you have applied for Tax-refund etc.

If you still find it difficult to follow, then its easy and better to take Mr. Detlef services.

Hope, it helps.

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Re: Visa extension or NE
4/11/05 1:55 PM as a reply to Faisal Muhammed.
Noch etwas!!!!

If they still insist, just show them the following answer!!!

Was muss ich beachten, wenn mein befristeter Aufenthaltstitel abläuft?
Sie müssen dringend darauf achten, vor Ablauf der Geltungsdauer einen Antrag auf Verlängerung bzw. Erteilung eines anderen Aufenthaltstitels (beispielsweise einer Niederlassungserlaubnis) zu stellen. Wird der Antrag rechtzeitig, d.h. vor Ablauf der Befristung gestellt, gilt der weitere Aufenthalt bis zur Entscheidung der Ausländerbehörde mit allen sich daran anschließenden Wirkungen (z.B. der Berechtigung zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit) als erlaubt. Eine verspätete Antragstellung (nach bereits abgelaufener Befristung) kann erhebliche Rechts­nachteile zur Folge haben. Ihr weiterer Aufenthalt wäre dann unerlaubt. Sie sind dann ausreise­pflichtig und dürften keiner Beschäftigung mehr nachgehen.

Source(posted by DVD(thanks to him)):

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Re: Visa extension or NE
4/11/05 2:15 PM as a reply to Faisal Muhammed.
Hi all,

I had put up a question regarding this a week ago.I went to the AE & the beamter told me that the first 3 months visum,which I got stamped in India doesn't count towards Aufenthalserlaubnis.

I showed to the Beamter "Ich habe eine Green-Card, was muss ich tun?" content.But he didn't agree.He agreed to extend my visum for another 6 months & then apply for NE.

He answer was,to apply for NE,One should have completed 5 years of Aufenthalserlaunis.

Guess,we don't have anything concrete or specific regarding the 3 months visum to show the beamter that the first 3 months actually count towards the 5 years aufenthalserlaubnis.

We need something like that to convince him....
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