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Stay when arbeitlos, Spouse visa and contract working.

Hi all,

I have three questions:
1. A friend of mine registered yesterday at his local AA for unemployment benefits and was asked to go to the AB to change his visum (he is entitled to 10 months of unemployment benefits). There, they gave him a new 3 months-visum and told him that he will have to go there every 3 months until the 10 months will be accomplished. I found it strange because I thought that hw should have received 10 months in a go. Is it the way things are done? Has someone already received his full time in one go?
I'm asking that because I will register at my AA next month and in case they ask me to go to the AB and got my time left changed to pieces of 3 months, it could be a hell of a trick to get a visum for another country.

2. Tomorrow, I will go with my wife to get her her second 1 year visum, btu my question is to know if in case I got my time reduced to pieces of 3 months as mentionned above, should her time also be cut in pieces or not?

3. And what if I found a company willing to employ me for, let's say a 4 months contract? In that case, the salary won't be the limit, so are we allowed to apply and/or take such jobs?

Thanks for your answers.

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