lol it seems that i have an intuition. could not possibly know contents of today's "Der Spiegel" when i wrote my previous remarks, now could i *lol*?
"Um 17.44 Uhr hatte das Gericht in Münster geurteilt (dismissal of a claim against deportation - my comment), um 18.25 Uhr ging der Haftbefehl an die Polizei heraus. In froher Erwartung hatte die Düsseldorfer Bezirksregierung zunächst ein Charter-flugzeug für den Heimflug des Kalifen reservieren lassen. Nur weil NRW-Innenminister Behrens keine "Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion" kurz nach dem Urteil wollte, kam es nicht dazu."
i would be very suspicious about the rightfulness of the last phrase, just because of another statement in the same article ;)
"Als Durchlauferhitzer in dieser Duskussion ist der Fall Kaplan unschlagbar - jahrzehntelanges Staatsversagen, gekrönt von der Blamage, dass die Kölner Polizei den Mann in der vorvergangenen Woche Hals über Kopf zur Abschiebung festnehmen wollte, aber stundenlang nicht finden konnte."
- Der Spiegel, Nr. 24/07.06.2004, "Im Labyrinth des Kalifen", 24-40.
so i would suggest that in reality he knew what is going to be done against him (not difficult for a man who knows a german legal system or who has good lawyers that can explain him all possibilities) and made necessary arragements so that police just was not able to find him until his lawyer submitted a right application to a right court of law on the next morning *lol*
well i request to understand me once more: i do not support terrorism and use this case just as a good example how rights can not be granted to a man, who has a name, lots of money, good lawyers and who has started a PR-campaign just in the right time. what to tell about those who have nothing of the above? was man - and there is no man *lol* i myself know several cases when people where deported before a decision of court of law, and after their deportation a court of law has decided that they should not be deported at all ...
and one more thing to notice: in the whole article i was able to find only several lines about "good foreigners", everything else - about how foreigners are bad and how the process of their deportation must be made easier. tells something to me, about REAL purpose of new immigration law ... here are those lines, by the way:
"Auf der anderen Seite stehen die Verlierer im Bleiberechts-Lotto, die nicht raffiniert genug sind, zu ehrlich, zu wenig zäh - Eigenschaften, die das deutsche Ausländerrecht gnadenlos abstrafen kann. Zum Beispiel bei dem Bosnier Seid Everding aus Castrop-Rauxel, der gerade sein Abitur gemacht hat, nachdem er, mit kurzer Unterbrechung, seit mehr als zehn Jahren in Deutschland gelebt hatte. Seine Mutter hat einen Deutschen geheiratet, seine Schwester besitzt einen deutschen Pass, nun soll er das Land in den nächsten Wochen verlassen, weil er volljährig ist und nur noch bis zum Ende der 13. Klasse bleiben durfte. "Wir würden ihn gern hier behalten", bedauert die Castrop-Rauxeler Sozialdezernentin Petra Glöß, "aber wir haben rechtlich keine Möglichkeit.""
about last phrase i can just say: it's a complete bullsh!t! just shows that the man does not know laws and legal system, does not have much money, can not hire good lawyers just because he worked all time on low-paid jobs; therefore there is no problem to get him out and yo-yo, then he is a wonderful foreigner! interesting what would be said about him if he hired lawyers and started to kick the sh!t out of those officials *lol* guess nothing better than about everybody else ...
but the whole article is a food for thoughts: good foreigners are those, who leave Germany after the first requirement even if they lived more than ten years here from the time when they were children (!) and even if their family is here; all the ones who stay and fight for their rights - are "bad guys", terrorists and extremists which will lose and will have to leave the country by force, regardless how much time it takes. moreover, it could be thought to be purposed on the minds of natives: to show them how foreigners laugh from them while getting a social aid and to persuade them that basic human rights should not be granted to foreigners any longer. it's sad to say, but the whole article leaves just such an impression.
I wonder, probably we have a "Fourth Reich" coming?