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Freelance and keeping full time job.

Freelance and keeping full time job.
6/23/08 5:02 PM
Hello all,

I wanted to know is there any possibility to become a freelancer while keeping a full time permanent job? If so could you please suggest me to possible legal ways to maintain both positions.

I am a GC holder & Indian by nationality. I am working & living in Germany since last 7 years.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Freelance and keeping full time job.
6/23/08 5:53 PM as a reply to Rajesh AS.
Its legal to have both professions only if you are allowed in your current job. Sometimes the job contract which you currently hold forbid you to do freelancing or for that matter any other job. mostly its concerning that you may work for a competitor. so in my opinion if you want to get into freelancing you should make this plan open to your current employer. Hiding this could lead you into trouble.

But if you were a freelancer and then got a fixed Job, it would be much easier as the new employer has taken you knowing your past. But under all circumstances no employer will allow you to work simultaneously with their competitor.

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Re: Freelance and keeping full time job.
6/23/08 7:12 PM as a reply to Rajesh AS.
Savion, thanks for the quick reply.
I was also thinking the same issue as you mentioned.
In my case, I am not intended to work for my competitors but I don't like to inform this to my current employer. Is there any ways to avoid this situation?
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Re: Freelance and keeping full time job.
6/25/08 11:55 AM as a reply to Rajesh AS.
Hi Iscream,

If you get money in hand then it should be possible but i dont think it is possible in Germany. Dont try to be clever then you will bring problem by yourself.

It is better to discuss with present employer. By german rules and regulation, you are not allowed to work more than 10 hours in day.
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