Hi, everybody!
once upon a time there was a long, long "donut-story"...to cut it short just three annotations:
1. I think, there is no place in our forum for personal statements, which are offensive, provocative, ignorant, biassed ...in my opinion this forum should be constructive, not destructive...
2.The messages of this forum can be read by people from all over the world, who wants to get information about Germany, living and working in Germany, our experiences, our feelings, our respectful change of views...I can`t imagine, that they are interested in "tit-for-tat-messages"...
3. I have a feeling that some of you pay too much attention to the statements of Marc OS. Marc OS is NOT the hero of the "donut-story"...he is only one of the numerous minor roles (as we are)...anyway, it`s great, that he joins the forum, since he can contribute something constructive to that forum (as we can see in some of his messages), when he starts his attacks (see 1) I for my part ignore them - when some of you start your counterattacks (see 1) I ignore them too - this is why I didn`t take a part in the "donut-story"...In my opinion those discussions won`t get us anywhere...
Enough of that!
As you have already noticed, I have finished the English version of the FAQ - actually I would like to thank Adriana Martinez for the correction of my own English version. She still could find lots of mistakes, I can tell you...THANK YOU, Adriana!!!
Adriana is by the way a mexican girl, living in the States, who is married to a "gringo" (just a quotation, I don`t want to insult our friends from USA), she is a music teacher, but jobless now...
The FAQ made its way to the western coast of the USA, where Adriana did a great job, and back to Germany...the world is small, isn`t it? ... and we are all in the same boat ...
I would like to invite all of you to give your opinion on the FAQ...to express critics and to post suggestions for improvement. If there is still important information, let me know it - post here or write an e-mail to j.weissenberg@t-online.de - I can gather all you slip me...and Detlef & Manuel will somewhen renew the FAQ...

(Thanx to YO1, nreddy and billy for their warm words)
Detlef, thanx for looking forward! You are absolutely right...the most important issue in these days is the compromise of the new immigration law. Actually I have a feeling that they (our politicians) will decide that only next year - maybe until february...what I want to say is that you should not expect a decision the 18th of december - maybe there will be a provisional result...but anyway, I think high skilled foreigners will get a real perspective in Germany ...