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Visa Questions

valid visa for arbeitlosengeld

valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
5/14/10 3:47 PM
Dear all,
I was working here in Germany since 2006. I payed all the insurance in these years.Now I just completed my previous job (my visa also ended) and I am searching a new one. I went to the arbeitsamt and they said I need a valid visa to get ALG money. Currently I am having fiktionbeschinigung and I can change it to spouse dependent visa. My question is, am I allowed to get the ALG with fiktionbeschinigung ? Can I apply it now ? or I am wondering whether I can get this money with dependent visa ? Is it possible ?
Please guide me.
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
5/20/10 2:37 AM as a reply to loser kv.
Hello there,

Can you give some more information, about your previous Work permit (WP)- Does it allow you to work any where in Germany or was it allowed only to work in your ex-company ?

I am almost in a similar situation, but I have this work permit to work any where in Germany and my visa is about to expire in a months time. My Company's lawyer informed me that , since I have this WP to allow work any wherem I am eligible for getting the ARbeitlosengeld I and with this support I can extend my visa as long as I get the Arbeitlosengeld I.

How ever, if you have a Fiktionbescheinigung, you are unfortunately not covered with Arbeitslosengeld and I guess the Fiktionbescheinung doesn't even last longer than max 3 months (as far as I know)

When your partner can provide you support with the Dependent visa, then the chances are more , as you get the valid visa (A dependent one) and then I assume you shall be eligible for Arbeitlosengeld I. But I am not sure about the Work Permit regulations once you get the Dependent visa
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
5/20/10 9:53 AM as a reply to loser kv.
In 2006 I was receiving ALG I with fiktionbescheinigung that was changed later to Aufenthalterlaubnis, duration of AE was based on the length of payments.
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
5/23/10 4:42 PM as a reply to loser kv.
@ mkorobeinik1

Could you pls give your email ot tel nr.

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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
5/24/10 9:32 PM as a reply to loser kv.
@ mkorobeinik1

When I went to ABH, the women there, were not really confirmed that , just with the support of ALG , my AE shall be extended. Their Argument was that , since the AE is supposed to be meant for working and, and without AE, shall be difficult to get the AE extended, eventhough I get ALG-I.
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
5/26/10 8:18 PM as a reply to loser kv.
My e-mail is mkorobeinik@gmail.com, I wrote it the other thread about the Aufenhaltstitel I had while getting ALG I.
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
5/27/10 8:43 PM as a reply to loser kv.
New update is that, I went to ABH, and my concerned woman confirmed me that as long as I get covered by the ALG I, I shall get my visa extend as I have this AE , which allows me to work any where in Germany.Since I worked almost 3 years, I ll get 12 months of ALG I and therefore 1 year of extension of AE
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
6/8/10 2:34 AM as a reply to loser kv.
thank you all for the comments.
@fatehnkhan-COuld you please tell me if there is any rule or clause that one can get a visa on behalf of ALG. I wonder how they extended it only because that you are getting ALG. Is it true ?
As far I heard, for getting ALG, one need 6 months visa..is it the same in your case?
Do you know any link where I can found information about this. Because in my case it is very difficult to convince the person in the ABH. They are not friendly..
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
6/9/10 1:03 AM as a reply to loser kv.
It used to be so: as long as you have a valid applicable visa you can get ALG I, no 6 month rule. It's your job to do running between offices to inform them that you have a reason to extend the visa/still can get ALG I/ got the visa extended / etc., so expect some paper work and focus on finding a new job. Good luck, they r not supposed to be friendly, work your case.
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
6/14/10 8:07 PM as a reply to loser kv.

Sorry for the late resoponse. Based on the last update where I was informed by the ABH, that I will get my AE extended as long as I get the payements through ALG-I.

Well the thing is going around in my case and is still unclear. My visa is valid only till July 9th. I have approached the Arbeitsamt for ALG-I and they have for sure asked me if I get my visa extended then I convinced them that ''as soon as I get the confirmation from the Arbeisamt that how long I get the ALG-I'', they shall extend the visa, then the Arbeitsamt have issued me the Bewilligungsbescheinigung ( Mode of payments) valid for 1 year of payments.

When I went to ABH to get the AE extended, the woman throwed me the same question.. It is not sure that we shall give you the same AE extended and offered me to give the Fiktionbescheidung for 3 months or some time more. But when I protested against it, she asked me to come tomorrow cuz they do not have a case, where I am granted already the Bewilligungsbescheinigung and they have to decide about if they want to extend the same AE or give me the Fiktionsbescheinigung
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
6/15/10 5:07 PM as a reply to loser kv.
@ mkorobeinik: I want to ask you what kind of Aufenthaltstitel did you have while receiving the ALG-I. Cuz the Fiktionsbescheinigung (Femoticon is not a Aufenthaltstitel and if you had the FB, then did the Arbeitsamt didnt have a problem in providing you the ALG-I?

At the moment I have my Aufenthaltserslaubnis (AE), under para 18, with possibility of working any where in Germany but valid till 9th of July and my contract is about to end on June 30. The ABH, is thinking of giving me a Fiktionsbescheinigung for 6 months even though I protested against it to give me the normal extension of my AE as I have received the Bewilligunsbescheinigung from Arbeitsamt to pay me ALG-I for 12 months and I have right over it. They say that the AE is only when I have a valid job / contract and they have no other choice than giving me the 6 month FB. I consulted an Immigration personal and they say that, the Arbeitsamt might give me a problem when they come to know that I have not got an Auftenhaltstitel but just a FB and therefore would stop paying my ALG-I.
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
6/15/10 10:15 PM as a reply to loser kv.
I already wrote this partially in your thread: At first I had Fiktionsbescheinigung since it takes time to confirm ALG I and get all the papers. Fiktionsbescheinigung is a valid visa to start getting ALG I so I was getting ALG I with FB for about 2 months. After that when I had a proof that I can get ALGI for another 9-10 months I had it changed to AE and came back with extended visa to Arbeitsamt so they noted that in their computers. Unfortunately I could not find the old passport, if memory serves me right it was AE based on §81 Abs. 4 To put it simple - as long as you have valid AE or FB you get ALG I, if they give you FB for 6 month and you have no job after 6 month you go to Ausländeramt, ask for another 6 months FB, get it since you have right for 6 months payments, go back to Arbeitsamt, they update their data and you get ALG I for 6 more months. That if nothing changed since then (2006-2007).

Getting AE is not limited to working only, there's other causes for issuing AE. After you get the job and change your visa to AE §18 the time you spend on FB is counted towards NE as though you had visa based on §18 all the time. The only difference between AE and FB is that if you leave Germany and go anywhere other than your home country while having FB there's no guarantee you'll be allowed back.
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
6/17/10 10:11 PM as a reply to loser kv.
Well I do not understand, why in my case, where I have showed the Ausländerbehörde (ABH), the ALG-1 for 1 year from Arbeitsamt and this is not enough for the ABH to extend my Aufenhaltseralubnis (AE) for 1 year as they need me to show the 'Beschäftigung'

I read about the '§81 Abs. 4' and it is not a valid AE but a Fikitionsbescheinigung (Femoticon, but is based on the previous AE (§18)and this FB is given till a person has got another job. So I doubt that if you have received AE based on §81 Abs. 4. The maximum validity for a FB they say is max 6 months.

I talked with the ABH today and they told me the same and at the moment, in my case only one solution is to get the FB and if the Arbeitsamt gives problems in giving me the ALG, they have offered me to talk to the Arebeitsamt to give the ALG. But, I really doubt that if they would cooperate to that extent
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
6/17/10 10:19 PM as a reply to loser kv.
@ mkorobeinik1: Well, I do not understand, why in my case, where I have showed the Ausländerbehörde (ABH), the ALG-1 for 1 year from Arbeitsamt and this is not enough for the ABH to extend my Aufenhaltseralubnis (AE) for 1 year as they need me to show the 'Beschäftigung'

I read about the '§81 Abs. 4' and it is not a valid AE but a Fikitionsbescheinigung (Femoticon, but is based on the previous AE (§18)and this FB is given till a person has got another job. So I doubt that if you have received AE based on §81 Abs. 4. The maximum validity for a FB they say is max 6 months.

I talked with the ABH today and they told me the same and at the moment, in my case only one solution is to get the FB and if the Arbeitsamt gives problems in giving me the ALG, they have offered me to talk to the Arebeitsamt to give the ALG. But, I really doubt that if they would cooperate to that extent
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
6/17/10 10:44 PM as a reply to loser kv.
Why r u so worried about FB? Just veryfy that you can get ALG I with it. I was getting ALG I with FB in 2006 maybe you'll get a more recent feedback. As long as you are legal in the country and have BE Arbeitsamt supposed to pay you ALG I. The only problem you may get with FB is reentering the country, however, you are actually not supposed to leave Germany an keep looking for a job unless there's a family emergency or something, bad time for vacations anyway. There's also internal regulations in ABH besides Aufenthaltgesetz, I found before in internet the internal regulations for Berlin and there was written that in such a case they give 6 months FB + extend FB for 6 months if needed. In NRW they gave me 3 month FB and 9 months AE.
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Re: valid visa for arbeitlosengeld
6/29/10 1:59 AM as a reply to loser kv.
to mkorobeinik1,

I do not agree that one cant not go and come back to any other country with FB. I already been to UK with ficktion bescheinigung and I didnt have any other problem. Passport checking people didnt even ask about my FB.
And for job searching, vacation or whatever..I think I can go and come back to Germany with this. Some of my friends also did while they r having FB.
But honestly, I am not aware of the rules and regulations. But when I called and asked to the ABH regarding this issue, they said there is no problem.

Anybody know more about this issue ?

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