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Visa Questions

incomplete 5 years of residence or incomplete 60 months of insurance paymen

Good day everybody

I think this question wil be interesting to many GC.
The main point of it is an impossibility of exactly 5 years residence and/or
60 monthly insurance payments. I personally have got Arbeitserlaubnis one month later
than my Aufenthaltserlaubnis. Therefore I can only get 59 months. Many rumors say
that this way Arbeitsamt/Auslaenderbehoerde will kick out unnecessary foreigners thereby
saving jobless countrymen.

How will this really be managed? Apply for one or two more months of residence permit
to get those terms? Somehow I don't beleive in graceful and friendly AA/AB officers..

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Re: incomplete 5 years of residence or incomplete 60 months of insurance pa
11/8/04 4:41 PM as a reply to Vladislav Belogrudov.
Even if you do not get NE, they have to give you AufErl, and after few more months you can get NE.
But I think that one or two months are no problem because it is quite normal to ask for AE 2 months before old one is over.
So for Verlängerung is considered some date in future.

Btw, by sending away 17k GClers you would not get 4,8 mil Stellen for Arbeitslose.
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Re: incomplete 5 years of residence or incomplete 60 months of insurance pa
11/8/04 5:17 PM as a reply to Vladislav Belogrudov.
DvD, you are right about 17K vs. Mio of Jobless emoticon)
, but I think it still is considered by some officers (simply their personal attitude).
Thanks for reply.

What I thought about is the terminations of many contracts (phone, appartment,bank,post,.....)
where usually 3 months periods are taken as a minimum. I would personally appreciate
to know if I get it or not much earlier (so I can book tickets, pack and send with someone
my books and clothes...) , say, 4 months before termination of my visa. I think
it's pretty risky to rely on good answer and to apply 2 months before deadline.
Many people would like to be sure too (employees and
employers. E.g. for my employer it will cost may be one year to find appropriate person and to
teach him or her).

Best regards
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Re: incomplete 5 years of residence or incomplete 60 months of insurance pa
11/8/04 5:26 PM as a reply to Vladislav Belogrudov.
Seems to me you did not understud me.
In worst case if you do not get PR you will get RP, meaning you wan't be kicked out. You'll get some RP for year or two and after some time when you fullfil 5 years you get PR.

Only problem could be if you loose job. In some cases even than is possible to get PR but you should really be lucky for that.
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Re: incomplete 5 years of residence or incomplete 60 months of insurance pa
11/8/04 5:38 PM as a reply to Vladislav Belogrudov.
Hi DvD,
You wrote:

"Only problem could be if you loose job. In some cases even than is possible to get PR but you should really be lucky for that."

This is exaclty what I was saying last time. For me as an example, my contract is for 5 years from the beginning and it will not be extended. So by the end of my 60 months, I have definitely no job and this will be Sh...t for me coz I think they will not give me the PR without a job even after I have worked 5 years. Dont you think so?
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Re: incomplete 5 years of residence or incomplete 60 months of insurance pa
11/8/04 5:39 PM as a reply to Vladislav Belogrudov.
Do you consider yourself as unnecessary foreigner ? The green card is not hummanitary programme to make our lives easier but to solve the problems of the Germany. Furthermore, we were all invited by German government to come to Germany and help. I have changed my job many times. In the worst case I needed 20 days to find new job, and typically 10 days (from sending first applications till getting the contract). So it seems that there is quite enough vacancies, at least in my area of expertise. Respect yourself and others will respect you. The task of the AA/AB officers is not to create jobs by removing the foreigners, but to enforce particular subset of laws. As I have read in recent posts on this website, the further stay of the so called "GCs" is now clearly regulated. The AB has to act according to these regulations. If you have doubts that AB will not act accordingly, or you think that you simply cannot cope with complex regulations, then find a lawyer who will do this for you. I however think that is bad for image of all GCs that people on this forum "beg" for stay in Germany.
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Re: incomplete 5 years of residence or incomplete 60 months of insurance pa
11/8/04 5:55 PM as a reply to Vladislav Belogrudov.
you are right, GC should not "beg" for residence permit. What I care about is my family
that does not want to pack clothes in hurry and i don't want to pay more money
in case of any faling issues with AB/AA. I will never beg for the Permit. I care about life and
job confidence.

Also it is interesting idea about GC image. The image of GC is about the same
as image of other foreigners. Many German people think Auslaender == Aussiedler (in not the best
meaning of this word), what usually forwads us to that image.. Especially in South. Pity. I don't
consider myself escapee emoticon
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Re: incomplete 5 years of residence or incomplete 60 months of insurance pa
11/8/04 6:27 PM as a reply to Vladislav Belogrudov.
"In the worst case I needed 20 days to find new job, and typically 10 days (from sending first applications till getting the contract)."
What is your area of work when you find job that easy.
I must say those number are valid for me also.
But in months instead of days. ;) ;) ;) ;).

I think it is quite normal and often that Vertrag ends with AE.
I don't think it should be the problem. ABH doesn't know if your Vertrag will be verlängert or not.
Beside, as I said, even ArLosGeld is Unterhalt, so ABH must give you PR even if they know that Vertrag can not be verlängert
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Re: incomplete 5 years of residence or incomplete 60 months of insurance pa
11/8/04 7:45 PM as a reply to Vladislav Belogrudov.
I do not think that the image of the green-cards is bad within population. The people that have heard through the media about this programme see us more like some kind of specialists who are coming to help germany. They do not necessarily know about our every-day problems and here and there bad situation on job market. I had actually impression that people do treat you better if you mention that you have green-card. But it does not make sense to generalize, there will be always people which have enough own problems or are simply in bad mood, but you should not take this personally on yourself.
@dvd: I am working on development of software for automotive industry, for example software for parking heaters or power closure systems (electric trunk lid). This segment is expanding very fast, there is more and more electronics in the cars. The programming itself is however quite specific (or rudimentary :-) ), for example you are encouraged not to use pointers at all, or any other kind of dynamic allocation of anything :-) . On the other side you have relatively often to go car manufacturers and modify your software directly on the car, but also cope with people from construction departments who do know a little about software. It is quite interesting. If I would compare it with "standard IT", I could say that major difference that automotive software should be optimized on size (to reduce costs for microcontroller) and should be absolutely error-free (but this never happens - and then new people get jobs :-) )
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