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Meeting the World!

Costs of the rented house-who is responsible?

Hi @,
We have been living in a DW for about 4 years,its a pretty old house with the house owner living in the 1st floor and her son in the ground floor.2 years back our dishwasher broke,we told the house owner and they disposed it and never replaced it,saying it was an old one.We dint bother much...3 weeks back our fridge broke(freezer still working!!) and when we told them again,they came saw and told, we will not replace it and IF you are buying a new one,please see to it that this one is disposed since its an old one(25 yrs) no question of getting it repaired.Then 2 weeks back the glass of a window broke(maybe `coz of excess heat?!?!?),they came,saw and got it repaired and gave the bill of some 300Eu to us.We dint agree naturally, and told them that this is not fair,first the dish washer(not replaced),then fridge,then this window...this is none of our business and we will not pay.It was written in the contract that the house comes with dish washer and Fridge and EBk etc...now my query is what should one do in such situation? House owner told that we can contact "rechtsanwalt" if we want but the expenditure should be taken by us!
Awaiting your valued responses...
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Re: Costs of the rented house-who is responsible?
8/8/07 11:48 AM as a reply to Payal Celeb.
if the fridge,etc. are in the contract and they are now out of service, then the owner should replace it. (unless you broke the dishwasher with a baseball bat) You can contact a lawyer. He could wrote some letter to the owner and you can then pay some part of the rent. Because you dont have the all the things in the contract now. But this reason must be clearly defined in this letter.

If you dont have one, you should also contract a Privat-Haftpflichtversicherung (e.g. AXA). It is yearly 50-60 EUR and they pay for the Mietschaden.

You can also contract a Rechtsschutz if you plan to stay longer in germany.
(I admit, I also dont have one).

I hope it helps you.
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Re: Costs of the rented house-who is responsible?
8/8/07 3:25 PM as a reply to Payal Celeb.
Hi Kaan,
thanks for your sugesstion.I will surely call them...
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Re: Costs of the rented house-who is responsible?
8/9/07 5:31 PM as a reply to Payal Celeb.
It has to be noted that the Rechtsschutz will not help in this particular case because most of them don't cover problems until the 6th month after signing the contract with them.

You will have to check that point in case you go for one.

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