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Arbeitlos anmeldung?

Arbeitlos anmeldung?
28.04.04 02:06
My company has given me 2 months notice period to leave. Should I register in AA now or should I register in the last month of job.
If I register now, arbeitlos period will start from date of registration or it will start when job will be finished in my company?

Any suggession for new job? Should I send CV in english or german is must?I can speak and understand german but not fluent

Best Regards.

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Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
28.04.04 04:52 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
"My company has given me 2 months notice period to leave.", this kinda short, normally you should get 3 months notice period, check your contract to see what it states.
I had a one week notice from my company and after checking my contract, I saw that I should have received a notice period "per quarter" so I had my 3 months after discussing it with the company (even though I left the offices one week as said before, I had my 3 months salary paid even by staying at home).
"Should I register in AA now or should I register in the last month of job.", normally you should do it as soon as you get your notice period, but frankly, I did it only from the day I was "officially" unemployed, meaning after the first day of the end of my notice period.
"If I register now, arbeitlos period will start from date of registration or it will start when job will be finished in my company?", this I dunno.
"Any suggession for new job?", search hard and never get tired of sending CV and making phone calls when necessary, better start applying now.
"Should I send CV in english or german is must?", German ain't a must but it's suggested, I do suggest it because even though the GC scheme was sating that English was enough, now, English ain't enough, and more, ain't required at all, if you don't speak English, you got less chance to get hired. The only job specs where I saw that English was required and German "not a must" were ads for contract positions and we, GC, can't work on a contract basis as freelancers.
"I can speak and understand german but not fluent", that's quite good, keep practising, and remember, when you talk or receive a phone call for an interview, never start speaking English unless they do first.


PS Just in case, you better have 2 CVs, one in English and the other in German and if the add is in English, just send the English one, specifying that you can submit a German one in no time and if the add is in German, then send the one in German, that's waht I do.
And if it states that German is not a must but English is required, then just write and send the one in English with at the very beginning of your mail or letter, words like 'bear with me to write in English as German is not required for this position'.
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Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
28.04.04 13:15 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
Hi Nobody,

how are you now? have you found a job now? if yes, where is it?

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Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
28.04.04 15:26 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
Hi Dony,

good to hear from you. I'm fine thanks, still in Germany struggle with my people and going to make some milk for my daughter in 2 minutes :-)

About a new job, yeah, at 50%, the other remaining 50% because I haven't signed the contract yet but last time I called the company, the HR lady told me she was missing 1 signature from a board member and needed some papers from me (Arbeitsgehnemigung, Aufhentaltsgehnemigung...) which I sent yesternite. And I then asked her "you sure I got the job?", she was "yes, yes, fear not..." :-) Just wanted to get ready in case of a change of mind on their side.
I will call them in about an hour, as it's lunch time now so I could ask if they received the papers and if I could come by signing the contract friday morning so I could do all the paperwork at the Arbeitsamt to get my WP.

THe job is in Köln, what's killing me is the transportation fees that I will have to pay each month, near 300 euros to get there because I don'T want to jeopardize me and my family and relocate before the end of the Probezeit. You never know... it's not everytime that you find a landlord whoc an bear you not paying some months of rent.

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Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
28.04.04 20:33 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
thanks for reply,my company gave me notice in april till june 30, i think this satisfy 3 months requirement. Normally my company was quite helpful,other people dissmissed were german & they had registered by AA, because the don't require visa any way,my boss ask me about registration, i don't know should I clearly tell him that why i am not registering yet (I don't thinks so they have any interest in it other than to help me and save me to wait for arbeitgeld).but I need more time thats why i want to register in last month. I don't know if I should discuss this with my boss or not, because I also need their goodwill for next job.
Today i was in AA, they told me I will get 3 months visa(till june 30 my job will be 3 years and 5 months),I think i will get some more extension after this.
By the way what is rule of arbeit geld calculation?


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Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
28.04.04 20:46 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
Yeah, I think you quite ok with the time, it seems to be 3 months.

About the calculation of the AG, if you married, you get 67% of your monthly net income, if not married, you get 60%, in a certain way, the AA becomes your employer because you hae to notify them when you want to travel, according to the length of the travel you could get your AG cut, and stuffs like that.

Just tell your boos that you ain't feeling like registering at the moment, and you right, I don't think they really care of the aftermath.

As you've worked more than 24 months, you are entitled to 12 months of AA, and your visa should be changed to this amount of time, you can get a 4 packs of 3 months (that's the more common situation, I think that's why people at the AA told you about 3 months) or a 2 packs of 6 months (I know a guy who had this sort of visa) adn you will have to bring proofs that you were searching for a job during your unemployement time.

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Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
28.04.04 21:25 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.

am I confused or being in the state of confusion! by the way I never heard of a visa change while you get arbeitslosgeld from AA. Is it new or does it work differently in different parts of german states. please clarify?

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Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
28.04.04 21:45 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
Hi Nitin,

as per regulations, one is entitled to stay in Germany as long as he is entitled for unemployment benefits, and if you are entitled to 12 months, if your visa is for more than that, it will be sort of cutted of so you don't stay more than you're allowed to.

And before getting your AG from the AA, they will ask you to go change your visa at the AB.
I didn't happened to me, but I know two friends of mine who got that situation, one with a pack of 3 months each, the other one with a pack of 6 months each and I think they're not the only people who had that in Germany.

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Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
28.04.04 21:57 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
Hi NoBody,

thanks for clearing! so it depends on the place where you work as I rightly understood.

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Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
28.04.04 23:36 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
Don't think so, Nitin, because it's "per regulations" and I think it's something straighted out considered.
But in case some1 as had AG withtout changing his visa, just let us know so we could see how to work on that and get something out of this rule.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
29.04.04 00:14 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
How can I proof AA of job search? Should I keep copy of sent mail & give them printed copy or give them company name & discription of job applied... or any other methed?

Best Regards.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
29.04.04 00:41 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
Keep a copy of all emails sent and their replies and when you will have to go there, just print them all and bring them there. Only method I know.

:-) If you send 15 mails per day like I did, you will get a lot of papers to bring to them.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung?
29.04.04 11:01 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
The AA is queite friendly and helpful to me. I really believe is all depending at the AA where you come from. For eg: I dont have to change my AG (I have the 5 years AG - and thank God I dont have the AG with Company's name). I receive my monthly money (only 1 month - thank God again ) and I dont have to proof any job searching
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Arbeitlos anmeldung? -- New Question
29.04.04 13:17 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
Hi all,

i was wondering when a friend of mine has mentioned that some states(Bundesländer) no longer require the employer to honour the minimum salary to be paid to the employee on greencard.

The reason he gave me was, the officials who devised this greencard and minimum salary restrictions didnt expect so high unemployment among the greencard holders. In the changed scenario, its becoming difficult for the unemployed GCs to get a job as the employer need to pay higher salary (minimum salary of 3300 Euro)

What are your experiances. Plz let me know.. Thankx.

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Re: Arbeitlos anmeldung? - to Sengkiang
01.05.04 15:20 als Antwort auf dilbir majo.
Hi dude,

I have to say that things really differ from a place to another and as I was telling a journalist yesterday, that's what is really buging me.
I know that Gemany is in a high state of federalism and that Laender can take care of his things but there are some things that should really be written black on white so all the people will know what to do when they are facing a situation.

You got money bur never changed your AE (not AG I think) and some where asked to change theirs before getting the money. Some had that cut in more pieces than other... Quite strange all that...

If really Germay will like to show itself in better shape, they should take care of handling thing in a better way.

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