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Visa Questions

My wife dependent visa pending for more than a year

I have applied  German depedendant visa for my wife by september 2018 and it was pending from then with out an answer , In the mean while I have changed my job and moved to a new city for which I have provided all the necessary documents in Landratsamt and now , when ever i call them for the status " They say that we are waiting for reply from General consulate chennai " and If i call to chennai consulate "They are saying that they are waiting for answer from foregin office in my city " This is going on for past three months like this . Is there a way that this can be sorted out or Escalated? legally may be possible ? please provide some insight on how to proceed further .This is making life miserable .
Lastly can i ask them to cancel this visa process and apply with fresh application again? is this a viable option? . 
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