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GCs across Germany coming together annually ?

Hello, Fellow GCs across Germany. I'm a GC living in stuttgart and pretty new to trust7 club.

I would like to have the following information :-
1.) Are we allowed to or is there a forum were we can all meet ; say towards the end of the year before the holidays period to have a kind of get together (buffet & share our experiences)?

I looking forward to you guys response !
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Re: GCs across Germany coming together annually ?
1/2/04 12:18 PM as a reply to onye bolo.
I don't have an answer, but I see a problem.

The number of GCs and their locations are not known, I believe this is a major problem. Maybe there 100 GC living in my town but I can not know it.

If we could know where GCs are concentrated, maybe we could start from that location.

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Re: GCs across Germany coming together annually ?
1/2/04 5:31 PM as a reply to onye bolo.
Thanks for your response Atreides.I think Germany is one of the most organized societies in the world; so getting the number and locations of GCs in the country, I expect should be a cake walk or what do you guys think ?

I receive IT magazines in my mail box I just wonder how and where they got the information that such magazines may interest me ?
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Re: GCs across Germany coming together annually ?
1/2/04 11:09 PM as a reply to onye bolo.
Weird, I don't get any.

I am no web expert, but why can't we build a society on the web. ? It can start as a simple registry.

Any web developers around ?

I have 2 web sites and I can provide web space, that's no problem.
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