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Immigration services are only possible if there is a immigration law which


We provide information about the new German Immigration Law and, as soon as the law has come into effect, we will provide 'Immigration Services'.

This branch of trust7s' business idea has only a future if there is an immigration law that deserves its name.

In this respect it can be well understood why trust7 keeps on thinking and talking positive 24 hours a day.

I can not see that there is such an immigration law emerging.

But here are some facts which will not change anymore until the 9-th of July 2004:


Berlin, 18.06.2004
Einzelheiten des Zuwanderungsgesetzes

2. Arbeitsmigration:

- Beibehaltung des Anwerbestopps für Nicht- und Geringqualifizierte.

- Beibehaltung des Anwerbestopps auch für Qualifizierte mit Ausnahmeregelung: Erteilung einer Arbeitserlaubnis im begründeten Einzelfall, wenn öffentliches Interesse an Beschäftigung besteht.

- Für Hochqualifizierte wird die Gewährung eines Daueraufenthalts von Anfang an vorgesehen, sie können sofort eine Niederlassungserlaubnis erhalten. Mit- oder nachziehende Familienangehörige sind zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit berechtigt.

- Punkteverfahren gestrichen

Wer fällt unter Hochqualifizierte:

1.Wissenschaftler mit besonderen fachlichen Kenntnissen,
2. Lehrpersonen in herausgehobener Funktion oder wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter in herausgehobener Funktion oder
3. Spezialisten und leitende Angestellte mit besonderer Berufserfahrung, die ein Gehalt in Höhe von mindestens dem Doppelten der Beitragsbemessungsgrenze der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung erhalten.

Beitragsbemessungsgrenze 2004
Die Beitragsbemessungsgrenze in der Krankenversicherung beträgt 2004: 41.850 € p.a. bzw. 3.487,50 € monatlich.

Spezialisten und leitende Angestellte müssen demzufolge ein Mindest-Jahreseinkommen von zur Zeit ca. 83.700 € verdienen.

Does anyone really think that if a high qualified personnel earns an annual salary of minimum 83.700 € at home that he or she will even think a minute about going abroad. To live a life as a foreigner going to the Ausländerbehörde begging for permissions.

And what remains for the qualified personnel: a recruiting stop that is only opened for individuals if a public interest exists for the employment of that individual.

And the Punkteverfahren, which in fact was connected to a general recruiting stop, and thus not compareable with the yearly US Green Card lottery, is dead, no longer part of the new wonderful Zuwanderungsgesetz.
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Re: Immigration services are only possible if there is a immigration law wh
7/3/04 1:30 PM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
"Does anyone really think that if a high qualified personnel earns an annual salary of minimum 83.700 € at home that he or she will even think a minute about going abroad. To live a life as a foreigner going to the Ausländerbehörde begging for permissions."

Yes. For example if he earned lots of money by robbing his people and after change of political power the cell of a jail is prepared for him *lol* but such people usually do not have to beg for any permissions, as the doors of any country are open for them ;)

btw Germany is not different here: invest 1 million euro in german economy and you will have no problems. and if robbed country tries to get a man through an extradiction procedure they are not going to succeed, just because it will be recognized that a man was pursued in his home country ;)
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Re: Immigration services are only possible if there is a immigration law wh
7/3/04 1:46 PM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
"btw Germany is not different here: invest 1 million euro in german economy and you will have no problems. and if robbed country tries to get a man through an extradiction procedure they are not going to succeed, just because it will be recognized that a man was pursued in his home country"

A very good point. I wonder if the origins of this investment are being questioned at all. Doors open to whom? Criminals or enterpreneurs?
Herr Fischer stated recently that:
"Neue Möglichkeiten für qualifizierte Ausländer - das sei der Vorteil des Zuwanderungsgesetzes"
Did he ment "hochqualifizierte"? If I got it right there are no big posibilities for "qualifizierte". They ought to know better.

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Re: Immigration services are only possible if there is a immigration law wh
7/3/04 2:22 PM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
"A very good point. I wonder if the origins of this investment are being questioned at all."

no they are not. it's understood that a robbed country should care about its money, collect all necessary evidences and present them asking for extradiction. however it's not going to help much, just because those people say that in case of extradiction they will be tortured and will not have any fair legal dispute. as they do have money it's not hard for them to buy services of best lawyers as well.

btw i have read not long time ago that some large part of money received for sales of Iraq's oil was not to be found *lol* emoticon
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Re: Immigration services are only possible if there is a immigration law wh
7/3/04 7:02 PM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
I appreciate your opinions.

We have the right to think it all over.

Even if we are not able to change it.

Nobody can force us to stop to use our brain.

This does of course not mean that we are desperate or frustrated but open minded we are.

The better we understand everything the better we are able to find the best ways to make the best out of the situation.

It makes no sense at all to tell people all the time to wait for the new immigration law and to cross the fingers all the time if it will not help a bit.

If you want an unlimited permission to stay you need to have an unlimited working permission thus you have to have an unlimited working contract on that day when you apply for the unlimited permission to stay. This principal is true with the foreigner law and will be also true with the new immigration law.
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