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We are people of our planet!

We are people of our planet!
23.07.04 03:12
Hi *,

when I saw the topic 'people from ...' I knew what would happen, but I hoped this time it would not happen.

But it did, as always. Somebody mentions a special nation and very soon somebody else says something bad about this nation. Than somebody else says everything is wrong and so on and so on!

This was not my intention when I started up this website and this forum and honestly, such useless discussions make me sick.

There is enough trouble and hate in this world, we should keep our forum clean of this, as we did for more than 3 years now.

I just deleted all relating messages and I am sure, that most of you will agree. And I do not care about the few others.

Have a good night, gute Nacht!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: We are people of our planet!
23.07.04 03:30 als Antwort auf trust 7.
I agree with you.

I tried to stop this gently but you did it better.

One vote for Detlef

Gute Nacht auch

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: We are people of our planet!
23.07.04 11:53 als Antwort auf trust 7.

I know you are not happy with the discussion but..........

If you read what I had written, then you will see I never attacked India in the manner as you all say. I only pointed out the issue of why Mr. Fischer was there and what he wants, money and that not all programmers from India are so wonderful as the World is led to believe, which is the case of programmers from every country, but India gets all this attention as if they are all so wonderful. The thread that was started was about India, so that is the direction that it took. Also, most comments were not based on what I wrote, but instead were based on what people thought they read and not what I actually wrote. If you would read them closely and if you understand the english language, then you would see that.

Also, I never brought up anything about hate. I do not hate Indians nor India. Also, for all of you Indians, I went to India and help there with a non-profit health organization for 2 years and while living in very difficult situations, which you all claim do not exist. This was no little vacation trip. Have you all gone to other countries with many poor conditions and helped for 2 years for only enough money to live or have you only gone to other countries to profit from higher pay and better living conditions and forgot about all the poor people at home?

Well, you say it makes you sick to read my comments. What makes me sick is that you feel that you can sensor and delete messages. That really is not right. You need to allow poeple to express thoughts and opinions and not allow yourself to be the "Forum Police" and I do not care if you made the forum possible or not. Free Worlds do not allow for such censoring. That hinders thoughts and thinking, no matter if you like the thoughts and opions or not. Actually, one new thread was written and the comment given that India is much more than IT IT IT and there are examples of what India has accomplished. So, is that bad? No!!!!

Detlef, thanks for pulling the plug on the 'people from ...' thread . It lets us all know and also reminds us how communism and dictatorships work.........

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: We are people of our planet!
23.07.04 13:36 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Hi 'Cool Dude',

I do not know why you think I meant just you and your comments? I do not like the whole discussion and if you do not like that I moderate this forum, why don't you leave it?

And this comment...
Detlef, thanks for pulling the plug on the 'people from ...' thread . It lets us all know and also reminds us how communism and dictatorships work.........
...is really stupid!

You can call me at the office at any time if you want to discuss this.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: We are people of our planet!
23.07.04 13:41 als Antwort auf trust 7.
:-) he will dare not call you detlef because he already knew that he is not justified with his moves
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: We are people of our planet!
23.07.04 13:48 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Hi Cool Dude,
Who said Indian Programmers are exceptional.? You yourself stated that. They are like other programmers. It is just that they are getting more exposure because of this outsourcing news. Also I don't think the Indian programmers are here running away from poverty or something like that. So many germans immigrate to the US . Is it because Germany is so bad ? It is all just for new and sometimes better opportunities in their respective fields.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: We are people of our planet!
23.07.04 16:36 als Antwort auf trust 7.

That was really cool that you deleted my Cool Dude User from your forum, so I could not login..............


and I will do it again! How many email addresses do you have ?

Why don't you call me?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: We are people of our planet!
23.07.04 16:50 als Antwort auf trust 7.
I am a foreigner from the EU. Since a few weeks I am a German citizen. And I am a member of the union.

If a foreigner was allowed to enter the country he or she has the right to be treated with respect.

But how many foreigners are allowed to enter the country is managed by the rules of the immigration law of one country.

Most of us are workers or employees. We have a wife and children. We need money to live.

No one should be proud for being cheaper than someone else.

No one should be proud to take someone else's job away because of cheapness.

I believe that the German people should be afraid of some of their own managers not afraid of foreigners.

Read and watch what some of the highest german business representatives said in a coverage on TV:


Report Mainz vom 17. Mai 2004

Arbeitslose Fachkräfte - Verschärft das Zuwanderungsgesetz die Misere?

O-Ton, Ludwig Georg Braun, Präsident DIHK:

"Es ist vor allen Dingen ein Problem unter dem Gesichtspunkt des weltweiten Arbeitsmarktes, die besten hierher holen zu können, gegebenenfalls auch zu Lasten eigener Deutscher. Aber das nützt uns nichts. Unsere Produkte müssen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit besitzen."

O-Ton, Dieter Hundt, Präsident BDA:

"Wir werden einen Wettbewerb auf dem Arbeitsmarkt haben, der gegebenenfalls auch einmal zu Lasten deutscher Bewerber geht."

These highest german business representatives want to force immigration even if it should be against german applicants.

This was the reason why politicans decided that Green Card holders must earn at least 50.000,00 €.

The german industry demanded about 70.000 IT-specialists in 2000. But when the government offered 20.000 Green Cards the german industry took only about 16.000. Why? Because the german industry wanted cheap IT-specialists, they never wanted 70.000 IT-specialist for 50.000 €.

And this is also the reason why there is a recruiting stop for qualified personnel in the immigration law.

And this is also the reason why there is a minimum annual salary for high qualified personnel of at the moment approximately 84.000 €.

We all can have no interest to work for an apple and an egg.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: We are people of our planet!
23.07.04 17:14 als Antwort auf trust 7.
Everyone is free nowadays to create his/her own forum on the internet, and it costs nothing. The argument of a forum being free or not, is simply outdated, create your own forum, it's as simple as that. People who want to continue your discussion will go to your forum, and argue there, or perhaps others who share your points of view will come.

Using the argument of dictatorship/democracy is an error for your argument, (we could discuss what makes a democracy for years), but actually most people understand it as the will of the majority, and the majority (at least the outspoken majority) was against your post.

Unfortunately, It doesn't matter if what you write is correct or not, the impression you make and the way you say are equally important, just as companies do not always choose the "best" candidates for a given position, instead using basicly subjective gut feelings, people will react in the same way.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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