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Nebenkosten Calculation

Nebenkosten Calculation
1/23/04 12:57 PM
Hi GCers,
I just received from my Landlady some extra cost bills regarding
the "Nebenkosten". The amount that I paid in advance was not enough so she asks some extra money to cover the expenses. That is no problem and logical thing to do.
But I was a bit suprised, when she explained me what was included in NebenKosten.
--> The yearly tax ("Grundstuecksteur") that she pays for the flat was included. (It is not my flat, I am just renting it.. am I supposed to pay the yearly tax for the flat that I rent? )

--> She insured the flat for theft, damage of furniture bla.. bla..
and includes the payment of this insurance to my "Nebenkosten" ?
Is this a general practice ?

--> Garbage removal costs that is paid to Municipal of the city I guess. That sounds ok..

--> "Abwasser" stuff.. man.. this is expensive... I need to pay for each m3 of the water
that I use 2 Euro and another 3 Euro to get rid of that 1 m3 water that I have used..
Is this normal ? does this work the same in all Germany.. god.. I am having a late Culture Shock..
Why do I give the half of my salary to German government man.. ? they still keep taking money
for Abwasser, GEZ.. etc.. etc.. so what the hell for the taxes that we pay ?
or those taxes are just for building nice German Autobahns.. ?

Any comments on this ? did you guys have similar experience? is this normal at all ?


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Re: Nebenkosten Calculation (answer)
1/23/04 2:58 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.

Do not do anything.

Just google the Mieterschutzverein in your area using keyword "Mieterschutzverein your_city"

Take your Mietvertrag and money to them, yearly subscription is around ~70 euros. They are reliable lawyers who understand from these things. They will write a letter to your landlady and tell you what the truth and what your landlady can offer from you. You will be automatically insured there for the troubles you may face with your flat.

Have a nice weekend.
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Re: Nebenkosten Calculation
1/23/04 3:04 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Unfortunately I start to hear similar stories about nebenkosten problems. People getting exaggerated bills etc.

Please go to the nearest "Mieterschutzverein" before/after you get problems like that (I prefer going before and being a member)
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Re: Nebenkosten Calculation
1/26/04 2:43 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Hi, Lacrima and others!

pwehrli`s absolutely right: the mieterschutzverein is the best way to be insured in those cases.

To those who have problems: go ahead and look for your mieterschutzverein.

But you can`t join the verein, consult and after that leave it. They don`t accept that. Once you left it you can´t join it again.


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