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"Should i stay or should i go" story

"Should i stay or should i go" story
10/30/04 9:55 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It starts to very boring with this 'if we can stay or not at the end of 5-year-period' discussion. This really does not make sense any more for myself approaching the end of my 3rd year in Germany. We/GCs came to Germany with our own willingness having stamped our passports for 5 years of residency bound to our working conditions.

I speak/write German as a foreign language better than a German, lets say, who lives in my country and trying to learn my own language in 3 years. Personally with my 3 years work&life experience in Germany, i will not be a beggar in front of the Ausländerbehörde door, crying for my permanent residency sticker at the end of my 5 years in this country. I better involve a lawyer who has similar skills and experience and see what can be done.

Other than that if someone can perform his/her skills what the others are not able to, even not Germany, no country/company/boss will deny residence of this person, whatever color,race he/she has. Before trying to guarantee residence in Germany with a 102x73 mm size "Aufenthaltstitel" sticker made of paper, i believe there are still other things to think about.

I talk with many foreigners who are living in Germany since many years, some of them came with asyl&asylum reasons, some of them as gastarbeiter, some with business reasons etc. etc. Everybody and also people who write books about this topic telling: you can not be German the way you become an American or Canadian. Please go and read the 7th chapter, page 143 of Culture Shock! Germany ISBN:1558682511 book from Richard Lord. So, what if one does stay after 5 years ? Is it really worth ?

Before getting lost in the chaos of '5 year or never' famous story, I invite every foreigner to think once more about priorities, future life and of course their kids if they have.

Best Regards.
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Re: "Should i stay or should i go" story
10/31/04 9:32 PM as a reply to Paul Wehrli.
You sound bitter and disappointed. Is there a special reason? Who should expect you to beg for a residence permit? I am not sure I understand the purpose of your mail. However, do not think you can become Canadian if you get their residence permit and stay there longer than three years. Yes, you would get a sticker (different size than 102x73 though) or a passport but you wouldn't become Canadian. Don't even hope you ever could. You would always stay what you are - a foreigner. There are some invisible boundaries you can't prove, explain or brake. The only difference to Germany is the easiness of getting a "sticker" and of course a government which will "tax" you poor. Bad health care also. I have been here before, than went there and now I'm back again here. So I know what I'm talking about. And who is Richard Lord? A native Canadian?

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Re: "Should i stay or should i go" story
11/1/04 12:30 PM as a reply to Paul Wehrli.
I am not bitter or disappointed.
I know what i am talking about too. This was not to compare Germany or Canada, just gave this as an example.

My point was/is talking and yelling about "why Germany is not giving permanent residence to GCers" do not bring much.

Hope this helps.
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