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Re: Schufa-Auskunft

10/29/09 9:49 PM
I just received my personal SCHUFA-Auskunft. It is 92.3%. What does this mean ? Is it a good credit score ?
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Re: Schufa-Auskunft
10/30/09 12:44 AM as a reply to Hilton Green.
Yeah, it's OK, I got a credit for a house with a 80% credit, but in about 6 to 9 months you will be reaching around 98%.

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Re: Schufa-Auskunft
10/30/09 8:13 AM as a reply to Hilton Green.
Thanks NoBody. Could you please give some more info ?

What is meant by 80% or 90% Schufa score ?

Which one is considered as better ?

If I apply for a mortgage, with which Schufa score, banks may reject my application ? (e.g.: 90%..80%..60% ?)

If I take a mortgage, will the Schufa score change? Or, is it changed with late payments of the bills/no payments etc.`?
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Re: Schufa-Auskunft
10/30/09 11:07 AM as a reply to Hilton Green.
The score is the %age of chance you have to pay a credit according to your previous credits past, or any money you had to repay.
IT changes when for example you have to pay back say a certain amount to a creditor, this can be a phone company, a bank... and you pay it late or not at all after receiving 3 reminders.
In the reminder is always notified that your lack to pay will make them notify the Schufa and in this case, you score will directly go down.
The score is updated every 3 months and as said, I had a score of 80% due to some problems I had in the past, that was back in September last year (the score, not the problem because one year from there, my score was around 65%) but now, I just checked before writing this message, my score is of 94%, last updated 1 month ago.
You can register to the Schufa to have a view of every movement of your score and request made to be checked by institution at www.meineschufa.de, you'll get a card per post to login in and be notified every time a movement is done per SMS and/or mail for you to check. I did that 2 years ago and I'm quite pleased with it.

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Re: Schufa-Auskunft
11/2/09 12:28 AM as a reply to Hilton Green.

is that Service in meinschufa.de is free of cost?

thank you
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Re: Schufa-Auskunft
11/2/09 1:00 PM as a reply to Hilton Green.
No, it is not free. You need to pay 15,60 € (one time fee).

More details from the Schufa webpage:

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Re: Schufa-Auskunft
11/4/09 6:46 PM as a reply to Hilton Green.
anyone know, how long this fee is valid? May be I missed but I didnt find how long its valid?

Another question, if I register for this service with 15.60Euro - can I see who/which company is claiming money and how much in the online portal? Or, just the score?

Thanks for your reply...
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Re: Schufa-Auskunft
11/4/09 7:06 PM as a reply to Hilton Green.
>>anyone know, how long this fee is valid? May be I missed but I didnt find how long its valid?

You just pay one time and use the service till you die.

>>Another question, if I register for this service with 15.60Euro - can I see who/which company is claiming money and how much in the online portal? Or, just the score?

You can see the score as well as the mobile contract details, your loans and duration, credit request etc etc

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Re: Schufa-Auskunft
11/4/09 7:40 PM as a reply to Hilton Green.
that's sad, we cannot use it after death! :-) just kidding... Thanks Raj for the answers!!

Actually, I am suspecting that a bank will claim some money from me as I did not close that officially. But I don’t know yet how much it will be!! I have seen in another topic that in similar cases we have to pay as it is our fault. Is there any way to request people for less fines or even discard the fines? By the way, they did not send me any mahnung till now, I just communicated with them for a new service and then came to know it unfortunately (once I went to the bank and the employee said that its already closed automatically as I didn’t use that account after opening it)!
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