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Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC

Hello All.

I have been reading a lot of discussions around Niederlassungserlaubnis. And I have a simple question for the experts/Detlef.

Is Niederlassungserlaubnis possible after 4 years or does one have to wait for completion of 5 years ?

I have a GC for 5 years, without my company's name written on it.

Nitin Malhotra
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
27/01/05 16:56 en respuesta a Striker Me.
Is Niederlassungserlaubnis possible after 4 years or does one have to wait for completion of 5 years ?

You got to wait 5 yrs

I have a GC for 5 years, without my company's name written on it.

That really doesn’t matter for NE

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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
28/01/05 11:49 en respuesta a Striker Me.
we are talking about the extention oF AE if a GC has worked for 4 yrs in DE.

Where and which law talks about the 4 year/ or 3 years thing?
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
28/01/05 13:20 en respuesta a Striker Me.
maybe (I'm not sure) if you are from Turkey you could get it after 4 years because Turkey has special agreements with D

all others need 5 y for NE
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extention of AE after 4 years on GC
28/01/05 13:35 en respuesta a Striker Me.
Dear DVD,

I meant AE not NE.

Extention of AE for GC after 4 years of working...

Where and which law specify this 4 year or 3 years... funda

Thanks Pl.. advice
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
28/01/05 16:47 en respuesta a Striker Me.
you are litle bit lost.
GC does not need AE extension after 4 years because his AE is ussually for 5 years.
but if it was shorter or guy changed company then he can extend his AE as long as he wants and it does not matter if he was 3 or 4 years in D or even 1 day. He can allways extend it because of § 46.2 BeschV.
Only condition is to have a job.
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1/02/05 15:10 en respuesta a Striker Me.

I have read in the "Stuttgarter Zeitung" vom 31.01.2005, that the government wrote a new "Vorschrift", in wich the waiting times for RP begin only in 2005. That means the first Niederlassungserlaubnis would be given only 2010 !!! Whatever you had before. so we would have to wait another 5 Years for the silly niederlassungserlaubnis.

Any infos abou this?
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
1/02/05 15:14 en respuesta a Striker Me.
hey are you kidding?
it can not be true.
or are you trying to get some money for Stutt.Zeitung?
do you expect us to pay half € for one text?
do copy and paste.
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
1/02/05 17:20 en respuesta a Striker Me.
anbenham try to paste few lines where it is stated.
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
5/02/05 23:58 en respuesta a Striker Me.
I am notgathering money for the stuttgarter zeitung. Anyway I have bought the article and here is the important part:
"Von der Theorie zur Praxis

Das neue Zuwanderungsgesetz offenbart schon Schwächen

Weil das neue Zuwanderungsgesetz Behörden großen Ermessensspielraum lässt, kommt nun der Verwaltungspraxis große Bedeutung zu. Manche Passage beim Flüchtlingsschutz lässt sich negativ auslegen, wie die Ausländerrechtstage in Hohenheim gezeigt haben.

Von Christopher Ziedler

Das Innenministerium muss sich auf der Tagung ohnehin einiges anhören. Zum Beispiel, dass es im Alleingang Anwendungshinweise an die Behörden geschickt hat, in denen geregelt sein soll, dass alle für einen Aufenthaltstitel anrechenbaren Wartezeiten erst mit dem Jahr 2005 beginnen. Es könnte somit also erst in fünf Jahren die erste Niederlassungserlaubnis geben. In diesem Punkt wollen die Regierungsfraktionen dem Vernehmen nach nachbessern. Ein weiteres Problem sind die Widerrufe von befristeten Aufenthaltserlaubnissen, die das Nürnberger Bundesamt für Migration derzeit aussprich"

What do you mean now?
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
6/02/05 1:38 en respuesta a Striker Me.
"Das Innenministerium muss sich auf der Tagung ohnehin einiges anhören. Zum Beispiel..."

Ok, It just says Internal Affairs Ministry (Innenministerum) should correct this bulls..t written in the Instructions(Anwendungshinweise) for the Officers.

It is obviously wrong and somehow it is written also in the instructions.(not in the law) in the next meeting of Innenministerium, it will be probably corrected. By the way, officers are not obliged to obey these "Anwendungshinweise". They are kind of advices. Some states(like Bayern) even have their own internal instructions and dont care about the Anwendungshinweise coming from the Innenministerium.

Actually nothing to worry about.


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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
6/02/05 11:52 en respuesta a Striker Me.
If times would be calculated starting 1.1.2005 then it would be easier to get citizenship (8 years of residence) than permanent residence ?

... If sombedoy still wishes to stay in Germany after all.
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
8/02/05 14:54 en respuesta a Striker Me.
you need 7 years for citizenship if you do int. kurs
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis after 4 years on GC
8/02/05 16:23 en respuesta a Striker Me.
Heard : Ab asks to come 2 weeks before visa expires ..for NE ...with ausweis,company vertarg (written should be that the company willin to carry on with u ..) ..lohnsteur papers.before that ..Ab says its not necessary
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