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unemployment period if unemployed, then employed, then again unemployed ?

Hello Fellows.

Another one for all of U.

Imagine someone who has worked for 2 years gets unemployed, then he/she would normally get 1 yr of unemployment benefits.

and before this 1 year of unemployment period finishes, she/he gets a job...

and then gets unemployed again.. lets say in next 3-4 months.

then for how long will he/she receive unemployment benefits ?

1 year or in this case none, since last job only lasted 3-4 months ?

Has anyone been in this case ?

Nitin Malhotra
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Re: unemployment period if unemployed, then employed, then again unemployed
11/28/03 2:09 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Hi Nitin,
I found that info out from Arbeitsamt last time i was there. They told me that you will be given the remaining of your "Arbeitslosgeld" period so if u used 8 months you will be given 4 more till ur total are complete.

Hope that helps.

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