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Visa Questions

Papers for NE

Papers for NE
5/18/05 8:26 PM
Hi *,

as you know, I went to the ABH last week to apply for a Ne and they asked me to bring some papers 2 days before the end of my visa so that they can be checked on the fly and the Ne given (or a small extension to fill my 2 months missing).
I just wanted to list the different documents that have been asked to me so that you may know what you need when applying for NE:
1. 3 last pay slips
2. a picture of me, passport format
3. my rental contract
4. a Kontoauszug of the rents I've paid for the last 6 months
5. Arbeitsbescheinigung from my employer and which should be not older than 14 days from the days the application will be made and which should extends itself to at least 6 months
6. 85 euros

That's it.

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Re: Papers for NE
5/18/05 8:31 PM as a reply to NoBody.
I 4got the most important: the passport emoticon
And he told me I needed no proof of German knowledge as we already discussed in German on the phone.

I think that should be it.

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Re: Papers for NE
5/18/05 9:01 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Hi Nobody
What do u mean with number 5?
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Re: Papers for NE
5/18/05 10:06 PM as a reply to NoBody.
The employer must testify (on paper) that you are still employed, the letter made by the employer must not date for more than 14 days counting the date you will do the application (in my case e.g. I have to apply on August 29th so the paper should be made at later on August 15th).

And the letter made by the employer must specify that you are still employed for at least 6 months in the future (in case you are doing things under specific contracts for example). so if you are in a company for just 5 months in the future, that could be a hard game to get it.

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Re: Papers for NE
5/19/05 1:30 AM as a reply to NoBody.
Funny game...was not easy 5 years, will not be easy for NE.They are just pushing any things to kikck you away.
My master will never give me that job confirmation at all.
Oh Goad I wish to scream.
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Re: Papers for NE
5/19/05 2:47 AM as a reply to NoBody.
Dear Max, the requirements in different ABHs are as many as leaves on the tree. Do not worry yet. The confirmation which ABH wants under "5" is funny, they actually ask your company to extend your Kündigungsfrist, and thus interacts in your employement contract. I have reason to doubt in legality of such request.
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Re: Papers for NE
5/19/05 12:49 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Hi Max,

In my case, they asked me only 3 months salary slip, Recommendation letter from your boss and Mietvertrag!! So it is not a standard requirement

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Re: Papers for NE
5/19/05 1:44 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Hi Rajesh,

you're a §19 as far as I remember, we are just normal §9-beings so your case can't be compared to ours :-)

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Papers for NE
5/19/05 1:55 PM as a reply to NoBody.
2. a picture of me, passport format
3. my rental contract...

Can I use your picture from forum to get NE.
How shall I get 3 and 4 and 5?

But I must admit it is funny that we need your picture and contracts to get NE. ;)
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Papers for NE
5/19/05 7:56 PM as a reply to NoBody.

that's what they asked ME :-D But I really don't think my pic will be of any need to get a NE for other people, I'm just a NoBody... ;-)

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Papers for NE
5/19/05 11:58 PM as a reply to NoBody.
You know people, I am not worried about the papers that they need and search at ABH, I am worried about that, althow me (or we) have right to those paper, we'll never (some of us) have them nrmaly as it should be.
Lets me seedup normaly...I go politly and ask my employer for Arbeitbestätigung and he start 'na ja, weiss du ich weiss nicht, du bis gut aber ich kann nicht garantiert für dich, niemand weiss was morgen passiert...wir werden seehn....'.
When something light not as he want (in my case) he scream out and throw any chanche for normal relationsip for me as worker and my chance for planing my s..t life in Deutschland.
Most funny is that for all that I get 'DU BIS SELBS SCHULT', and I have no chance to replay or do something couse he repeat again...'Ich muss überlege mich über deine wertrag in firma und deine status' and what do I have...
Ales klar Herr TIRANIUS ich komme am wochenende am Samstag und Sontag und ich mache überstunde, keine problem...And I am doing that.
Yesterday I was daying over 10 hours working in software and every day is like that, since he realized that soon I maybe can have NE and tell him 'Gruss für immer'.
Some of us, (in this case ME) are tipical 'sklaven' under the mercy of capitalistic master who control you over the stamp on your passaport.
And Mr.Schröder and the coulegues from Regirung where very smart about that bringing GC from non EU countries who will do all (even f...k them selfs) just not to go back in their countries couse there is hell.
THAT IS TYPICAL ABUSE OF PEOPLE HUMANITY AND RIGHT AND ....smeel for the People Cour of Right in Brusell.
I wait till I receive answer from ABH from my application for visum changing (not bindet and not beschrank visum) if not I am going to Brussel and knocking on every door in every TV, Radio, Paper,goverment or nongoverment organisation and tell what is happening on and what are they doing.
I am wishing that some control to come in my job place and see when I go in and when I go out and what he is doing to me.
If I had not family and my children and seek parents at home..I would stuck his software in his mouth.
Same was before in Bremerhaven...was one german idiot who was all day sticking arround me and repeat to employer...sheize farbe, scheize optionen, kaki software...I was seeck and take 1 day at home, and the phone was ringing 24 hours with blackmail...you play your game,you play your seeck you will be fiered out, you kanaki ausländer, you loose your visum...
My dear friends I intend to do something and to fire up this situation as much as I can.
Maybe I overreact but it is enought for me.
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Re: Papers for NE
5/20/05 12:02 AM as a reply to NoBody.
Or...will be btter to keep my mouth shout and think of my family.
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Re: Papers for NE
5/20/05 11:46 AM as a reply to NoBody.
Dear Max, I have asked you that already once - I do not understand why don't you change your employer ? Btw, he also needs you. Especially if it is small company if you leave he is in trouble. Are you from the beginning in this company ? When I have lost my job for first time (it was before 4 years :-) I was shocked and scared, probably same as you are now. Then it happened second time, before 2 years - I was again shocked because it was all sudden. Then I have decided to control the things myself and not allow something like that to happen. It is easy. You just have to find new job.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Papers for NE
5/20/05 12:48 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Ej, max koja ti e adresata, otpor ne ti raboti.

pissi, milan ulm

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Re: Papers for NE
5/20/05 2:50 PM as a reply to NoBody.

could you please list all the papers needed for NE appliaction for §19 .
I saw in one of the answers :

3 salary slips ,
recommendaton letter

When I consulted with a lawer the answer was :
3 salary slips
work contract
kind of resume - your letter in german expaining why you are "high qualified" - your publications, achievements , job description.
Letter from the employer ( optional)

Did somebody write this resume? Can you post it ( surely no namesemoticon )?

Does somebody had other papers to bring ?
How long the decision takes ?
Do they require proof of German skills ? My German is quite poor emoticon

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Re: Papers for NE
5/21/05 3:04 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Ej zdravo...nemam tvoj emajl.
Pisi na stevco11 at yahoo dot com.

It is not problem going away or changing the job or what so ever.
This is my fourth job place...all problem is that if I change the job now I loose chanche for NE in August.I have a termin in midle August to make NE.
I have unbefristet arbeitsvertrag with present company and I was moving out 10 times in all over germany from place to place.Then I am not too young as before, the companies are looking for young people...then changing job will make new papers problems couse I am before ending my visum just more 3-4 months.
Then I have 3 kids, one small go in kindergarten and the other in fourth klass....I have move away my family 5 years like gipsys and they are depressed and can not any more.
If I go (what will be easy for me and I will be happy) I have to secrify my family and throw away any chance at the end now to resolve my future status and place finaly after 5 years.
You now that gestapo is looking any chanche and movement to kik you out from the land so any step will be suicide for me.
Sure this is only 'hier and there' but as I said I wait an answer from ABH for my status (I was apply for nonbindet visum) so lets see what come.
If it is negative and will not stand any more till August I will go...what else.
My worries are not that (anuway I am use to it) but why some to abuse it and play Goad when he has no right of it.
I am srom some S klass land with no name (in 21 century couse of too much gread from some local idiots in my country and surpidity) but I am not guilty and not with stamp on my face that I have to be slave couse of it.
And at the end, we are all with living souls...menas that the mighter will live for ever?
So..I have trun on my self in philosopher now...
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Re: Papers for NE
5/21/05 9:08 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Hi Max,
I have similar situation. I had a good job by a big company, but the problem was the "befristet" contract. In October I changed to a small company by reason to get an "unbefristet" contract. The chef of this company did know about my situation. The first time everything was ok and everybody happy. Almost each week he asked me very friendly about my NE. You know this kind of questions. I got more and more projects in the way: You are responsible for everything. Some weeks before delivery the second guy in project got out. The client wanted to kick off the firm and played "katze & maus". The project was a big disaster and I was made to "Sündenbock". The chef was no more friendly and his question "Na, was ist mit deiner Niederlassungserlaubnis?" sounded now quite different. Finally I got from him a letter with reproval ( Rüge ). It was the last straw for me. I went to lower. The lower said: "mit diesem Zettel kann dein Chef mal aufs Klo gehen". If he try to fire me "fristlos" based on this letter, he has no chance in court. The most "fristlose Kündigungen" in Germany are based on Nichteinhaltung der Arbeitszeit or stolen pencil. And I have to write for each shit a mail: You know this mails with red traffic lights. When I get a mail with "to complete till 12:00 tomorrow" I write 2 mails back with reasons, why I cannot do that ( the other guy didn’t deliver something or I have to manage other tasks from yesterday ). I attend extra a Schreibtraining by Volkshochschule. Now the situation is better, the chef is very friendly again and don’t ask me more about NE. But if he get the possibility to kill me, he will do that. A very hot game for me. I hope, I will hold up till end of the year.
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Re: Papers for NE
5/22/05 3:54 AM as a reply to NoBody.
Correct same storry ....
I am happy that some else had wrote about it.
I hope also that other will say also about the problems and unrightht that are hapening in job places and to äuslanders(in this case GC).
That what govemnet made ove this GC program it is simply slavery and making deutche arbeitsgeber a small GOad over some people life.
We do not have any right for anyting what normal germans are having.
Mine employer realizing that has take 2 new programmers (german afcourse) and they are only 2 months in the company.The have got urlaubs just 2 months in the firma, come in 9 and go in 18 and having normal wochenende.
I go in 8.30 walk out in 19.00 and working in saturday and sunday and overprogramming same software as they are doing.
He pay 10 thousend euro for some shit software which now I am reprogramming couse thoe who sold him told him to beat it.
Sure I am before my NE, my visum bindet to this shit firma, got kids, if I quit I will put my self in problems, loose chanche for NE, and kill my future.
What man kan do about his situations?
I am repeated this questions all over time and searching solutions...
As I said..I wait an answer from ABH if they will give me notbindet visum and prolong it in what ever, I do not care what just to release me to work anything else in any place...if not I will make a problem.
I will go and do all that come in my mind.
I hope that many others are in same situations (see DvD situation just 6 months before NE and other).
DO we need a lawers for defending ourselfs as humans and people?!
I repeat, I have not come hier in germany couse I was so desperately wanted, but I have apply under the programs that German goverment made it and come accoring that.
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Re: Papers for NE
5/23/05 2:44 PM as a reply to NoBody.
"as you know, I went to the ABH last week to apply for a Ne and they asked me to bring some papers 2 days before the end of my visa so that they can be checked on the fly and the Ne given (or a small extension to fill my 2 months missing)."

that means you will get your NE only two days before your visa is over?
are they mad?
what is with those 4 weeks before or 6 weeks before or even 3 months before expiration?

My ABH told me also to come 6 weeks before visa is over. Will they give me NE same day or 2 days before expire date?
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Re: Papers for NE
5/23/05 2:48 PM as a reply to NoBody.

when does your visa expires?
that list from NoBody is not everywhere same.
Some ABH will only ask Vertrag without any letter from company.
Is your Vertrag befristet or not?
If not, you need not to worry.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Papers for NE
5/23/05 4:11 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Hallo an alle,
es kann nicht wahr sein, dass die Ausländerbehörde nur paar Tage braucht.
Ich bin nicht sicher für §9 aber für §19 habe ich 2 Monate gewartet. Alle notwendigen Unterlagen habe ich vorgelegt, nichtsdestotrotz, hat nur die Prüfung so lange gedauert.
Auf jeden Fall Niederlassungserlaubnis braucht ein Prüfungsvorgang – und das dauert.
Einen Lebenslauf brauchte ich nicht. Ich denke die Sachbearbeiter kennen uns ohnehin sehr gut.

Für DvD

Hallo DvD,
wie versprochen hier sind einige Stellenausschreibungen. Da diese stellen sind nur Intern zu besetzen, solltest du dich Schriftlich bewerben
- ohne "Job Nummer".
Wenn alles sehr gut passt, dann auch von Extern wird gehen.
Sage mir bitte Bescheid ob diese Stellen passen dir.

Softwareentwickler (m/w) im Smart-Card-Umfeld

Geschäftsbereich: SAG Information and Communication Mobile
Fachabteilung: Com ESY SEC DS
Funktionsgebiet: Entwicklung
Eingruppierung: Tarifgruppe 05
Standort: München_P/DG
Jobnummer: GER19604
Beschäftigungsgrad: Vollzeit


Mitarbeit in der Software-Entwicklung und Qualitätssicherung für Applikationen und Software-Module im Smart-Card-Umfeld


FH- oder Universitätsabschluss oder vergleichbare Ausbildung


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- UNIX, LINUx-Programmierung (GCC, make&configure, X-Windows)
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- gute Englischkenntnisse
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- Windows System Administration (2000, XP, Active Directory), MCSE


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- Konfigurations- und Versionsmanagement


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- Planungs- und Organisationsgeschick
- Kommunikationsfähigkeit
- Initiative

Zusätzliche Informationen

Eingruppierungsbandbreite: Tarifgruppe 5 bis Tarifgruppe 7
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Ansprechpartner: Anke Schulze
Telefon: +49 89 722 23043

Softwareentwickler (m/w)

Fachabteilung: x
Funktionsgebiet: Produkt- / Systemplanung
Eingruppierung: Nordrhein-Westfalen Tarifgruppe06
Standort: Paderborn_HN
Jobnummer: 52402
Beschäftigungsbeginn: 01/02/2004
Erstveröffentlichung: 21/04/2005
Beschäftigungsgrad: Vollzeit


Ansprechpartner Fachbereich:
in Paderborn: Herr Möllers Tel: 05251/8-15562
in München: Herr Dr. Einert Tel: 089/636-42442


- Erstellung von System-/Schwachstellenanalysen komplexer IT-Konfigurationen

- Erarbeitung von IT-Konsolidierungskonzepten mit den Schwerpunkten Server, Storage, LAN/WAN, SAN unter Berücksichtigung von Dimensionierung/Sizing, Datensicherung, Hochverfügbarkeit, Disasterprevention, Security, Betriebskonzepte, IT-Management

- Eigenverantwortliche Leitung von komplexen IT-Projekten


Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium der Informatik mit Ausrichtung techn. Informatik


- Englischkenntnisse erforderlich


- mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Systemintegration

- umfangreiche Projekterfahrung

- Mobiliät erforderlich

- selbstständiges Abwickeln von Projekten

- selbstsicheres Auftreten



Zusätzliche Informationen
Ansprechpartner Personalabteilung:
Susanne Weber, SBS D HR PDB, Tel: 05251/8-27177


Geschäftsbereich: SAG Communications
Fachabteilung: Siemens AG
Funktionsgebiet: Entwicklung
Eingruppierung: T5 Nordwürttemberg-Nordbaden
Standort: Ulm_L
Jobnummer: GER28421
Erstveröffentlichung: 25/02/2005
Beschäftigungsgrad: Vollzeit


- Erstellung von RE-Spezifikationen zugekaufter Protokollstacks und Datendiensten
- Abstimmung mit Zulieferfirmen und anderen Abteilungen
- Integration der Protokollstacks und Datendienste in die Mobile SW
- Analyse von Fehlersituationen beim Testbetrieb im Netzwerk

Studium (Uni/FH) Fachrichtung Informatik,Elektrotechnik oder Nachrichtentechnik

- Englisch fließend in Wort und Schrift

- Erfahrung in 2G und 3G Protokollstacks und Datendiensten erforderlich
- mindestens 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung in GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS-Entwicklung wünschenswert

- Teamfähigkeit
- Spezifikationsfähigkeit
- Präsentationsfähigkeit
- Kenntnisse in modernen Kommunikationsmodellen

Zusätzliche Informationen
Eingruppierungsbandbreite: Tarifgruppe 5 bis Tarifgruppe 7 (NW/Nemoticon
Christina Ziege
Com HR PD Ulm
Tel: +49 731 9533 1475

Projektleiter/-in Softwareentwicklung

Geschäftsbereich: SAG Information and Communication Mobile
Fachabteilung: Siemens AG
Funktionsgebiet: Entwicklung
Eingruppierung: Funktionsstufe 05
Standort: Ulm_L
Jobnummer: GER27167
Erstveröffentlichung: 10/12/2004
Beschäftigungsgrad: Vollzeit


- Projektleitung SW-Entwicklung Components (PL-C)
- Planung, Ausführung und Nachverfolgung von SW-Projekten im Bereich User-
Interface und Core-Engines im Spezialgebiet Application Base System
- Anforderungsanalyse, Aufwandsabschätzung, Projektplanung, Abwicklung und


Studium (Uni/FH) Fachrichtung Informatik/Elektronik/Naturwissenschaften


- Kenntnisse in C/C++ und MS-Office
- Kenntnisse in Projektplanung und Verfolgung von SW-Projekten
- Englisch fließend in Wort und Schrift


- 3 - 5 Jahre SW-Entwicklung (Informationstechnik/Kommunikationsbranche)
- 1 - 3 Jahre Projektleitungserfahrung
- Erfahrung in GSM/GPRS wünschenswert


- Planungs- und Organisationstalent
- Kommunikationsfähigkeit
- Motivationsfähigkeit
- Ergebnisorientierung
- Analysefähigkeit

Zusätzliche Informationen
Eingruppierungsbandbreite: Tarifgruppe 6 (NW/Nemoticon bis Funktionsstufe 5
Bitte bewerben Sie sich online indem Sie auf einen der unten stehenden Links unter
Christina Ziege
Com HR PD Ulm
Tel.: +49 731 95 33 - 14 75
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Papers for NE
5/23/05 4:37 PM as a reply to NoBody.

"that means you will get your NE only two days before your visa is over?
are they mad?
what is with those 4 weeks before or 6 weeks before or even 3 months before expiration?", that's exactly what I told them, but they told me "Monday 29th or the Friday before, your choice..." so I took the monday.
But I will let you know what will happen then, let's see, they just asked me to bring all the documents they asked for and they will check it directly.

But they know that it is for a NE because when I spoke to them, they were like "want an extension, ok, come one week before the end of your visa then" and I was like "no, no extension, just a NE" and he was like "a NE, wait, I need to check your file again...." 5 minutes after, "OK, these are the papers you will have to bring with you, xxxxx and come on Monday 29th or Friday before", I was like "yeah but you're closed on Fridays" and he said "yeah, but not when you got an appointment" and I was like "ok, let's take monday then", he said "OK" and then I asked for the security check, the 2 or 3 months of papers checking and he was like "have you already killed someone?", "No", "are there people looking for you in Germany?", "No", "OK, so what do you need a security check for? Just come on Monday, Zimmer...", I gave him myself the Zimmer number and the person I should meet and he was like "ah ok, you know who you should meet", "yes, I already know him, he treated my case and my wife's quite often", "OK, just go to him, he will check the papers and will give you either a NE or a short extension to close your 60 months for getting a NE, it will be all over his modd".

This is how it went, but the guy is normally of a good mood.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Papers for NE
5/23/05 6:49 PM as a reply to NoBody.
it is 29. August.
you have another 3 months to wait.
Did you try to skip those 60 months with §104?
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