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My mailbox is broken

My mailbox is broken
11/3/05 2:33 AM
Yesterday is my bad day. Guess what: I found my mailbox is broken. After asking the hausmeister's wife I found that the Hausmeister himself broke my mailbox also my name tag on it. The reason is pretty silly: somebody claimed that he was living in my building and he was very sure that my mailbox was mailbox of a guy whom he searched for. Of course, he didn't find anything, only some advertisements.
What makes me angry is that this mailbox was broken *without* asking me as the owner. Although the Hausmesiter has installed a new key sets for my mailbox, I am still upset because never thought that in Germany this thing could be happen.
What to do? Let it be because it's Hausmeister's "normal" fault? Consult a lawyer to decide what to do?

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Re: My mailbox is broken
11/3/05 10:20 AM as a reply to Estananto Estananto.
Had the owner been a German the House keeper would have asked his permission so definitely this is discrimination against a foreigner. Of course, people make mistakes but for me this particular incident doesn't seem to be a mistake at all because the House keeper does not have to keep control of hundreds of residents. Since he already installed a new one you should think twice before taking a lawyer as this can hurt your further stay in the same place and also you might not benefit much from the court.
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Re: My mailbox is broken
11/3/05 10:57 AM as a reply to Estananto Estananto.
You can file a complaint against Hausmeister by the Hausverwaltung and see what happens. You should probably get the aplogy and the Hausmeister gets the trouble.
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