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working in swiss

working in swiss
29/11/05 20:35
Wondering how working at switzerland is different(or comparable) from working at germany. What are the pros and cons at two places? Apart from high cost of living in swiss, what are the other factors to be thought of before making a move.
Would like to hear ur opinions reg. the same.

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Re: working in swiss
30/11/05 15:58 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
you can never get a permanent residence in swiss even if you are there 100 years.

of course there are ways like to marry but normaly if you work in swiss few years then they kick you out for next few years just to be sure that you never reach enough years to stay
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Re: working in swiss
30/11/05 16:43 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
"they kick you out for next few years just to be sure that you never reach enough years to stay" :-D
but I thought it was never possible to stay, as "you can never get a permanent residence in swiss even if you are there 100 years".

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Re: working in swiss
30/11/05 18:48 en respuesta a Hari Hari.

I'll take it for a joke while I'm waiting for my timepiece
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Re: working in swiss
30/11/05 19:16 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
The rule says after 10 years one can get permanent residence for non-eu citizens. But this is good option for those who want to return home after making fast buck (salaries are good) in 3-4 years.

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Re: working in swiss
30/11/05 23:50 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
do you plan to live 200 or 300 years ?
10 years of time is not a small piece in a human's life especially if you live in a country like switzerland. Your 10 years in switzerland possibly equals to 20 years at where you originally come from. You get there quickly old.

Other than that when it comes to talk about discrimination and similar things, it is MUCH worse than here. Tested and confirmed.
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Re: working in swiss
2/12/05 13:51 en respuesta a Hari Hari.

Yes the cost of living in Swiss is high and so are the salaries. At the end there is not MUCH difference between saving in DE and CH.

The people are very very nice and open. English is spoken everywhere You go. CH Economy is doing very well and there is an overall high feeling of security and prosperity. Apart from that it is a very beautiful country, with lakes, mountains etc. My last 4 months were spent working in CH.

For Your comment on making quick bucks: Salaries are high in CH so is cost of living. At the end, there won't be a lot difference between what You can save in DE and CH.


Non-EU national gets CH PR in 8 years. I just spoke to my Turkish colleague who is from Zurich office and has been living there since 4.5 years now.


I am very surprised to hear about Your comments on discrimination in CH and must admit that You are the first person I have ever heard saying that. Swiss people in general are very open minded, warm and helpful. In those 4 months (and in my previous visits) I stayed there, I never ever experienced any kind of discrimination.

I do not argue that there is no discrimination in CH but discrimination exists even in Canada where immmigrants are the majority. Don't expect not to be discriminized anywhere else apart from Your own home.

I met soo many Germans who have moved to CH and have been living there since past couple of years. I asked them why they moved away from their own home to CH. Their answer was : Economics well being in CH, Swiss attitude to make things happen together (thanks to their special voting system on even the smallest issue) and its beautiful landscape. Its worth living there atleast once, even if it is only for few months.
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Re: working in swiss
2/12/05 14:38 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
I am also working in CH for last 14 months and agree with all u mentioned. CH companies are aware of high cost of living and hence it is included in the package.

Reg. PR (non-eu in 5 years)in CH , swiss is voting next year which if passed will be implemented from 2007.

Reg. discrimination I never experienced and good thing is people are open minded and english is spoken every where.

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Re: working in swiss
4/12/05 0:39 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
"you can never get a permanent residence in swiss even if you are there 100 years."

8 years. but you will not get a work permit for those 8 years if you are not an EU-citizen, so it doesn't matter

lol there exist some other possibilities of course. for example those guys from "Fremdenpolizei" surely thought it to be very funny when they told me that i can visit Switzerland without any pass for 8 days if some company will invite me. they of course didn't take into consideration a simple fact that they will never be able to get rid of me, if i tell the officials here that i will have nothing against them if they revoke my german residence permit once i cross the border ...
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Re: working in swiss
4/12/05 1:26 en respuesta a Hari Hari.

Sie wird in der Regel nach 10 Jahren ununterbrochenen Aufenthalts in der Schweiz gewährt, Angehörigen aus EU- und EFTA-Staaten sowie der USA aufgrund von Abkommen nach ordentlichem Aufenthalt von 5 Jahren. Diese Bewilligung unterliegt keinen arbeitsmarktlichen Beschränkungen, und ihre Inhaber sind, abgesehen vom Stimm- und Wahlrecht, den Schweizerinnen und Schweizern praktisch gleichgestellt.


so 10 (ten) years.
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Re: working in swiss
4/12/05 2:19 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
"so 10 (ten) years."

yep you are right, it has changed. and here is why those 8 days were mentioned *lol*:

b) Erwerbstätigkeit ohne Stellenantritt

Begriff: Als Erwerbstätigkeit ohne Stellenantritt gilt die selbständige Erwerbstätigkeit oder die Tätigkeit für einen Arbeitgeber mit Sitz im Ausland. Darunter fallen insbesondere ausländische Dienstleistungserbringende (z. B. Handelsreisende, Warenlieferantinnen und -lieferanten, Monteurinnen und Monteure, Ausstellerinnen und Aussteller), die eine grenzüberschreitende Dienstleistung in der Schweiz erbringen.

Bewilligungspflicht: Bei einer Erwerbstätigkeit ohne Stellenantritt beträgt die Anmeldefrist acht Tage (8-Tage-Regelung). Eine Aufenthaltsbewilligung ist erst dann erforderlich, wenn die Tätigkeit während mehr als 8 Tagen innerhalb eines Zeitraums von neunzig Tagen ausgeübt wird. Die rechtmässig eingereiste ausländische Person darf sich nach richtig erfolgter Anmeldung (ausnahmsweise länger als 8 Tage) bis zum Entscheid über das Gesuch in der Schweiz aufhalten.

that's really stupid, 8 days are enough only when you manufacture something that swiss industry really needs. for freelancer - not a way unless he does what i described above
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Re: working in swiss
5/12/05 10:50 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
I do not know is it possible to get Swiss PR.
I have lots of friends that worked there for ABB with CATIA. They were in big swiss firma and instead of getting PR after some time they were send nach Hause.
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Re: working in swiss
5/12/05 14:12 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
Even the germans dont get PR in swiss, have heard from many quarters.So for non EU, is definitely tougher.But die hard fans of Swiss have the marraige route, LOL ;).
End to end, swiss is not a good option, Austria is much better, low profile but a very good system ( Pay, PR etc etc) for technically qualified people.
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Re: working in swiss
5/12/05 19:30 en respuesta a Hari Hari.

very imp points to remember befor moving to swiss.

1.Health insurance is individual,and when ever you get your medical bill you have to pay 10% of the bill(additionally with your health insurance)
(it is not like as deutschland).company does nt deduct your health insurance money from your salary, employee has to arrange his own medical insurance.(you have to insure for you and for your wife as well, separately).

once i paid 900 chf from my pocket(the bill was 9000 chf).

2.in the beginning ,means in first two years you visa is valid with the particular company only, if you change your company u need to take another
permit.for this you need to check the letter which you get from IMES,BERN)

very very imp to remember is: right now swiss not giving visa on the passport,instead they give you just a id card(visa).

whenever i fly to india i used my german visa,because i was not sure that whether my swiss id card is enough to enter into europe.

and regarding taxes:

company deducts taxes(quellen steur) from ur salary,but you cant get anything back after the steuer erklärung unlike in DE.

as other people said, at the end there will be no difference in saving money,,,,

I feel more comfortable in Germany then swiss or austria....

hope it helps,

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Re: working in swiss
6/12/05 20:30 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
May I suggest reading/buying the book 'Living and Working in Switzerland' by David Hampshire. It's a lovely book for those intending to live and work in CH. It is slightly inclined to the German-speaking part of CH.
Beware of the following things in CH:
1. There is nothing called a free lunch in CH. Once I and my colleagues were invited for a business dinner. To our shock, we had to play Dutch (to those who know this term) when the bill arrived.
2. Don't drive even 5 kmph over the speed-limit. You shall be treated with a hefty fine. Never drive without the Vignette on the windshield.
3. If you frequently cross the border to France/Germany, make sure that you know what's in your bag or car. Else, you will be put to a strict frisk.
4. Renting a house is extremely expensive in CH.
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