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Editing posted message

Editing posted message
6/18/04 6:14 PM
Hi Ditelf,
How about a useful feature to this forum like,
having possibility of editing the posted message by the msg-owner only.

what you pals think of it??

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Functionality + question to Detlef
6/25/04 3:51 PM as a reply to Bobby Kuna.

I think I speak for all when I say that this web site is simply wonderful. But sometimes I think it would be great if we could add some things to it, for example a Wiki, so that we could do with the questions that are asked over and over again in the forums, or that we could customise our profiles to set things like country or status, or location (everything optional, of course). I know there are many developers here that would donate some of their time to improve the forum, and maybe we could use also some open source tools, for the wiki, for example.

So, first, is it possible? would anyone be willing to contribute?
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Re: Editing posted message
6/25/04 5:05 PM as a reply to Bobby Kuna.
Hi Aalvarez and Jelda,

first of all, thanks for your your 'wonderful' feedback. It is good for my soul and for Manuels soul to read this :-)

Regarding your suggestions... they are welcome and I appreciate them, the only problem is the time. As you might know, I do not get any support for trust7, not from official institutions, not from Bitkom or IHK or somebody else. I do this for years now, all from my own budget, and Manuel, my technical director, who is in charge of the site, does everything in his spare time, but honestly, he has no spare time :-(

He is a programmer and project leader for 2 big projects and since a couple of month he is also father of a nice little daughter :-)

At the moment he is on a business trip in Miami and when he is back, I have so much to do for him, that trust7 has to wait a little bit.

I am not an IT expert, but I know, that it is not so easy to involve others, because of security reasons and it also needs some time to explain everything. We also work with Linux Servers and Open Source technic, so maybe there is a chance, that some one could help. I will discuss it with Manuel, when he is back.

So again, thanks a lot for your kindness and have a nice weekend!
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