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Want to resign: need suggestion

Want to resign: need suggestion
9/04/05 19:06
Hi guys,

I am in germany since 3 years. I am not satisfied with my work situations. After long thought, I have now decided that its too much now. I should resign and have some peace of mind for some time. I am facing lots of depression because of my job. My health is getting effected.

Can anybody of you suggest me how to approach for getting arbeitslosgeld till the time i don't find another job.

Looking forward for your suggestions.

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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
9/04/05 19:26 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
The rules have changed and i think that even if you resign by yourself you get the arbeits losgeld immediately, no need of waiting for 3 months. But one thing is be sure to inform the Arbeitsamt the day you submit ur resignation and not the day when you last work.

Hope that will help you

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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
9/04/05 19:27 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
What are your qualifications and what sort of job you interested in..maybe I might be able to help you.

As far as arbeitslosgeld...No idea.
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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
9/04/05 20:21 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
thats good because, i was afraid that i would not get arbeitslosgeld for three months.

Is it possible to know more about the rules related to this. is there any site or else where i can read more about it. i tried to search on internet but could not get to know if i could get AG after resigning.

i am a software engineer from india, working in microsoft technologies.

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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
9/04/05 23:12 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
You do not get Arbeitloseld if you giv an resign to your Arbeitsgeber.As I know.
I was 3 times arbeitsloos.
Second you have right for Arbetislosgeld if you have work more then 1 year in Germany and the Arbeitsgeber give you 'kundigung'.
You have to take care about you AMS chek (when you are less then 3 years with work or 4 years less with residence in Germany).
Chek and ask Arbeitsamt first and then Ausländerbehörde...couse they can make you a lott of mess.
Also, see the status of your visum. If it is bindet with company name...that can make you a lott of mess.
As I know, it is saying...visum not valid with ending job at firma XYZ.
That I know and want to help you.
Have a luck.
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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
10/04/05 1:42 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
@General Motors
It would be very wise to get Be and maybe 5 years AE Verlängerung.
Otherwise you could easily end up in your home country.
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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
10/04/05 14:34 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
yes, i undersatnd what you want to say but i know that we would get PR if we have skills, otherwise also world is not less of opportunities. but right now i only want some change.

dvd, jackal and other guys, please share some information or links where rule about arbeitslosgeld can be found. point is if i start becomming irregular or start delaying my work, then my company will by itself throw me out. but i want to leave on good note. hence, want to make sure about laws related to arbeitslosgeld in case of resignation. I have been in job since more than 3 years and had never been arbeitslos. i had paid all my social security contribution. now i need help from this contribution.

max, thynks for your suggestion, my visa is not bounded by company name and i have unbefristet arbeitsvertrag. i also dont want to check with authorities, because i know that i will be misleaded. i am sure this forum has lot more information, that i can get from anywhere else.
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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
10/04/05 15:44 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
Hi GM,
ur problem is quite understandable. Why dont u talk to your arbeitsgeber for some unpaid leaves (maybe 2-3 months) in this case u may get sometime to relax and also to decide which way is better for u.
before that u should apply for BE sothat ur GC label is removed.
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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
10/04/05 22:08 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.

Before advising you I would tell you my experience.

I know a GC's wife who worked with the normal Arbeitsberechtigung, which she got by living here as a GC dependent for 2 yrs. Well, she worked with that for 1.5 years and she resigned the job, and she got the Arbeitslosgeld from the first month itself. (NOTE: She was pregnant at that time and she wanted to move to some other city). I dont know if the note i gave you made the Arbeitsamt to pay her from the first month. So, this was a true and real time experience.

Well, for me I also faced the similar problem in my previous job, and what I did was I looked for a new job and then resigned my old one. Why dont you do So ?? I know its easy to advice but this is exactly what I did.

So concluding, I would say in common your arbeitslosgeld will be issued immdtly or later according to the reason you have mentioned, so if yout think the reason why you are leaving is quite reasonable then you wont have any problems, but before always talking with then would be a nice thing because as others said it will also be effected by many other factors like visa and no.of years worked.

But dont forget any action you take please inform the Arbeits amt and go presonally and inform them on the same date. And I wish you a good peace of mind and good future !!

I am sorry there are no links to provide as everything what I said above are real time experiences.

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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
10/04/05 22:12 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
A good Software Engineer organises very well - s/w he devlops, things in his life and any thing in common.

So a TRANSITION should always be smooth, there should be a back up plan, TEST the TRANSITION in a DEVELOPMENT environment and then go to PRODUCTION

So, my dear GM give a good think to ur Proejct MGMT skills and APPLY to ur real life

Jackal once again.
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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
11/04/05 0:20 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
hi jackal,

i liked your writing style. i appreciate your sharing of experiences. u r right, i have a backup plan and this is one of the middleware component that i have to develop. i have no experience of this and so looking for some information. this component is actually a part of multi-tier environment.

when i get more on this, and some other related things, i will post in this forum.

but for now i want to find it out if we can get arbeitslosgeld in case of resignation.

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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
11/04/05 0:21 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
jackal, where r u located, i am in berlin.

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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
11/04/05 12:13 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
Right nw in Stuttgart
But i would suggest you approach the Arbeisamt disguising ur request for someone else and explain them the same senario

good luk.
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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
12/04/05 12:46 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.
You may have made up your mind to throw in the towel in your current job.Have you thought it the other way round ? If it's pressure that is on you.Why can't you be strong;you can't really get peace of mind just like that without demanding/fighting for it especially in this country.Atleast,secure your future before resigning!


How are you enjoying stuttgart ? I'm a GC-Stuttgarter too.

Cheers all!
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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
12/04/05 14:01 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.

Stuttgart is fine and enjoying too. But this life never satisfies..always sarching for something..

Well right now i want info of a nice driving school, i am living in Möhringen
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Re: Want to resign: need suggestion
12/04/05 16:14 en respuesta a Nishant Gupta.

You're right ,this days humans have an insatiable hunger for everything.It's not a premise but a fact!
anyway, I would suggest you do yours in your district/county.
This may give you a quick grasp of Orientation with respect to the areas you have to drive.

My first school was in Stuttgart. It just didnt work for me there so I had to switch to another
school in my district.The atmosphere was different and I got my license in no time.
I recommended the school to a colleague too and his experience was same.

In looking for a school, try to get to know the people.This is quite important too!

Good Luck!
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