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Re: Sweaty smell grounds for dismissal?

Sweaty smell grounds for dismissal?
29/03/10 21:50
To recap, dismissal protection under the special law called “Kündigunsschutzgesetz” comes into force when two main conditions are met:

1. The time of having been employed exceeds six months

2. Minimum of five employees or in case of employment after 31. of December 2003: 10 employees

Where these requirements are not met, the employer has broad latitude regarding his decision to dismiss an employee, circumscribed only by the principle of bad faith or gross arbitrariness.

In a case before the labour court in Cologne, an employer discharged his employee at the end of a probationary period citing smell of sweat and an unkempt appearance as reasons.

The employee went to court.

The labour court dismissed the action. Since the employee was still in his probationary period, thus outside the required six months, the employer was allowed to terminate the employment without having to adhere to the provisions of the Kündigunschutzgesetz. The legal benchmark for evaluating the termination was thus significantly limited in scope. The court denied both bad faith and gross arbitrariness.

(ArbG Köln, Urt. v. 25. 3. 2010 – 4 Ca 10458/09)

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Re: Sweaty smell grounds for dismissal?
30/03/10 12:41 en respuesta a rechtsanwalt jain.
is advertising in form of posts allowed on Trust7?
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Re: Sweaty smell grounds for dismissal?
30/03/10 15:41 en respuesta a rechtsanwalt jain.

why not? dont you get something informative here?
its NOT an advert ONLY. we get lot of information from "vakalat" from time to time on some of very important issues here in germany.

take it or leave it, its free!
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Re: Sweaty smell grounds for dismissal?
31/03/10 0:12 en respuesta a rechtsanwalt jain.

Dont criticise unnecessarily or Do you want to become famous by doing so?

Vakalat is one of the best Contributors to Trust7.
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Re: Sweaty smell grounds for dismissal?
31/03/10 12:45 en respuesta a rechtsanwalt jain.
@truster: I agree with you. Vakalat posted some useful laws. He was really helpful.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Sweaty smell grounds for dismissal?
1/04/10 14:42 en respuesta a rechtsanwalt jain.
Well, I said what i felt after seeing this post.

The funny logic of becomming famous would have made sense if I had posted my email or other identifiable information.

If i would have wanted to spend my time in learning exceptional clauses of German law, i could find myself a book on that and would read that when i need it.

Nevertheless, it is absolutely fine for me if other people find this kind of information very useful for them, as I am not the moderator of the forum.
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Re: Sweaty smell grounds for dismissal?
1/04/10 14:48 en respuesta a rechtsanwalt jain.
I think if vakalat posts a summary instead of an elaborate legal text , that would make more sense to everyone..
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Re: Sweaty smell grounds for dismissal?
2/04/10 22:30 en respuesta a rechtsanwalt jain.

As a silent user I ocasionally skim posts. I also find vakalat postings intresting and instructive. Though many of us have gained german einburgerung, we still live in our non-native country. Vakalat is a qualified lawyer and it does not hurt to get an ocasional dose of law. Sensitive has a point. vakalat could post anonymous. I definitely hope to steer clear of legal problems and touch wood I have not come across any bad employer. Only German landlords I find to be a breed of their own, so in this respect even contact detail is of beneficial value! One can never tell...
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