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what does the new tax, pension and health reform means to us ?

Hello Fellows.

does anyone know what does the nex tax, pension and health reforms means to green card holders or everyone in general ?

I have been hearing soo much about them in the news, just wanna get to the crust and understand how and what do these reforms change ?

has anyone spent some time trying to understand their impact ? if any and important..

enjoy GreenCard'ing
Nitin Malhotra
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Re: what does the new tax, ....
11/20/03 6:57 PM as a reply to Striker Me.
Hi Nitin,

it is me again. In short, this means everybody pays more and get less :-(

But these so called 'reforms' have still go through the 'Bundesrat Vermittlungsausschuss' before this become a law. So we have to wait and believe me, even a moderate informed German newspaper reader does not understand the whole thing.

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