"2. When we were getting our GC then it was very clear to us that it is not a PR."
well it was very clearly mentioned that it is a preamble to a sure PR, and i am sure that not many people have studied german laws comprehensively and have made attempts to get acquianted with a german political system and prehistory of GC regulation, especially with a fact, that SPD with Mr. Shröder did not find it necessary to run any disputes and make any agreements with opposition regarding GC. Most basically have heard the so-called "advertisement" of german government structures as well as their future employees who of course has told them exactly what local officials in employment offices have told them -> same "advertisement" of german government structures, initiated by SPD and Mr. Shröder.
I understand very well that Mr. Schröder with his party has risked, has lost everything and now wants to get the responsibility off his shoulders - somewhere i saw a recent official letter from "Bündnis '90/Die Grünen" party regarding GCs - it was even said there that the governing coalition has no responsibility over GC-program (!) - but hey, what's the deal here? why the mistakes of german politicians should fall on shoulders of people who listened to them and came here? it is very rightly said that it was possible for them to choose between several countries and most have chosen Germany because they liked it more - but they would not choose it in case if it was not advertised to them that a PR for them is a sure thing. moreover, it is also very correctly said that almost nobody would come here in case when it was made clear that PR is out of question.
and now think again: the human life is not long, and the productive life is even shorter than that. will the guy have the same opportunities if he is forced to go back comparing with those which he had when he decided for Germany and GC? i highly doubt it. age, age ... so basically what happens now -Germany invited people, did not used them, no - i can not say that because they were not really needed here, burned a good part of their future away and now wants to throw them out and say that nothing happenned? i don't think so ... yeah, it will be "nothing happened", but some politicians can start learning those two words as well *lol* ;)
"Only in case a person is less talented (I will say second class talent ) and not having an oppurtunity in other place will forced to be here."
regarding "second class talent" - do you really think that the world is ogranized in such a way that a more talented in his profession guy always gets a better place? come on, that's a story for three-years old children *lol*

i have worked with different people, including those who earn a lot in U.S. and can say that it is a common place when a "no class talent" earns a lot more than a "first class talent" - this world is not perfect, almost nothing depends on your talent but a lot depends on your ability to present yourself (something that very high talented people do not know how to do; learn the history and a usual fate of geniuses - you will see that i am right - those people are like children in everyday's life) and even more on ability to end up in right place in the right time *lol*

and considering "U.S. is a better place" ... hmmm ... probably it is so for mercenaries, who jump from place to place in the world during whole life in search of a higher bid for their services (and it is understandable, because the whole U.S. is just a country of mercenaries, and was started as such), but not so for the people who did not like how the things are going on in their home countries and decided to relocate just one time. moreover, i would tell you that the people who decided for U.S. may not be so happy in ten-twenty years (exactly when they will become old and nobody will want them) - just you wait. if they continue on the path which they follow now ...
"They have the responsibility of future of the country so they should look to all aspects."
ha-ha, they try to, but they are humans as well and as such can not escape some aspects of human nature! which is: of course, it can not be so that they have made a mistake. Mr. Shröder is a perfect example here - from what i read in the news, it seems that he fights with comrades from his own party now *lol*

"So if they see our integration can effect their national security in some way then it is right to discuss about it."
ha-ha, do you think that all those talks around immigration law are made just because of 10.000 GCs? come on people, open your eyes and get back down on earth! they want to have an instrument for the next thirty-fifty years which will be applied to all foreigners, regardless of their qualification. and when i was writing about national security and integration in my previous post, i also meant all foreigners, and even did not think about GC and PR *lol*

yes, considering GCs as you opened this thema: local officials will not think whether you are low qualified, qualified,
high qualified or very high qualified, i assure you, as well as the level of your integration will mean nothing to them as well. when they have a problem, they will try to solve it at least costs for them and will act accordingly. and when they can throw any foreigner out without having to prove anything ... it's gonna be a lot of fun, you will see *lol* ;)